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Show Arrival and Closing of Mails. ARRIVALS. al-lD4j uiJ, daily, 7:&0pJB. Local Ocn, K-:bo Cily, Waatcli nd Murg&a couiiit, daily, tnmmil and Wuwh countiea, Eriday, at 7:i0 " i -- Thronu mail, daily, 10:30 a.m. Weit Jorduo aud Herhmsn, Ttiun-day, , , , 7:uup.m. T,wl,. .aoty, Tuedy, Thursday and ataraay, 7:00 pja. GraiiUruie, Saturday, i Sor1Idaho, M&ntana, Otsjgd and Wub- ingtoD Territory, dady, lO-3-J a.Bt. Local iavi and box Hldr eounUe. daily, lU-.3Ua.rn. Cache euuntr, Monday and Than. Kicii county, Tbursday, south Fillmore, and all intermediate efficM, daily, icpt dunday, p.m. 8t Oeorgeand Anxoaa, Tuesday, Than day and Saturday, H P-- ftuipeia county, Tuesday and Batnr- Fairfield and Cedar Valley, Friday ,11:00 pjn. CL09IN0. MaM Turugb muiJ, daily, 9 p.m. Local J fid n. Morgaa eouiity, Echo City aud Wanatcb, daily, 9 " Bumzait and Wtv-aloh couatlee, Thursday, Thurs-day, 9 " Weft CU krnia and Kevaaa, Through mall, daily, 1: " LocaJ Weat Jordan and Hemman, Thtutdaj, 6:30 a.m. Touele, Stockton and OranUTille, Man-day, Man-day, Wednesday and Friday, 6:30 " North Idaho, Montana, Washington and Orr'.a, daily, 1:30 p.m. yjaL Iavi and Wber counties, daily, &:U0 " &jX Kldcr cynnty. diiily. l:-0 Cacia county, Wt-dntoday and Batur- day, ;; Rich coanty, Wednesday, l:oU ioyth Fdlmore, and all intermedial office, daily, except Suuday, 7:- i 8t.Uoorre"-d Armna, Monday Wednes day and Friday, :30 feujl-uj county, Monday k PndAy, .:30 Fnirneld and Cedar V'y, Wednfcly, 7:30 H 0FFICK HOURS, (ieneral DalWery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. auday, 'l to 1 p.m. Money Order and Registry Department open r.iin a tun. to 4 p.m. GuWide door open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. M. iiOOBE, Poetnuuiter. hMt fifflco. Salt Lake City. Uth. MEDICAL. K. I). U ENEDIC T, SURGEON AND PHYslCIAN. 'nice at Eoiil'ince, rear of Seventiea Hall. V. V. ANDEUSOA, M. I)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, 'mo at lteHidt-iict', in the Thirteenth Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND DKUGGLST, UltlOIIAM CITY, UTAH. T LEGAL M. Kirkputrkk. 8. A. Mann KISKPATR1CK &. MANN, AUonioyn-ut-Ltiw, Ofpick Fibbt South St., Fourth door oat of Howper, Eldrodge A Co. 'a Bunk. SNOW. E. V. II0QJ5. SXOW c IIOGE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Ijiko City, Utah. OlKco at Suow'd oi ner, 1st East St. HOTELS. Sail Lsikc House, EA8T TKMPLK HTRF.F.T, SALT LAKK CITY. TILDEN iL UWHEIICK, Frop'Ti. BANKERS. FIRST NATIOIVAL J5AJVK OV UTA.1J. Salt Luko City, Utah Tor. ". H. Ifux p.!. H. K. EMrxlee. 