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Show Commercial. Salt Lake Cut, Dee. 2-'. (".oi.ii Buying, 10S; selling, 111. IW.uKMAs.'lt UK.Vl'ISI Coll LiViK (Hi., I'or Consumption, Scrofula, &c. i)v" Cod Liver Oil ia warranted pure X E V FO U X D L A X D 0 1 L. 1 1 has stood the te:t of over twenty years' experience, exper-ience, and can be relied on in every particular. par-ticular. .Manufactured by Hegemax A Co, Chemi-H and Druggist, 'e.v Vurk. and sold by all Drugutd. adr Kkmovld. The Htb, Ward Female Kalief society have removed the ward Cv-operatiTO Store to taeir new build-in?, build-in?, west of the Assembly Kooma. wnere they bava opened with a choice -lock 01 goodi and provisions of all kinds. Call and patronize tncin. adv A Fine Christmas Pp.ksext. The latent novelty, iluaical Albums, at Ed Hums' Cigar Store. adv A House without pictures is like a h'u-e without windows. 1 oiler tho finest lot of Chromos and K:ic;ravings ever seen in Utah, at eastern east-ern priceij. Call and see them at the Pioneor Art Gallery, near the Univer--i'.v. C. li. Savage. adY Matches. The Great 'Western Matches, manufactured by Paul Lech-'enburs Lech-'enburs are equal to any imported and '.arrauted to keep in any climate. Try ihem and be satistied. Sold at the 19th Ward Co-operative store. adv Ti r.KKVs, thu finest and fattest, geese, iliu-ks, chickens, fruit, and other desirables desir-ables for holiday dinners, for gale by M. Cliadd, poulterer and pioneor grcen-jrurtr. grcen-jrurtr. adv Anutiikr " Woodkm-uux Keiiel-i.toy. Keiiel-i.toy. ' Simla Clans was o:it last night with a "wooden-gun.' John McDonald McDon-ald had him arrested, and has him i-liainod up in front of his store, loaded down with toys, pri.e-boies and bags, Ve. Go everybody and 6eo him. adv NViim: Hocpr 3. Bamberger & Ilro. l'ropriotors; first-class family hotel and losUurant, reconstructed under now management, Main streot, Salt Lake City, Utah. Largo and wmII furnished rooms and all iliedelicacicsof tho season at reasonablo charges. A ladies' dining r.K.111 att iched to tho spacious refrosh-inunt refrosh-inunt saloon. ' Hoard and lodgirg S'2.00 p'-r day; by tho week, $ll!,0O; day board W.UO per week. Fresh oysters just received re-ceived and sorved up in every stylo night or day. Freo conveyance to meet all trains. S. Bambkroer & Bko., adv Proprietors. Lapiss', Misbes' and Children's line h.n's, kid, morocco, calf, goat, A;c, Al-'O Al-'O !'or Arctic tlvorslioos and Kubbors, at Dunford & Sons. I' ROC X A M Al'IOS TO TUFT 1'rPLlC I do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, I" the travelling put lie : Parties Tisiting Salt Lake City and going st on tho I'.l'.R.H., will find it 10 their advantage to leave Salt Lake .ity tm the evening train and remain v,'r at Ogdeu that night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rem, and so ho fresh mi- travel at S o'clock a.m.. when the d.iilv express train loaves this depot. At 1 He I'gden llouo wo ort'or as good accommodations