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Show ilTiest m BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT The PrnssiciiK failing back : oa Amiens. !The Prussians Accused cf I usin Explosive Bullets. j i . j C'liaiizey Reinforced. More Fighting with French Successes. Prussian OCieevs returning' return-ing' Home on Furlongrh. Turkey putting on a Bold Front and preparing for Fighting. Consre-sional Intelligence A Scene in the Senate. General News. FOKEIGX. Madrid, ill. Minister Motet proposes pro-poses to iss'ue Pirty millions colonial bonds, throueh the bank of Havana, bearing eight per cent, interest. An extraordinary credit is to be opened to pay the interest and principal. This failing, an arrangement will be made with the Havana land holders. On promulgation of the proposed law, the extiaordinaiy issues o1' the bunk are to Cease, but the hank may double its cap ital, and its is-ues will be good far Cu-bau Cu-bau taxes. The eoites will pass the measure. New York, Dec, Bordeaux, '11. The Mjiiiknr publishes, a circular, from the interior deprrtment to the prefects, contra lictiiii the rumors of troubles in Paris. 1'ates by balloon to the 17th, thow that the news is favorable There have been 110 ciiu iee-ments iee-ments since the :;rd. The Ujjicinl Jiivvmd of Pans has published a re port of the government on the state of provisions, which is favorable. Preparations Pre-parations are beimr made lor great sorties. The condition of the army of the north, under Faidherbe, is excel lent. Advic?s from Havre show that the Prussian are decidedly retreating towards to-wards Amiens. There has been a number of small engagements, successful success-ful for Fra- ce. The journals el lim that the Prussians use explosive bullets. Advices from Orleans show that the Prussians grossly insulted Duupanlope and also treated the inhabitants inhumanely in-humanely during the short occupation, n Blois they couimitted no excesses. It is officially announced that Gaui-betta Gaui-betta goes to review the army of Lyons. lie has life Bourges. The prelect of the Khone announces that Foue, chief of baitalions of the national guard of Lyons, wa-t shot yesterday yes-terday by a band of wretches, after the semblance of a trial. He adds, they were hired to make troubles by the enemies of France. Gambetta dispatches dis-patches here the following ; Citizens of Lyons, lam shocked at a crime which shall be surely nuni-hed. Lyons 13 iiuiet. Several vessels have arrived in France with arms. It is re ported that the Pru-siaiis uc-ctipy uc-ctipy Tours. Chauzey is at Mans, where he has received munitions, reinforcements and batteries. More partial eneaevineuts have occurred, favorable to the French. The troops are well equipped and continue con-tinue coming. The eavairy an 1 artillery artil-lery raised by Bordeaux are ready to march. Tiochu, having shown to ibc Prussian Prus-sian ollijcrs who were prisoners, umpie provisions and munitions at Paris, sent tlictn back to Versailles. A majority of tne citizens of Bordeaux, Bor-deaux, having re piested tl.e .-uppiv. sion of reactionary journal-, the r.csti-m r.csti-m nr in aiisc-ci' de.-.re them to mat iheni with silent eoiiteujpt. Garibaldi having been olT'Ted a sword of honor by Irate'e, rcfise- to accept until the en 1 of the w n 'ew York, Z2. Late di-patehe-t'rom cr-jii,es state tb re is n) indication indi-cation of a d'-ci-ive enca.r inciit ia Prance until after the l;..i!,jj. Lar.-e numbers, of Prussian others are rem: 11-n: 11-n: home 0:1 lunuiuhs. ;s-.ir in -dinj continues laint'y ai eg the Mrs. but there have boco more casualties from tornitij than trotu 1 :i iets. D,. -patches, fnta ! til.a slj'e li. it the Tu. U is h tV,'t is u:id-T iiiii!ir-d:,,;r order-ior s-.ri :ee. a:, i ex-en-.ve n.ir-. n.ir-. : k e t rcparaii n- hao - :i t: ' t K'-r;. h. !!: A . 1.:. .'. y j r . i ' ., - C((;k ii... 1. s F. X A 1 F. . Y. r.. -! -The T ,0,' Vh ate I. ' ir !a-' :. ..'.!.(: o- '.- ., iei it.: . . - 1 o. ail 1 .-. ! u e i 1 : .:i ' ' 1 ' ' a; 1 1- si::'.- (5 iL'i al -.i: 'n o. 1, ...1 I i..rt. t.