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Show SttwiMi Machines. The following from tlio New Yoik Sun will be inter- j oiling to llio.-e who make fcwing ma-chines ma-chines a study: The uiaL'riitude to which the manufacture manu-facture of .lowing machines has attained ii shown Ly the returns of the manu-fie'.urers manu-fie'.urers lor the year lSTU to the owners own-ers of the leading paieiits, on which (hey pay a loyalty. According to these ' returns tlio number of machines sold by caeh manulacturer in ISTO is as follow.-: Tlio Singer Manufacturing Com- 1'iiny, - 12T,&-j3 heeler & Wilson Manufueturing Coin puny, - S:;.2i"!.S llowo Mitehine Company, - 7-3, l-io Cirover oc linker Sew ing Machine Company, - 57. 4"2 W eel Sewinrr Machine Company, o-3,Uou W ileox cc liiLbs Sowing Machine Company, - tZS.S'.'O American liuttonbolo Cc Over-seaming Over-seaming Company, - - 1-1,673 Klorence Sowing Maehiuo Com- pan.v, ... 17, CtX3 CioH Nlodal Sowing Machine Corn-puny, Corn-puny, - - - - 8!1'2 .I-itna Sowinij Mnehino Company, 6,MXi hmpiro Sewing Machine Com-pany, Com-pany, - - - - o.oGO ! Finklo Cc Lyon Manufacturing Company, - 2,420 riirhiun Sewing Machine Com-I Com-I J'aiiy, - - - - 1,7''G I ilson Sewing M achinc Company 50 1 Harllett Hcverkible, - - 4M Hurt raw cc 1'antom Manufacturing ! Ciimpany, - 120 , Lamb Knitting Manufacturing ! c..,. .,.., - - -121 McKay Sowing Machine Associa-: Associa-: tion. .... ;o C. 1-'. Thompson, - - - 100 i And several other companies who |