ac-commodations as ary hou-G west of tlniaha. Free busses at every train to and from tho depot, adv John Mahox. Proprietor. I uv: fruits are all cleaned at J'stV. - i nppo-ite Salt Lsko Uoufo. I F'oa the best display and the ehuiee-t goods, at the lowest prices, go tu C. W. Davis, Opposite Salt Lake IIou e, also two doors north of Kimball & Lawrence. adv Go for UiM. George Chandler, determined de-termined to continue to please the public pub-lic as he has done heretofore, will keep the choicest meats of every kind, with accommodating salesmen to wait on customers. Try him. Stall No. 2. right hanu, entrance of Meat Market. adv Grist to the Mill. Bring on your grain to the B. V. lower mill, which is now fitted up and turns out a Xo. 1 article ar-ticle of flour giving the largest yield to the bushel. 1 am also prepared to grind buck wheat. adv Charles "Wilkin. Gists' Boots, Shoos, Hats, Clips, and Arctic Ovorslioes, at adv Duuford A: Sons. Do Y0C "WANT to mako a present to a gentlemen? What's belter than a box of choice cigars? Get them at Kd. Harris' Har-ris' Cigar S tore. adv Ik rot' want a Xo. 1 Suit, go to M. Earl, Second South St. adv r KEsii ScrrLr or genuine English Ale, Golden Crown Cigars, Pigs' feet, Lambs' tongues, Ac, 0.0., at Phil. Alargetts', Second South St. adv Lost, in tho centre of thu eu v, a package containing a lady s untinished work. a handkerchief ca-o, underslecvos, thimble, Ac. Tho lindor will bo suitably suita-bly rewarded by leaving thein at the First Xalioiial Lank. adv (Iknis' Caps, ill every stylo, (..love-. I Hats, the latest fashions, and fine calf boots er shoe, al t'no mammoth Slice and Hat Store of Lhmford CV Sons, adv Timi; ami Mom:y saved by buying your fruit alLhtvis', as in addition to selling at the lowest price-, hi- 1'iuits are all cleaned. :ulv See the windows at 1 'avis' IV r choice goods. adv OppOsitO Slit I.HKO ll'.HlH'. Laik' fur-Sound Hood-. .itt ;'..c tiling for sleighing. thoatre-ccT-. Ac. at ihini'ord A :.-. adv To run Pt'1'H.'. Before -p r i.;;:.l. vour 111.. -li. 'v, y 'U a: - i.-i s .1 i.'y :a- I'vilcd 10 eNainl,'-. l-.v.;ce o;' new-goods. new-goods. t..r .-1.10 a: A Barn.:;' : . :J I stand. Ooen and for -r.'.e T. -lav r.'.i. 1 Dec'. '2, 1S70 adv A Fine Ch w e. ' ':'. C. A--.-....--;r. has received, for ;:;e llo ei.iy-. a did assortment of Toy-. .lew-cry. r.n.d other geoos in l::s '.i:;.'. siii'.ae.e :-t t.-e co:l..,.n. la'.l a: his Jeve.iv. Wat.-.. Clock Slid T'V .''.ore, Mat a s.rec. a..'- Tp.y Kii. Uakhis' choice Havana ci-gars ci-gars tr. 1 -oraceo?. A U-j r..-ck of ' Paris is starving, the Pru-ia:.s I -ay. Go'i'ih:'y A Harris, though, keo t'ne G'.ube wci upoiied with me d-iest bread, crackers. cnk-a. pies and pastry: and rnan-i "ac-.u-" the choice-?: quality ': pure candies. Try them. adv Fine Frfh Honey in the comb, delicious and cheap, at H. Wallace's. adv For a stylish pair of Pants go and see M. Edrl. Grocsbeck's Buildings. Second South St. adv Fi'rs ! Furs !! A. Anderson, sign of the Big Glove. 