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Show AT THE MAMMOTH SHOE AND HAT STORE A Large Slocli of Winter CAPS I CAPS ! In Every Style ! And at Every Price ! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP I Now Li your tiuie ! Come on and gut yourself a nice warm CAP ! Don't stand Freezing, but come on 1 They are on Sale at SOUTHEEN M AIL & EXPRESS LINE Carrying tlie U. S. Mail, And "Wells, Fargo Co. Kxpreua. The undersized is now ruuiiius u Daily 1 line of Siases to j PROVO & FILLMORE. j On and aft?r Nov. 15th, 1870, stuges will run on alternate days fur Meadow Valley, Star District and St. George. Connections made with stages for Tintic and Sevier Mines, Sanpete and Arizona. Good Meals and accommodations e.11 aloDg the line. Time to St. George and Meadow Valley Mines, 3 days, 10 hour. HUGH "WHITE, Prop. Office at Wells, Fargo dc Co. C. F. SMITH, General Agent. i-f the tt-Itbrated ST 1 1 O EBA li. S H WAGONS JUST ARRIVED. Embrscius heavy and ligui FARM AND KANYON WAGONS The favorite X X XVX O N D aad other LIGHT SPRIN3 WAGONS. Very desirable for Family use. The dtudefcp-ker Wagons are manufactured ont of tha very best materials by the moit competent mechaBic'a in the country, and are WARRANTED FIRST.CL.ASS. f OR SALE AT CHEAP KATES. JOHN T. CAINiS, Agent, Salt Lake Herald Office. SANDWICH ISLAND SUGAR. Just receiTed. direct from the Laie Plantation, Planta-tion, a tuj-ply oi Raw Sugar, . Put up in Double Sacks, which is now selling cheaper than sucrar wan ever soM in this market, at the 10th Ward CO-OPERATIVE STORE. A Fresh Supply Received Brery Month. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE! The Ut.t Rlld the CllcRpest ! Have Von Tried Theiul ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, C3MP3UD BONESZT Pill' . Home-made and purely vegetable. Twenty-five cents per box Twenty-five PilU. Warranted to give satisfaction. They relieve Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Liver Complaint, Headache. Loss of Appetite and Foul Stomnch, will brak up Cnlas, Fevers. Coughs, and Purify the Blood, loey will Cleanse the Stomach, Renovate the system, and dispel Di.-ease. Are good in nil csc.3 where Physic is needed. Try a box. lou will like them, and never want anv other so-t. lacy are Tonic, Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. OJPTHALMIC BALSAM, Or Eye ISnlm. Valuable in most Diseases of the Eyes. Ke-moves Ke-moves Inflammation, Screngihens the Sight, and H eak or Drooping Lp s, and isgenerally healing and strengthening to the sight, but causes no pain. It is also good for Totter, Kingworin and bad sores. Only Twenty-five Cents per Box. CONKLIN SALVE. - A valuable remedy for Cuts. Bruises, Wounds Sores, Burns, Scalds, and for Weak or Lair.e Back, Side or Breast, and for many other usee. These and other home-made faniilv -medicines are prepared by J. E. JOHNSON, St. George, Trail, And sold at Zion's Co-operative Stores and y othe" agents throughout the Territory Also sold at wholesale or furnished on commission com-mission to responsible agents. If these medicines med-icines are not kept at your stores, ask your merchant to order them at once. H. DIN WO OBEY, FURNITURE DEALER And Ail kinris of IMPORTED FURNITURE Oonsi.antly ou bund at the Sulerooni, EAST TEMPLE ST. Kvcry description of KOME-MADE FURNITURE j At the Factory and Salesroom, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City COFFINS, PLAIN" and OIINAMEA'TAL Always in Stock. Ob Oh lai WILLISTON'S CELEBRATED COMBED SEA 111 SIX coiu SPOOL COTTON. To Arrive. Will be sold wholesale and retail, at Z. C. M. I. TV0 SPOOLS GIVEN AY AY For every one not entirely aatisl'actory BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MAN UFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN" Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO i. nil :uii am iiiixMt srit j;i:t, Hi,.' tlli.dr f.K'i. of H'lc.'lviii . , NEW YORK. READ THIS! SINGER SEWING MACHINE Is a Handsome, Appropriate