1.. .". Hill" llooptr, Elilrttlse A- Co., BANKERS. Kast Tf..mi'1.k St., Salt Lake Citv, Ptvilers In toUl Pust, Coin, Kxi'liango, Land Warrants, Kto. L'"Hcuon! nude .uil piuuiptlr ii oinl' l. CORRESPONDENTS: Ki--i i, Co., New Yoik ; H nk ol (hlornm, Phu r inn. iM'.t; t'iMt NmMou1 Bnk, t'lnt-n,;.. ; tx-liftnue tx-liftnue Hulk, St. Lm ; I'n-t Nntioiinl Il.ink. f'iMliH ; J. tf. Mt-u A. Co., Lvftidou. BAUT LAKW i:v( uvm;k ami ki:adi(; rooms K.HNt Trm plti Strrrt nrnr Third South Mrt-et Tho Kivn tir now ojn lor tlif ot MomN rf tli.-ir Khmi.U, and Uk (orrtary dl W m Uily mt.TT;,ii e t onioll llir narawt ol pT'.Mi-'"u pT'.Mi-'"u nl iHHvmnii; Mcml'vi aud rwfnt Entrauor and tutwi iplum-. SAKKKN HUS5F.V. rrwident. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 40 1 nml '40ft California St., n KrmcUco, - . Cnllfornla. IVirtifutur Hitentii'n paid o the tiltine of -rdorsi lor every dc-'onpUon ol morchlidue, Snlr or Orr, .., dtc. XVEX-Xj digging. WILLIAM F. CALTON, pxrKuiKNcr.n well-piohfu. . . n r l j ihwk we-t .md two .vuth of Uth Ward h li.iol-hou,-o. wi.l dn: ollt to ordor nu the -h -rti'st n'Uiroand in ats la.-iory siylo. COAL! COAL! Cii L in nny .;. -iioi tjUiUUity. l- r ..lo at J iho l . Djpvjt. or uolivorc-l in any p;irt "t the c'llv. '.'rdors can bo left nt ihoCo-opiTattro Drue i.;'. ro, nr ot H. Kirkwod'5, cpi-osito Irrtli Hou:e, C KdHft K CRISMON, CALIFORNIA TRADE. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO.. Importers and Jobber; of ail the varieties1 of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. Which we offer for sale to the t ad? in T;ah. at low rn'es in excba.D?e for NATIONAL CIKRENCV "each down" or approved credit. 311 Clay Street, Fan Francisco, - - California W1LMERD1N3 & KELL033, Importers and Jobber.3 of Wines and Liquors; 214 fe 210 FRONT STREET, SAX FRANCISCO. Jtune. Siinmnce, John Spruance, C. C. CutipiaAn. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importtrs and Wholesale L'c.ilt-rs Lii WINES A NO LIQUORS, 415 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. IIS&TO, EQSTETTEH k 11 Importers and J obberc uf FORKIOX AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Essential Oils, Gums, Hoots, Seed, Klowert Sponges, Skins, Pomades, &c, And all other Staples connected with the Wholwaleand Retail Irug Business. ConstHntly in recciut, by direct Import;iti'jn, of Kuroiean and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. IIostetter'B Bittern Drake's Plantation liitt'-r?, 'olf'B Scheidani Schnapii, Xe well's Pulmonary Syrup, And all the leading Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. Nos. 53U and 531 Market Street, I Betvroen First and Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 211 & 216 BATTERY STREET, BAN FRANCISCO, Oiler to the trade of Salt Lako and vitiuity LKATIIFH, .r all kinds, HAKXENS, CLIK)IIMA DOI.KS COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general asortuiont of SADDLERY GOODS AT NfW YOtK PRICES. Send lor Catalogues and Price?. EINSTEIN BROS, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Wo would especially cull tho attention of the Trade to our CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS I Which in point of style, fit and durability are equal to the best custom made goods. WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. 