2d Soma street, sells ail kinds of furs, manufactures ladies1 and gents' fancy gioves. robes. Ac. First-class goods and moderate prices. adv ' Important! Don't torget thai Joe j Simmons' Saloon and Keslaitrant, hotel basement, lind South street, is still well supplied wilii Oysters. Pigs' Feet, Calves' Tongues, Sardines, Lager B'er, Teuuaiit s XXX Porter, Barclay A Perkins' Per-kins' London Stout, Sheptun jiailet Pale Ale. Brewer, Bemas A Co.'s Omaha Ale, J. C Partridge's Golden Crown Cigars and Fine Cut Tobacco. Great specialty at this Saloon is Fresh Clysters, large, fat aud luscious, served up in every style. A supply just re-( re-( ceived. : Tnis is the place, lo get a subslaiuial Lunch any hour of the day, aud at very ! cheap rates. adv HOTKL. 1IIRIVALS. ; December SALT LAKE HOUSE. W X Marshall, Ogdeu; O Evans, San Fran ; T C Kenyon and J McDer-mitt, McDer-mitt, C Pii Pi ; WmClayes, Bingham; ED Pratt, East Ounon; Chas Spencer. TOWNSEND HOUSE. John S Garland, San Frau ; Ellsworth Ells-worth Daggett, Bingham. OMAHA HOUSE. Hour'. ?2Co per day. Free Omnibu- from Kail road D.?i-ot. I John Hart, Xewark. O ; X P Lake, Tiniie ; Wm Evans, Thos Smith and Win I Tea-well, East Canon ; M V Wasson and S 31 Zeiglcr, Montana; K Kyland, Eureka, Xev'; W 11 Asliton and N S Hoffman, Cottonwood : Benj St Cyr. Helena, Montana; C W Sto-p-T, Hamilton, Xev ; A D Heaton, Samuel Buck, Smith Dixon and 11 11 Murra. liniitham C.'iion; Kobt Ireland, Ire-land, W J Fnsbie aud Kiehard Burk, Nevada. HEW ADYEittBENTS. NOKTrlVrESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. IMIX 11. VsN'DYKR. Vic-Mont. HKIlL'R -M t I'll. - Visc-Prc-i leui. Al'ti. r.AYL"K. S.'crelarj . Home Oltice. Ill na.1-.va y. cor. of V ts-cortbtu ts-cortbtu sit., .Hilwduket, is. Dr. !s. Is. WALLIHAN. i.eneral Atent Reel.y Mi.untain L)i-tri 1 Col tirade, (Vvoiuing. full and Nei Menoo. PETER G. FERGUSON, Atent for Utah. OflU-e in Hooper. Kldredge &, Co.'s n k , TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OK II VKTKOHO, tOSF.CTKl T, Insure ..; i;n-: A.vid...;t e;.i;-ir.g D.-e.:h t..t.ly lli-nleirg Iniary PETERG. FERGUSON, AofcM. 1 1 til . e ;,: lie e... r, '.arceije et Co.'s Bin.,. .moi..i:i; hid - i.iM.n oil. i. . . :he f i' o .... ' ; .. -.-. . t. . ..- 1 :-L.-..l-a Ir.:err..'.:: T.xlr . "V ',-i;.-:-;i Lv'.n'n ''-I n : F. -!.-.:-: 1;,.'. i ; ( K..v: v.- tr.f j 7-'- , . ,; . K . r: - ! ' .': ' ... ' ' '- . H. ehlcOtliu 4. C.. wVotk, C. THIRKHILL. F'KACTILAL Mcivliunf Tailor, riiii sopni sTKLPi. A frw doon East of Poll OIHf;e. FilENCH. ENGLISU XSD C'Al.I-K( C'Al.I-K( 'HM.i CASSIMKKES, W I T F. II . O D K T t. CI!Y LiQ Jar o i UHE, lc unci Klil. i.lti'i'"h- AM) YI.K. , U K O K K ? U -m Hi I I. IH O S . k. h t 1 mj.lt m i i . ! TRUNKS, VALIiES.i.Ci'J. t ' lo t li i Ml;' I . - n 1- HW n t . F-l.l. H(- " ll'I'LI. i:ilK. A m.I (.... 1 l l-n. kli.c ( - s. f. jt. CLAV.'F.O.s', rl.PT. jS. C. M. I. :B00T AND SHOE Dcpartuieut, A: :': S-;a ti -Ac "BIG- BOOT" i I Ca'.'