an'l Useful Present to make a lady at CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR. At out ncivly-ntted up Sale groom, Second Door South of t lie Eag le Km-porlnm, Km-porlnm, between ihe Urng aj ad Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. M. I., will be found a Full Assortment ot these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everyb ody. THE SINGER SEWING- MACHINE NEEDS NO PTJTEING to commend it to tlie public, as ilie following j -HbT SSZZ ESLT Ss show: In 1S50 thebe now celebrated- Machined were firt offered to the public and in the four years succeeding 4, 000 wer sold. Today To-day over that number arc weekl y turned out from the faotory, and yet this ii nmense supply sup-ply is nor equal to the demand. At the end, oi the year 1-S67, upward ot" 2'.0.i3un Machines , were told, and in the then toll owing years, I from S to '70, the number had b een increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were (Opposed of wl t til n t lie preceding twelve months. From the fnreeoins it will be en t Vat d urine ur-ine the la?t throe year-', the sales have occn ; upward of til'.y pr cent more than during the whole of the seventeen prcviuiw- years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a store of years t horoitgl i I rlnl in t lint the SEWING L1A0HINE i. adapted to all kind of-ork, sewing as readily tbo thickest and uiofi .-tubbrn ma-tcriHl ma-tcriHl as the iinc.-t and most delicate tar.rics: with a stiirh, th;U fur evont.-s, pei t'ivtin and durability g uuc(ii:iU-d. Accuid pan in,' each Machine arc printed in.-tructiuii-, o pbin and Lsy of cuinprchen-ston cuinprchen-ston that, altiiouk'U we rccomutud cmtunt-erj cmtunt-erj to take at n-jst one !;. on irum the Up-crator.it Up-crator.it is .Sclduin d iu pur-, ba.-er- -cfinc at a fiance- the .-iuiplieity ( tit Machine and euinplcte-DC ol tuc cun-trucuon. fe'nie oi ihe ADVANTAGES OF THE SINGER MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore lc?a liability to get out oi repair. Bhort, straight neeillo less liable to bend, break or skip the stituh. The shuttle is carried; t'-iction, wear and the ncceeaity of greasing the race are thus avoided. Readiness with which the most ine,xpr-tenced ine,xpr-tenced can adjust the ton.-ion ol tbo thread. Freedom from wear. Aftfr twenty years constant aerviee tht se machines have nover been known to wear out. They are noi.-eledri, rapid and ca.-y in all their movemeuia. AH our machines are adjusted and put in thorouKU running ordu. ,by com potent band, betore delivery. Purchasers thereforo have no trouble, but can successfully operatcwith them at ouco. THE NEW BJTTON-HOLE 1 A O 1-1 L 2s 1 a arc thoroughly practical and will rerform all that we chum for them. The Improved MANUFACTURING MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need cvmiueut. We aUo keep in stock the jYcw M'.duun XoUdass MANUFACTURING MACHINES Our stock of tho Singer Sewing Machines 13 very extensive, uihrunug every vuriciy ot linisii, trom tho plain Machine, mountcl od blu-'k walnut tuble, oiled, to tbo elaborately elabor-ately pearled Maehino, wil n cabinet case and f. ddmg over in tnouled black walnut, rose wo;-d, ormaliognny highly polished. Kvery Machine u lurniWiod with the am e complete lurnituro. imdudiu the new hom-mor hom-mor (sewing all width.-; and feller an-1 biai-dor. biai-dor. We guaruiiko our Muchlncs to do Hemming, all vldtliM Fell In Hcm-slMOiinKI Hcm-slMOiinKI IJraldlngj Magic ltullllng( EiabroldcrliiK (no clinin Mitch) Gathering and Sewing on atamo time, wit h or without a band, on i lie edge or In the center t ordl n gTuck-Ingt gTuck-Ingt iulltliiKl Ti lunntiigi Hiudlng, nil wldthfi mid UIikIm, etc., etc., etc. WE DELIVER MACHINES M'VioW AihUtimiiil. CtKiii: TO M.I. I'AH IS OI'TIIIS ( ITV lu All kiii'ls cil' Scuiii" jMiicliim-lli(iniiif.;hly jMiicliim-lli(iniiif.;hly l!qi;iin:il mi ni ot;ir. TcriMM. Ki-lllfJM ljr IlllJ 31 llUllinlll SIM n OUCHIBBS Two l(ioi i south of thu