31TCKS8I1RS TO Cuueron.Whiltior A Co. and FullerJclUaUier I U PORTKR3 AND D RALE KS IX PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS. SOLK AOKXTS r'nK FRENCH AND BELGIAN PLATE GLASS CQS 21 i 2:! FUONT STREET. Cor. Pino Street. SAX KUANC ISCO, C. ADOLPHE LOW & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.. Import crs ot TEAS, COFFEES Npii'CN. and nil EAST INDIA rKODTCJi Ot which they keep ?tek .'"n.-l.mtly on h.md tor sale to the ,j o n li I r iv n a mi. ALSO At) t:TS KR U. liil de X H.rmoiij 'i, of Call $ II K It III F.S, Unrlle.t W111TK LEIUCO'll'AM of rw York, PRAT T-S ' O - K PLOSI V K ASTRAL. OIL. Jamw OtU. xv- A. M.iron.iray. F. W. Maeondrar. MACONDRAY & Co., SHIfPIJG Si C0MMISSI05 jiv.iii ii.i.v i. IMPORTERS OF UN.N NJ JAPAN TEAS And all deeri-ti. ns , ; EAST 1 N I 1 A 1' K O D C C E. SAX FRANCISCO, - C M.. a. .j. (iKirriTii, SALMON AND HER3INGS, 1-43 AVnslilngten St ver . . rj,!opvi.. SAN ffUNCiSCO. .Ml k cJi rf rr:.-.l. M... l-.l .! r. V '. r.'h ccu'lAnily hsv. . DBSEHET OEM JOYELTY IIS, Jordan Street, Uth Ward, Hftll-a-bl-n'k wc-t nf the Tn'-ernaclc, SALT LAKE CITY, Having the lau-.-t improved Maeiiim-rv frr working in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can ni.inuiM.. ture all khui- ( f rtlathlnibtii' Tool, Turning Lathe, Kan Dinners, (Vcnr Cutting ml Bolt Screwing Machines, hetie Vat, CMton, Woolen and GrUI Machinery, Etc, Ktc. Eti. OUR FOUNDRY JIaf . j: i re.-ent, be- n the Mof Suet'."? . in th'- 7-rritori, nd we can turn out 'U'tiDfe :rc.ai the thin-cr. thin-cr. c-1 a Move Flate up t ) dj-;,t( one? fur Smelt inf and Crushing Works, at Low r Igurt;. tVehave an A No I Model Maker, And oricr- in t r. h r ! rr. " c u.iran ice "I r-Se Ali kinds of Old Iron Bought. A few more Sh in- of th Capital Stock can be had on app te..;; .n to WILLIAM ri'LLER. fe-r--r. DIEBOLD &l KIENZLE, CELEBRATED CINCINNATI ; :?.r. a;.j ; i n ,L in-. ; SAFE S , a . ; ... , . - .:. rr.ATT a t." --i Ae 11. B. t LAW SON. Sain. Z. ( . M. I., A&cnt lor llh 1 rriliory. H. T. HELMBOLD'S preSutms 'WigQlT Concentrated' COMPOOO FLV1D EXTRACT ETry tC HIT ttt i pj-?::ive a-d pec:fdc rezedt fr ii?esst5 o: ;ne B.aJ ifr, K cnuy-. ',irsvei L"ropi.al jwe iip. Tbi medi ine increase? the powers of di-e-Ui'E, aid excUt's ihe aDvirbfCiEio 3eaaar at'iivn. oy which the uiater ol ral-.ar ral-.ar on Liepurui.'n-, ar.d ai. unna'.-ira en-lai-ptruenti are redi-eed. a wei( s pdiu aud .crhtmin Liuii, and is good K-r nieu, worn en .