. and lia:n:r.e cur choice Stofi of H0ME-IV1 ADE ! Aud Imported BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' and Gentienit-n's S'ippers in great variety, suitable for Holiday Frcieuls. Hoots snd Shoes for La-iies, Genle-nien Genle-nien and Children MADK TO OKDKK aaslaouoD guaranreevl. Repairing and Promptly aitauitd to. Ltaihrr. Includlug French And German Ger-man l. if f-k.ii. Ur( .'. orwro, a great varleiy of Co ortd Miiii, and all kldi ol L'pper, ole aud HarntMi Lfaibrn Uo a full iutk of shoe t ludlun, Cou cord aud Stajjo hri 4. ollai . I1IDL IJOUGI1T. Call and eeyour old friend Crompton S'Ceral rir$t-ehi.$s &o-t and Shot Jlakcrs icanttd. H. B. CLAWSON Sup;. Jlore of tlc AVar! ; IX PEACE PHKPAKK FOR WAR 1 I '. Get your Guu-. riflolp, Bulletp. Mit, Fishing Fish-ing Tackle, an 1 everythitifr neceiinry lor defence or fur port. Also. Saddle, Bridles V,"liie. Srurc, Ac, fur raciiic or ridinK, from JAMES II At; IE, tiKn of the Iiig Oun. Em.i Temple itreet. THE SALT LAKE IS ALT LAKE i SALT LAKE SEMI-WEEKLY II EH ALU SEMl-WEi- KEY HKKALT) SK.MI-WKKKI.Y HEH LH SEMI-WEEKLY IJEHALD THE LARGEST THE LAIWEST THE L HC ESI' '111E LAHGEsT THE hest and cheapest best am) cheapest i;est,m) cheapest best and cheapest family papei! family papei! family pa pet! family paper I'l ItUsiiF.ri IN THE ROCKY MUCNTAINS ROCKY Mo EN TAINS RO.KY MOUNTAINS TWENTY-FO' K ('( iLt'MN'S TVENTY-K)C"R COLI'MNS TWENTY FOLK COLUMNS TWtNTY-FOEll COLUMNS ; (iKTHE CHOICEST HEADING CHOICEST REAUINT; CHOICEST KEA HINT; CHOICEST READING CHOK'EST EEADEVG CHOICEST REAPING ON AU TOPICS OF ENTER EST ami a ikiai AHirrr t .-TI.F'TEl) MA'ITKK, j -EU.aEI) MAT1EK, 1 I I 11 E MuT I'E-!!!.MI,E 'I HE H j.- J M.-IRABI.E rMM,Y J'H'I'.NAL FAMILY Jul 'j'.NAL AUTEEM I' RM'ORl. ! Al l iil.N'I 1'' l.iA Oj'.Ii - i ( i : lijs n;;v. j MJ.l.x-NI KE-TOii Y. - ' LIT: RATES : 1 o,,i;... in, 1 -P. ".2 .1 i.- '1 m 1 ':- - :iioi,:l.. 1 , lie ..h. ... i.r -j ,n .lie .i-.r, -.1 Uiolilh- J , If i : 1 I (-'.,, il.rfa rrt'.jitl.- ... 'i ri EASTERN TRADE. ! Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELS &. CD., Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard amd WOOL U1L. Des.t-i5 i n Hfb.iih' C r V r. , " V h & 1 a, PRATT." ASTRAL. OIL. Agentf cf ib Tj-f.r.. Oil OJ L.ad C. EX ELS ICR CtR R-jO- AN' !"N PMM F.v 7.z iZ R. :V Er.. T JLr, Ac. Fi:t-r. CHICAGO. I'ffce. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & RtlD WHOLHSALK DKUGG 1STS PAINTS, VARN.SHIf, OILS, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, Window Glass, Glassware, Patent Mtxlicinc, &o.. c 90, P A. 01 Lake St., cor. Dearborn, Wjih a Isrce cxpori' noe in the Territ.-risl trade, we r el .,re oi' cu t. r i-an.