-?t r. ; i- i t r ; ; . s .Lie .,: j (U'r rc-ai the r-Euik- ? ouu- r. r -har.g? :te c?r-L:::-:e on foreiga re'.a-:.:ns. re'.a-:.:ns. ar. i cerraniei the au:h.ir::y l:-r :he statenteL. rsa-jn-.-r said he had it r:vn a Set. j-.or ethers lo: in the -a i Le wo-ili c.:auge it. aud "Jae ( nous s sveec:-, car'y but power; ai y ieDvXv-.-J :tj course of jurLDer. lie dec urei :hu: a d-. : u:a:;-.m tze ma-cr::y ma-cr::y cd' :he See:e. owed :o :hc-n--e-Vcs to recog-j ze a committee on tbreigu rela:: ls in harmony wi:li the idmmisrj-ation. The mends of Moron Mor-on s mea-tire inret.d to sit :':0'j; wea-y .'traje to ch-.m-e. ::.: ;.' e vote is taken. hicr car.no: n .w be gu-.-s-c-i a:. Tfanrmnn is ada.rtg l'cm..-a:;o fue. to the tames. Was-hlDgtoo. P?c. --. Casseriy has iust taken the lijor. an 1 is proceeding :o show that the maion-y are ue-:ermined ue-:ermined to prevent any iaquiry not jg-eeable to themx-ives. Casser:y proceeded 10 deliver a general gen-eral resume of the whole controversy, out without proceeding tar. yielded to personal appea.s to ai.ow the vote to oe taken. 1 tie reso'uuou was then passed, ayes 31. nays 9. Tne Senate went into executive session, ses-sion, the only business tran-acted being the reception of the credeuiia.s of Mr. D. T. Jewett, appointed by the Governor Gover-nor of Missouri to tid temporarily the vacancy caused by Drake's resignation. Tne credentials were presented by tchurz. and upon being read, Jewen was (ualiaed and took his seat. a-hmgton. The Senate to-day eonf.ruied the nomination of Kobert C. Schenck. of Ohio, to be hinvoy Fxtra-ordinary Fxtra-ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Great Britain. ! About one o'clock the open session j of the Senate was resumed, aud the Senate, on motion cf Lends, took up ' the H mse bill, reueviug the political disabilities of certain citizens in Virginia. Vir-ginia. Trumbull moved as an amendment the amnesty bill reported la-t session from the select committee on disabilities disabili-ties in the Senate. He took decided ground against any special Iegis'tatton for relieving individuals, and 111 favor of a general bill. After some discussion discus-sion the bill was laid aside without action. A liiessace from the House was received, re-ceived, announcing the death of Hon. Wm. Smith, lute Bopicsetitative from Iowa. Alter a eulogy by Harlan and the adoption of the customary resolutions, the Senate aejourued until Wednesday, Jan. -1th. noist. The House met in committee of the whole, ir-tevcN-oti in the chair, for general gen-eral debate on the President's annual message. The bill regulating the- e of duty on sugar, which passed 1' Sena'e yesterday, yes-terday, was signed by ' - pea.s r and sent to the I'le.-ideiil lur ...s approval. After a speech by Price, of Virginia, Vir-ginia, against amnesty, and by Brooks and Barry in lavur uf il, the House adjourned till the 4th of January, iild.MiUAL. Setialoi-iiil l-licli.,11. Philadelphia. L'2. The return judges have completed counting the votes, and have given the cen ilieaie 10 Decliert. Democratic candidate f u S n itor. No returns were thrown out, and the majority ma-jority is not materially changed from the result as before published. A larce police lore-e was on duly in the n.Mgh-oorhood, n.Mgh-oorhood, but no dilhtuiiy occurred. The ". Irk Wall" Disaster. St. Louis, 21 N'inee thin an 1 thirty deck p:.sscngcis were lo.-t he the sinking sink-ing of the .steamer Sick llii, above A lc.-kburg, on Monday night. Among others, an entire fimily, including a I ridal couple, from Memphis, were lost. Still Franeihrn v, FranoiM.'0. -2, The Frem h r;ii-id s'J2.(i.ni in coin I'm- tin; putriouc land, irum L'hiiMtuias gifts lat even-in?. even-in?. .li'-iitl Jeickon, ul' Trinity county, has in-en arroteti by the 1 "nit ed States Mar.-lj;il, on an inilictujont Ly the prr;j nd jury i r cilkx-iiin: t'hiiie-t Illinois' Illin-ois' i; -v iii violation of" the fifteenth aaKM'imciitj uiul vili be brought here lor trial . Colli IuL--i-iJ'.'F AViU"i) decide., tllC iie-t :i m iijv..' vin.' the title of projrry I' t 'ie etiy d' Sin J)iviro in favr of' the e.ij.', tlu're.'V eonlirmiiiir the j-reH-nt "Wiiers in their ciaitnr-. |