-nd cnudreri. H H. T.H 3 ID'S ;X'R;:T 3TKJ For weakne.-s ari-inp fro.n ces-.es. habiti of Ji-iipMiion. early inai-cretion, n' tenaea wuh ;he following tyLQpt-in : fndipositio.i to Lxcrtkn, Ls.- of P-wer. jiccuiij" vl Br-jmuiL. L - vf Memory, Hurp-r ot bioase, N" akefa . Dec, iJiujnes.- ot 'iio2. P an in tne back, FlUs-h'.n? of the Bo iv. Hot lu'nif. Erup-ifC- of tne Fce, e:ik. S rve, Urvnesp of tae -kin, Tremo.iug, Pa'lid Countenance, La-silude, i Ui" the Aiu?cu':ir by;;em. j These symptom7, 'f allowed to l-o on. ' i' mi icq t n i - medicine in va riaoly remove- oon toll k amity, tpiU-puc Pus, ic , in one of ttqico tno p.-tient may eip.re. Who can ..iv ihey ure not frequently followed fol-lowed oy inure "direful disease-"."' Insanity and Consumption! & Mauv areuwareof tbecauseot thetr?ufier- rig, but bune will c-nf s-1. Ine records ot the in?ane H'yluius and the m-lancholy death- by conumpiiou bear ample witness to the truth ol the assertion. The Constitution, once a'jected by organic weukne;?, reijuire. the aid of medicine to -.irenthen ati i invigorate ihe system, which II. T. UtlLM liliLL)'.-- EX LK C uF BL CriL invariablv doe. A trial will convince the Ujost sceptical. .... I 'i manv a flection? peculiar to 1 emales.tne EXTRACT BLCHU is unequal I by any i.tbt-r reo-edy. am1 fur nil complaints incident ro the sex. or in tho DECLl.XK OH CIIAM'E OF LIFE, HE SYMPTOMS AliUVt. No Familv should be without it. T;ikc no BalFau., Mercury, or unpleasant medicine for unpleasant and dangerous dis- 11. T. llelmbold'a Extract of Bucliu IMPROVED ROSC WASH Cures Secret li?ease" in a.: 'heir Ft.ies at little expni-e. Itti Ie or no c.i.i.ise ul diet, do .neon v eiucMic. an-i no espoburo. Use Helmbold;s Extract Buchu For all aftv i-i'i1 ami d i-en:-'.- of t h 0- nrean? wtieib'Txlstliis in ?I u le or t'v innlc, .roin whatever cause oriina'nit. an n' matte: h -w long sianding. 1'isvii es ufthesc organ! require the aid o. a diuretic. H. T. Ileluibold's Eilrnct of Bucliu IS THE GREAT DllRETIC. And it ifa certain to Have the desircl i1 fleet in all diseases for which it ii rec immeudud. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! H. h Xj IVI U OLD' a Highly ConcGiiti'ittod Compound Fluid Extract SarsaparLUa, For purifyine the Blond, removing Ml chronic chro-nic constitutional dis--asei- nrising tr.nu an irnpnre ftate of the Hloo.i, ami ine only renable and eTeLtunl known rerne.iy f.iriho iMir- oi S(.-rnlul:i. -oaM Mead, -tail Hheuin, I' iius and "Sw, llingi- of the Ii , I K-era-tin-is of t he I hroat and Leg-, Hl-n.-he--. Pimples Pim-ples on the Face. Tetter. Erysipelas, and all scaly Eruptions of the skin. And Bt-ant I fy I n g the C o in p 1 e 1 1 o n . Two table-ponnsful of the Extra'! f .ar--aparilla nd-l-d t" a p ut "1 water i- t-qu to me Lisbon L'iet linnk, and one bottleiul ii fuil v equal to a g.illon ol i he ru j of Sar -f. -iarilU. or the deeoftion as u.