-ta.'t.oa ) MARKLEY, ALLING CO,, Importer mid Jobhirs iu Hardware ; Cutlery 31 Lake ttret, CHICAGO, . u L I. It. MM IT K UK, MERCHANT TAILOR. No. 517 Olive Mrrfi, ST. LOll!. CDdr ClothuiK U over tin Wlm u.i sivt entire 5ntotuB. A No. 1 eiblicniei.t. CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 31 onth Water St.. CHICAGO, lle.uluaner? K-r Oils, Paints, Glass, Ac, .Manurclur( if ol li.p roi, 1-niUil WILSON OIL TANK LEATHtR AND FINDINGS, 3U LakeMr-et, S2r! C31Cif.fl.Ci "A Repository of Fashion. Plcuoin and Instruction. " Harper's Bazar. A f?lllp fllPtll O-.HlH h'lltf hll'l t'lnllA full- tiAi t'i Lt ; lie -l ufiui .if niti. ik-i1,. mi m mi' lh in imt ev. ry 1 m tu in . M-rp.'iV lt.r' c niftin 1 f-i'io pnff. f l he Mzt o 1 1 nr I't-r ' '.'K i . pt i m it - u -t'tti Tiim cuict Jvi fl I'HjitT, uiiu I- I'Ui-IicimJ wtekly. iNoilrrtt of the 1'rti. I Hnrper's HuT;ir foo'ii.:, Iiende piV t ur'i ' p:i 1 1 ri iif. , h n I iw( v o in it i t f i i t .it i.. I u-chikI iitTvit l'i III-- 'n -.d ; -iti u- it ll'.. lid. hikI u- ui m 'pitnt in -II M bfHai'lics; n fiU-iiiHi in. it ' l 'lv Mlini'P'l lO tde CI'CIC H l ll.l Lil-'il ). P'f I HlJi lU'.Cl ; KliJ It lll- l.; .l 1 1 I I rii i tt'.il i ii Vi m i y ni.tt n r 'l itiv ii 1 . in 'i iurir ciu( lii.it 1 hi' jmiriiH I, w.lli tu li h'.t-t h'.t-t uree. lit- ic v nt h nmn i nut- u .i mi -ii.en nii'fi-'; -.r n"n.- hnn( u- hin t .! IP i M I th 'II- llnl- ) l..lll l'i", li . It-pulllllMI. It-pulllllMI. Inn r (Ml. '1 til.- Hi- 1 'I I,. ..uiirf hiij. uhn i.iu 'i Hinti in.iii'n'i .! lliiHir' li .Fur i" rm.Jc a mj ril( li III.'. N V r-ni.l.K I'- ' 'I he H,i?..r 1 f-r, iu tit Lib nil O.o p. 11-aiIhhip 11-aiIhhip win- b the 1Ui.i mM th. x m n IUUKI UllMll) Wt-JI -i I 1 1 I I , H 1 1 I I. Vi iIH'" l If i r .r w li 'in 11 1 nil i-it'lsl - t i.r n,. I. cm t (i..iif liH f f 111 ni'i;i(i' In 111 1 1 i-. -i mi n..i t'tit 1 mill l.y il (i 1 t.-iix nnJ im m h icli , wo ti n c n . i..m hi , nr'" t u ilb v in u v 1 1. T4iy in 11 y huim lj..p-i-r il.un iin mi. hair lii'fii bf'.i llity h.v . I..HIKV .'t..ti ill pf TK'I tiit'l lii.iiM't) 'l uii-t -m. .,.n l-r-lllV.ll 1rHJl tlllK tM( U-tlUIf I 1114-lllilf ili? Nmi'iii V, Ml II M( H p I IOMI-..I 71 T r in 11 1 Hrpfr'i l';i:ir, fjn' y ;tt, l.ij'i An eilrn p'.j.y .f nlhir lU K ;. i - r.r, W eenly -r llnimr I .p. i.t. I- , fTry lliiN'ii iinii.-'fi'.i-r -l" t-'1., 111 fit r nut if i' ' . "i rn 1 -ri' - I 1 ( ". M 1 1 h"ll I I t u r V Mil.-' r 1 1 H . 1 1 r r " ' M uy n,.., coV'v MT.'J llMUHT. 1.. i.Uf ( lr- ., '.I.- ..-. i'. i' 'ir, t1' ( Hnrp'T Cl I'.'it' .. lo "W fif.U .,t ,.nr .r. V '-). ',' k HiJ if '' " ri t,c mi 1 u 11 t t inn V i I. J I h r, Ml .,( tlH, , , I I Ific 1 iMtiti) lif.ii'.'l ill lft$ . n tii-ir"''.'- !'.! b. will ti t Uy 1 t t 1 - . if V'-1 rr-r-Hi'i, f'.r ''1 n. j '.e o Ji r pf i !:, . --i nit k r, ti r t. n, u -l .(, p- , i t m tu 1 . hf r' p ! 'At " e A l i BATHS, BATHS ! 1 Witrin Spring Baths ! Prl ii'l V I tin . T." 1 ' - n i" it (.ii.it ki l : I k r.- 1 U.-i I' U ... v,..mi.. 'iinun ' 11. pt .ki. m, i.r. .,., (,.,. ...... ii I... i,...'l I'luni't Hml,,n .. I,. H, 4 '..ir,..ii..i, irtt,,. 11, AKN.ll.ll. H. WALLACE, MAMTVI IT.KH I'l PUR i 'l CANDIES SURPRISE BOXES j i'or-co . . i-ivofc 1 i. - i w : 11 OH .l...., Ll..'i., M I., I I .. I ...Ml Kill!.-, h ....K KI 1 I ll'JL.l ..A kU 1. ii.K i C3;LLin,nUl, P,.!,, PA.h.r, j H J |