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Show INKL.IXGS. Kailways down east convert their old ties into- charcoal, and thus make them yield a handsome revenue. Cincinnati's mania is to build a steamboat that will beat New Orleans time -without using tar and rosin. Xlie Supreme Court of Massachusetts Massachu-setts has denied that a contract made und carried into effect on Sunday cannot can-not bo repudiated by either party. Many of the prisoners captured at and about Orleans are children under ten years old, natives of Alsace, who, speaking both French and German, were found useful as spies. A tavern keeper in Bremen, Austria, had his servant girl arrested for guzzling guz-zling twenty-three bottles of his beer in one evening. Her excuse was, that she had been very hungry. A reputed writer inquires : ''What is there under heaven more humanizing, humaniz-ing, or, if we may use the term, more angelizing, than a fine black eye in a lovely woman?" Two black eyes, is the ready answer. Although the State of New Hampshire Hamp-shire borders on Canada for a diatanco of forty miles there is not a road of any kind across the line. On both sides the region is wild, frequented only by hunters. The Saturday Review says : "The only fact that can be predicted with any degree of confidence, of many youths, is that Providence does not seem to have designed them for anything any-thing in particular." A couple were married at Great Barrington, Mass., on Tuesday, and on Saturday the husband returned the bride to her mother. He said he wasn't in the habit of being kicked out of bed by women, and he wouldn't stand it. She had bitten him, too. A baggage-master on the Central Ohio railroad was recently detected in the act of selling a diamond ring worth 1,600 for $10. He had stolen the jewel from the trunk of a passenger, and had no idea of its real value. The Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Sur-gical Sevieto does not know of any drug which would produce the immediate imme-diate yet temporary insensibility which is popularly supposed to follow the use of drugged liquor, and is of the opinion opin-ion that the talk about liquor having been drugged is only a sort of apology for having been drunk." In London, on the anniversary of the "Soldiers' Battle" of Inkerman, the surviving officers and men of the Grenadier Guards who fought at that battle dined together. The regiment was 4t)0 strong when it went into action, just sixteen years ago, and of that number only thirty remain. A Troy paper published two articles recently, one of which was an obituary notice, and the other a funny anecdote. The heading accidently got changed, and when the paper appeared the editor was horrified to see the obituary notice headed "A Good Joke," while the funny auecdoto was prefixed with the caption, "A 8ad Announcement." |