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Show GENERAL. Special SeitHlon of (lie Senate. Washington, 25. Tho Senate met at 1 1 o'clock. Cameron moved to go into executive session, but waived the inolion to allow Sumner to make a personal explanation in reference to a report iu the Washington Chronicle, purporting to give a report of what he did in executive session, and which he staled was a fabrication. The Senate, 21 against 21 tie vote refused to go into executive ses-ion. The Senate, on motion of Wilson, took up his resolution for tho discharge uf White and Ranisdell from custody "Hue li i --'V 'in tbe adjournment of the V eia! session. i 'Handler asked the chairman of the pecal committee whether in their investigation in-vestigation they had ascertained who is (be reporter of the executive session in the Senate. Carpenter replied that it would be ascertained uhat they had done when their report was made. The Senate then went into executive execu-tive session. Roller Exploded Detroit, 25. The boiler of a tug exploded at noon to day at Port Huron. Six men were killed and the tug blown to atoms. Foitcr Convicted. New York, 25. The jry in the Foster case this morning returned a verdict of murder in the first degree, reeommeuding mercy. The prisoner was lemanded until to-morrow to receive re-ceive his sentence. Vote on the Treaty. New York, 25. A special correspondent corres-pondent states that the following is understood un-derstood to be the vote on the ratification ratifi-cation of the treaty : . Ayis Ames, Anthony, Bayard, Boreman, Buckingham, Caldwell, Cameron, Cam-eron, Carpenter, Chandler, Clayton, Cole, Conkling, Cragin, Edmunds, Fenton, Frelinghuysen, Gilbert, Hamilton Ham-ilton (Md.), Hamlin, Harlan. Hill, Hitchcock, Howe, Ke logg, Lewis, Logan, .Morion, Nye, Osborne. Patter--on, Pomeroy, Pool, Pratt, Rimsey. Rice, Robertson, S ,wyer, Schurz, icott, Sherman, Spjncer, Stewart, Stockton, Sumner, Tipton, Trumbull, Wilson, Windom, Wright ; 49 . Nmjs Blair, Casserly, Cnrbett, Davis (Kv.), Davis (W. Va.), Hamilton Hamil-ton (T.-xas), Kelh, Sprague. Sauls-ury, Sauls-ury, Stevenson, Thurman, Vickers, West; 13. Flsli May Retire Vet. The Tribune's special says there is excellent auihority for the statement that Secretary Fish will shortly retire from the cabinet and be appointed a member of the tribunal of arbitration whieh is to meet at Geneva for the settlement of the Alabama claims. Tlie Adams Express Robbery. Cincinnati, 25. Pinkerton,s detectives detect-ives have received all but one thousand dollars of the money stolen from Adams' Express Co's safe in Columbus, Ohio, on the 16th inst. They arrested Theodore Bradley, the late railroad conductor, in Chicago, with $15,000 of the funds. Geo. W. Bradley resides in Columbus, where they went and found S3, 073 buried in his yard. The latter was one of the employes of the Express Co., in the room of the company com-pany when robbed and pretended he had been chloroformed. San Fraiiclsco Items. San Francisco, 25. There was a race at the Pacific Park, yesterday; Defiance distanced all the other horses in the first heat and won the race with ease dine, 2 23. ' A .-tea, n .-I- eighty feet long i3 to be on: mii Clear Lake. The Central Pacific Company is curving on the survey of their pro-pojed pro-pojed short line between Benicia and Sacramento. Two dealers in Milton gold jewelry by chance, to-day, were fined $5 each by Judge Sawyer, for violation of the lottery Jaws. This community is becoming be-coming rigidlv virtuous. There is a strong talk among the Republicans Re-publicans here of wholly repudiating ihe action of the county committee in appointing a delegation to the State and county conventions. Threats are fieely made, that if the committee does not go back on this action, the primaries prima-ries will be called independent of the committee and a set of delegates sent to the conventions, with instructions to insist upon their rights to represent the Republicans of San Francisco. Monetary and Stocks. New York, 25, p. m. Gold dull. Governments dull and steady. Sixes 81, 1TJ; 5-20's. 62, 64 and 65, Hi; new, 67 and 68, 13J; 10-40's, 9. Currencies, 15f. Stocks strong. W. U. T., 59? : Pacific mail. 46g. Well-, Fargo,45; N. Y. C, 100. Erie, 30J. |