Mhks Kill- IOI'lllll. H. B, CLAWSON. Supt Z. C. M I. ClothingDepartm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods hi Fall and WINTER SUITS ! OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS .Military Clotliin?, .c. AI..0 a Full Vurioty ol' GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ficnt.V, Ji'licM fiinl Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' iind Buys' 1 1 ATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in Mylrs mid qualities. Vai.isk.i mid ('.nrKT Sacks. Carpets,Matting, Floor Cloths Wall Taper and Decorations, A1wivh nn liimd nn.l Inr hiiIh by tho ynr-1, a lurtco jitruik of '"'"'li "nil KuglUli (9M.li.inn, OnrnkliiN, llrnvrm, Hitm-y In Hi,., llnme IMnile Tweri!., iLu SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! '"Mitleinfln'rf (Jlntli in, or Mtlitury SiiIIh, nunlfl Im (irdcr in ibo ewi'l Style id Vn-diinu 'm tbo rlinrt.nM. n-Mire. KinM-clmn J-'H and Wm linnnibip flimmnlooil. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN' OIIKAT AlllK'IV. II. li. OlAWNON. Sure I Truckee p i SALT LAKE LUMBER i i YARD. I JI:iir-ISIocU South I . V. I iof. i v. i'akk nuns r, .sun. I T. & W.- TAYLOR Have received a new supply of DllY GOODS, consisting of SHEETIN3, BLES.CHED, CAUCO, HICKORY, DEHiMS, FLANNELS, LINSEY3, SHAWLS, ETC., ETC. WHICH THEY HAVK MARKED CHEAPER THAN EVER. Also constantly arriving, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Cooking- Stoves, Etc. Besides their G oods being of the Best Quality, they assure their friends they will bo undersold by none. CALL A3D KXAMINK FOR YOURSELVES WEST SIDE EAST TEilPLE tiTKEET CHRISTMAS AND MEW YEAR 1870. 171 . The Cheapest and Best Place in Salt Lake City to Buy all kinds of FRUITS, CROC ERI ES, CAXOl -vS &c, CIHII.VOIAS IMtESEATS AiI GIFTS iOIl THE HOLIDAYS IS AT TEASPEL & C'S Main Street, where a laree quantity can be found at prices that will GUARANTEE PURCHASES. A ilEliKV CHEISTMAS A"D A HAPPY XEVi" YE All. ANOTHER ARRIVAL of the celebrated BLEES SETVIXG 3IACI1IXE. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS' Embracing over A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SHADES, prep tred for immediate application and requiring no mixing, just received and for sale at the DRUG DEPARTM'NT ' Sxn a Hhl a la 'I'htj ingredients of these Paints are simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with whieli they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, supe-rioiity supe-rioiity of color, an unu!ua!ly smooth and g!osy appearance. le labor reqiired in laying, no trouble of mixing, wiil stand fire or rain, ad djes not crack or peel off with atmospheric chanees, nor chalk off by friction. They are the best, cheapest, mist durable and mo.-t popular Paint.- in u-e. The AVERILL WHITE PAINT Ls a ZINC PAINT, containing t. ead. and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN AND PURCHASE BY THE GALLON. A full line of Foreign. Domestic aad Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. L SI. 15. CJ,AYf. fcupt. I . , ! Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITV AM) COUNTRY MEBiTIVE STORES And the Trade generally. WHOLESAIlTDRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM, I Long Shaw ls, Nubias. Hosiery, j Single Shawls. Hoods, cloves, j Children's Shaw l. Scarfs. ! Flannels. Hlankeis. Counterpanes. .leans. Cassi incrcs. Einstiys. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL. ISoofs Shoes, Rubbers A: Arctics. Glen's, 2?oys and Children's ilats. H. T3. Clawson, Supt. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Inst'n Y7H0LKSALE AND RETAIL GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, i:i.Di:t)(jF. &. clam'son uriLi)i(; Vou can Inid at this Pop:irtmeiu of Z. CM. I. a honor :v LAMPS, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVE:-. MIMi(i TOOLS, J5LVSTLM? VOWDKK Maple and I'ancy -ioiis, i'' And oai Get More for your Money and Orders th. you can ?.t any other House in UUh. II. II. Cl. VHMt. Mll'l |