-uaily nude. 11. T. HELMBOLD'S KOiK AV A S II . An ( x-'-ll'-ii t 1 o, inn pr diea ari-in p fro-n iMnitJ nf di--.p:iti"n. u-cl in fnnne-:i"ti fnnne-:i"ti wi i h itie Kxt rift? Jiuchu and ara pa-" pa-" l la , in s u'-h d -' iico a r"" ni tnf nJ fi E .M-'ri'-c o ihe lU"-I re- p'-n-ihle ind r-' laole haraoicr will a-; 'ni pa v ilio luf I fin f". Also explicit dirc-u-ii.t t-r u-c, with Hf-nl.KiiS Hf-nl.KiiS oi" T ii or N iM liviriL witnf.-r.fs, nni lil'W.ird.- .-t ". "i uii-o iicitc I f-er'-fi'- f- and ri-comtiM-ndiiiory I fit ts. uj tny f wh i h h r-from r-from lie h n:'!'.''! ,-"ureJ, i ri''Ui'l i ng em l ri r tit l'h simians, Clergyuun S: it men. V". The I'r"' 'ri'-t'T ha- never ro-ori ed to t !im r pu bi i -"attun m the n f pa t er ; h 'bes n''t d" ; h ,s. tr'nn ' 'i e f.ft t hat his artflcs rank h ,-!.uid;ird Hp pa ru ti'n and d'j heed to Ijt pr'.pO'-d Up tiV crt : tl ' c. he :i ir-e "f M-i.ciuo. Lko the D'-nc (" i ' i tn n . -..olid f'hU'I MT.p.f.. pur, loi'n tr . ti ing r ,,r; p.- 1 1 - o-ir. I ui .if-tt-.n ior it; j.uiar, and Iruth al"ne Pr it? Capitul. L M y Li' : iu l pat i.i U a B.f", i I'uri- e:: i . tr, L.t,.-; 1, . j u a i.urtiic, r.ci 1 ; -.: h are prp i r-.i .n pu r- iy "-.en t i h' pr ; po in v., Mj'i - a t.d a' ( tr-'- uo-. i , .- :l, -.t - i-- t e , e r t t c n ( um l. A p iy a i. i c' r,- u- ivt I w ,i t.t c :i f't'i -ii : pri'pf -J .e w.il li,'i't tel ',; u u, ... i s j. r, . - ..T : I ' . j .-':- - i ' r I-1 h,i-,'u,u ; k ' I. 1'r..- '.;:..-.. v'-7.T v :. U"J' ' " -- -. ;;. -; f '"v 1" T P- 'V V - . .-t r... m r : I 1 v .. j, 1 :..-.. r " ' v. i - Z -h: !'.' v . w. I i I . ' . - I' -' ' - .r .'-r. j." ' . ; ; . ., r. . r. r T :', H. T. HUMBOID. :.y . ; . - ! II. T . 11, lnihnlrl Ir iifc- . n rt f .i tntr.l .r,li S'jI. Fl,..,..!,,.,. .V. I , k -,, ' II. T. II 1 ni !"' '1 ' l fl i, . 1 r, . 10 1, mi Ittii'i -I . I'll i I "I' 1 1. I . J Bttt a.r ol Connt-rlit ! I ASK FOR H. T. II1LMEOLD SI I TAKK NO OTHMi CALIFORNIA TRADE. TO BIN, DIXON & davisson,: Importers of j ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERM A X Fancy Go-xls, M'iinery ankt Scions, H h tt Cj'--'.-s, 2cx.t Cu:;crv, Jl.vie-i., Ivrfumery Linen II aVc-V. lUrit i-t-vLleU Prt-i- :a Vtrvp- l t-ioj in d:-.-t c-ianiiiicaiKiu ri"h ihf ni"-i::--lurw. we as abit-U lo txesjute mii &rdn, ' Sell at at Low Rt- ai w Tork lmpontri. We inv::? the atit-nnon oi Bl'VERS FOR VTAII TERRITORY To our Sti-ok. winch it ilie ljtr;r-t ani lavl Tantvl on Uif? rciDc C'..'