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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. 1 he er-ail.es Lxt brlga le l,a- gone to Pan-. The iiijutie'tiiu of secre.-y on the Treaty hx, Hot Jet been rellioVe-d. L.Ls d-nird in etT.cial circles that Co. lector Murj.hy L to be removed. The Ciiri-tlan A-eiation delegate :'r..m L'ulu'.h rep.ris it a hard" place. 'I he Trea y of W'a-hingtoa v,s, rat-iti-d in the Senate by a vote of oil to 1 2 on Wednesday. Secretary Delano is showing Little Kaven and the other Indian chiels, the lions of W a-hington. Amendments offered to the Treaty by'lhurman, Morton and Kelly were voted down by a large majority. An oil train and sixty empty freight cars were burned at Athens, on the .Schenectady railroad, on 'Wednesday. The Methodist tabernacle tent was opened last evening on the corner of Stockton aud Farwell streets, San : Francisco. I Grain, wool, &c., from Australia, and. manufactured articles from Japan, will be on exhibition at the Mechanic's fair at San Francisco. i The corner stone of a monument to the Confederate dead, in Oakwood Cemetery, Kichmond, was laid yesterday yester-day afternoon. There are reasons to believe the Palais ltoyal and other State edifices have been prepared by the Communists for destruction by tire. A tire at I'henix, R. I., on Wednes-. Wednes-. day, destroyed .N. B. Spencer's new I block, the Phenix national bank, two hotels and other buildings, thirteen in all. j J.J. Chapped, a member of Congress Con-gress from Columbia, S. C, and district dis-trict judge from the year 1S12 to 1S15, ,dicd at Montgomery, Ala., on Tuesday. Tues-day. I President Grant will visit Bangor, jMe., ou the 11th of October next, to i participate in the ceremony of opening i the European and North American ; H. E. ; Colfax was too weak to hold conversation conver-sation on Wednesday afternoon. His ' physician reports him as having been liu a very dangerous condition, but the , prospects are that he will recover. I Thiers announced to the Assembly !0n Wednesday that the Hotel de Vibe I was in flames; and declared that the 1 government would punish the perpe- trators of these acts of vandalism with- out mercy. j The report that Samuel Williston, iof Last Hampton, Mass., had offered j halt a million dollars to Amherst Col-j Col-j ledge, on condition that its name be ; changed to Williston Uuniversity, is officially denied. 1 A panic occurred among the lovers of the manly art of self Uefence who had assembled to witness the Collins-hldward Collins-hldward prize light near the Cold ;Spriugs, L. I., on Wednesday. Cause a police-boat boat coming in sight. The Postmaster-General calls attention atten-tion of European correspondents to the fact that steamers of the North German, Lloyd and Bremen lines do not carry any closed mails for the continent, con-tinent, to be landed in Great Britain. The Indian chiefs at Washington visited the Young Men's Christian Association As-sociation in convention there, stated that a belief of the superiority of the white man's medicine is growing among the Indians aud expressed a desire to try its virtues. |