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Show PtsxuuT tVt i.r.-The Third Pis-1 tiiet Court a-.-eu:Med yesterday morn- : in as per ae'i mrniuent. The case of the e'.ee'pede ts. the Stiver Shield Co. was orJcrcl for a:.-a'.uent, where-upen where-upen his Honor, Ju.ue Mclvean, who has ( uvelra.-eii a part ef the de ! iendents interest in she mine iu li;i;a::eu. descend.' i from the bench and J cue Sti telviand presided The defend. nts who were represented by Casktu 0. PeWoi-.'e, Marshal A Carter, I". ?. P. strict A'terney Ileup ; stead. Kit k'eatrt. k and a few other U;al luuiiraries. a-ked ten days far ther exv.iaa .:!. ;h i: t'.-.ey m's'h; pie-paro pie-paro for tri..I. Mr. Stuttli, i'er the plaint;.?, w is w'.'..h - to grant three days. Ja.!;.' St.tek'.it'. l cunprornised and granted s.'.'eti d'.ys u;.'r. Via'.r.ttu aeeepted the rain,' ef the Court. Judre Strteklatr.l t'.tea descended from the bene'.'., w '.'.tea vp-.-s a;::n occupied by his Honor. .Ij-e Mcivcaa. Mr. Mar-u.ii a.-kei that a cemmittee of dve be api'etutei to pre;ea:e rules of Court, to jo; a the l. .v r.i'.lrie;s of the Court to the C.o'.e ly s;u:o kind of giant comet;;. Ju.lee Mclvean stated that he weu'd a:;-.e:::te-' the committee commit-tee on'Mo:..: la t' e c.'.se of Fera-mon Fera-mon Little, is. C. L. Stevenson. Marshal Mar-shal & Carter fer -..ur.tln. ana S. A. Mann for defeudar.:. the pla:n:; jfs at-te-ruey confessed to defen.uu: s cemur-rer cemur-rer and asked !e?.ve to amend h:s . complaint. The Ccart kindly granted hitu ivrmtssiorj t? pick his dint and try ii sgaia. Ia the case cr Stisbary vs. Hen;. HetnrsteaJ fjr p'aiatilssi b .teh for defendant, the Court n-'Citned to grant plaiatis's revues: ; sr. ike out the motion of defendant, and desired to hear additional argument before acceding. acced-ing. Jlociay cost was designated as the day for farther dijooarse. lathe case of the People vs. Bird. Morgan for the du'ecdaut, the Court evinced no disposition to sustain tie technical points mti-io L'r defendant's attorney, but inrtsmueii as defendant had bcea seieral nioritis ia jail and lad n.arri.:'l the woman. Le was alow..-1 to ') an 1 -iu d j m-jro" ..-a j.:.- j ia.l wi'h fjiiy. sure-iy. In tin; ca-.: of tLo l'..0 ! I i -..; j hr a--au't and Li'tery. SieiW i He." ' 'or l f-:ir!':!i', iho L.-uri t. ii ..'. '.la- I .; I ti-I n.-2!. Ti.-,!.;.-. N. n.arriu .a-,!:. i,':.:n arrati." 1 iu ti.li : th-u:a th-u:a '.f il.1) wi'-h V:- iretie j i. ex ..' -i. j " Hear 1 Lear y.: ! '1 Le C .i- !:',' J i el.Te.-'l Ut.'i! el .1. ii'.' r.. I'..' IVm.n. ' |