-t. TOBIN, PIXON & PAVISSON, San Fraci-co, Ci. 13 S T A. I3L.IS m: s X 1850. CASTLE BROTHER?, I1IPO IT-T" XI! XX S WHOLESALE GROCERS, 213 and 415 Front Street. j Ran Francisco, - - California. MURPHY.6RANT & GO. ,V FUAClCO CALIFORNIA, Cil mlentiou to their lwi Mod wr 11 H-.c rle.l !I.X-k ol Dress Goods Ccmpriping FRENCH PUID POPLINS, Empreis" Clolhs, '1'tiinise Cloths, In All Colors, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MER1N0ES. BTO. ETC. ETC Also, full liuti ol 11 0 S I K 1! V. White (iooilx, l.iiK iik, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKI'VS, Towel i ii e; All ui hirh they nflpr at Iho lnt nmrW.-l Proprietor of t)i Bttri(t Hun Rml Ism Annel! Vln. vnnlH. Uiol 1ir tlicuHk- of to NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLFH & CO., Coin.-r of liattfTT And Wnhituftun Hire!, San KmnrUrn, - - - Cnllfnrnla. Angfllrt Wine, FMoraHo Wlnr, White .Mmlrlra Port " Wln llltlrr, Mirrry Crap Brandy. Ail uiir Winc-i ii'i 1 Hrnry (iimrnntfpd strict! j pur, unit nr th'r.- - 1-1. -fitt Ikf City Cn-pu-ati'-n 7,t.d' ri-f-Aiiir M-rcHiit.l lD-tiinli 'n G Pf4 C.. K 1 1 Life ( 'i t v . P. Ii. l'-". Rfvl fi.-P- k C- . -Un k p ' ut wid..- for -Kl.. H I C II A H I) (lOIMIIlllM), Ak lit, "J1 Luke ( ii j. WEIL & CO. IMFORTKKft OT Cigars and Tobacco i'roprietore of the HAVANA tl'VAK V AM'FACTOK V, 41, 4 4 A and '4 41 Front ht.t 6r'U I. e-t r,er fp lit X Shth it. fit o Mi., y V H A 1 C I M c . .1. LVKKDl.VU V CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4 S C lay 11 ., Nan Kr Itio, DKAI.KIt IS OIU.(.( PKOPl f K. A.- "'ii;.Lio 'L, pi "I Mr-v 'U iin.. li'-.&, U' i. r- ii.' i,. A Starfh, r --jr "i-rj hi, I k"tu n.r,'.f t'jrt klHO r.i! tiini'j. BP.ITTAN, H0LBR00K & C3 Stoves &c Ranges, SHEET IRON &.TIN PLATE, Co r, 7.1 nr , hhrrl Lad, A Irr, JMM'S, X-c cl Aud Irou X i jo. Tl A I KS (.(MH, 7 ' ';.'!. ,'.') 'nir-l ..i, .r- .r-c fv- r. J -i i r.t -j. TikLi-Nf-d ; 'J - :-rt P'"i r. Nok. Ill I I I ' Hf'irnli aarf No. 17 Av I U Kirtrtt, L AN I'J.AN'. !-.(), ( ' A L. . r. ii Jw .M'.orN .-id S. P. HOLDEN & UU., FOIItHiN'ljiiV GOODS, L.nfn, Ort- Hosiery, &c. A. yjLAAC li o. L'.L'l' L ; i7 Lt' i'T a! . ( UTAH CENTRAL UA1LKOAD. PIONEER LI.E CF UTAH. On and afttr Thursday, De. 1, 1 S7 0, It j Tram Leuve SH l.Ake t-ity a: 5 m and ic r.ir. Arr re : Otae T - . ad 4S p. m. LrTf I'D 5 I B. ILlS.Vl' Arr vea; .alt Lke it? 0 a, n nd T-.V r.a:. Fkrt from Salt Lake City to WiM-d'f Cro i .... 5 Ocn:reville $ t"ri!ii si.n .... Si.-O KosTt.. 1. 6 Cfidta Fir from O-drn to RayjYille JI.Sk Kurm-ntion $!.tv t en revi.le -- --o Mi'iM'iv.r' fc-Jt Lak City - - In addition to the mbote AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKPTKP. LeaTitxg Oiden at 5 m. and Salt Lake City al A:kJ p. ui., On wbtrh full fare will entitle the purvhjer of a tif kt to return on th fame dxT r.d trin fr-s and wih (top by arr.nfiins wtifa the eond rtor t any p int on uie line to Uke on or let off patenter. Paurngrri 111 pleat Pnrchaaa in.ir Ticket at lUe Oltlcra. Fitly OenU" additioaal will be .-harred when the fare i collected on ibe uhiu. For all inform m ion conoerning freight or primage, apply to D. O. CALDKR, Ticket and Freight Agt. Salt Lake City. JO. A. YOI A-U, Mnl. it " LIVERPOOL L QUEENSTOW.-i. . ..'. .. IN MAN LINE Of Hoyal Mall Mmmrn, falling from New oi k Every Saturday, AM Altci'iialo Tmlaj. Caltln Paiihn, t.. Liti pool, .-li ; .00 bieeiagc ( 3i.l0 PaitKMfie from Liverpool to Nfv nrk c ni n, - - - ('..a.i) $ ; .von Menage, - - i,(m i. ... ) :i 1 .00 Rouml Trip Ticket) isiued at very low rnle .1011 O. t 4 I K, At, ,1 l.i Hro ..i w.. , . Piik, Or WILLIAM CAL1 It. Ag.-nt, H U Lai- Cuy. V-h. PIJNtER SHJRT rOUTEEAiT. CHICAGO & NOaTIUEST'N RAILWAY Ml o i-1 t and U ii I r U e I It n n t e ft nin Omaha l o I It lr a k ! a nit i Ii t- k. ! . Ihe r.titarn Kip I.- tiin.hn .loiy ip i'o hm'Iiuu wi b ru i ii on i Ii- L ii rtl h nd I d on Hat ilie r'iini-i. iud r i-m iu t'ln- 0 .gu L. ad am --f all nth r iouim, A Dew and vplendi I line of Pullman Pilirt llotrl and aletplng C oarliti Ha rerently been built for Ihi Cumpany. Thf t hirKt'.i Kti'l N.-rlh tiMium R il.t, pn,.i r Kail wnj Vff I hnl. I I'hini'u, 1 1, v Imm. f-uplir1 unit. I II hkK V a t KH AUO. um win' Ii Uin, Iho 1kun' apM'c'1 null... r pHHt li'ir i pfiin id ! liny Ha iait'x atl Ha han't n ppu- II aub k.Hii.h f II. tniMt ni'vliTIi ltlltjrifHtit, t III. tiKl l'a mil ttiw tH't 'if IU t"Hl lltt hlOlt-t lilJ. ifl'rt. i lt. Trrklni(( PhI Ik ii t.ml-tu mwi in.-j.il) k) Hjn-rd, loin fnrl and Mafety. Hiittinfn ' l" iln.iiifh t. Bil p-iiiu ki bii.) do fii' t liai (i. lor f an li ! OiuaJt m Luan W altlM L"llll.t thfi.iigli llrfeU. l nr n1 vk I..r 1i'h-i ('),!., N firth -wtirH Kailwuj, whit k ran 1 nl i.i m1 at all ihe pr in- 'pal rai I w k, kikJ -IiI"'h1 n th I lutfl fl-i, .! .-( m (iUi . I bi Mfci.t, ..fti at CA LPItK lh(Jt.' Du i, al 7 n.l.l M .) Kalt i-k i -y fur any li('rmtn- in regard to Vig hi, apply t HARRY ROGERS, nt-lrt f miri t t kt'Hf.t. II. I. H rANWfK.fi. li. n T.'Ki A . r-i rt,t. Htl K') I- i'nm',i."ii.i ..i. W. H MTU' I K u lii..tnl Af"l. "'". 'N-t. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR D. Tim S.Ledula. Doe. Mb. 1ST). y.ktTWiKh. 'I -ii rui.'i.. M-i-' '., pl.-'l r-r. ri'i-' I 1 " ' I'"' ' ' p jKr.1 " ' 4 . " : " t . m.i. ' I ' p"' ' ' 4 I- ' ha. ran.!.! A ' 1 ' V Jn " 7 f-B.rM..f,l'. 'i V- " ' V " Vl.n.f.n A ' 4 i I 11. fra ' ri;,' , i, ,7. 1 -.j I-1 k. I i'. ... , I, 4. an. p , ' , ; -- l 1 1''1"" ," " , i ,.w, I , V, ..,.,..! '. ' I' i- 1 IU. I ,., r i " ,. .. .' " K n. . v : 1 1 j H . i. p. ; ; ;' I'..-!.. nr. -air. ' 1 i, p, , i, p. i 1 ' k!i ' ; i i' (-'I. " i k 4i I 1 t u, A i i I li- 1 . ( b i, - ''Iv'mi.pM., I i " ' T ail. " " f. 1 :--pu iV Inn') " i- li' " 1 1,k' ' " j , ; - I , M r .... c. . ! (,,:.. , I A- N. TOWNE, ?. If ' 'I'M AN, !. tBi,U JLJ4 I ' i. "vv Arffvru-j'ibiP, |