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Show ftlEDl'JAL. J. M. & F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office at Resilience. Ninth Ward, three blocks eaet and two fcoutb. ot Theatre. l Rosnell Tibbits, M.l). F.1I: Simmons, M.D DRS. TIBBITS & SIMMONS, Physicians and Surgeons, Office rrncr of Min and Second South btroot, OYor lluuerlield's Store. Surgery la all Its brnuchea solicited a2'j W. F. ANDERSON, M,D. H.J, RICHARDS, M.D. Surgeous and Pliysicians, 0Bces, for the present, at their respective residences in the 13th and 17th Wards; Jgg DR. GROVES, t5firiC Dentist, Office 2nd South St., Salt Lake City. Three doors West of Kevero House, half ka block East ol the Elephant Store-. OFF ICS HOUitS FEOM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ml 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND DKUGGIST, U BIUOHA.U CITY, UTAH LEGAL. S. I' MoOurdy. C. )!. Morgan JIK'IKDV . MOKUAIV, Att'iriirysatLtuo, O.'FU'R-Vour doors oast oT Hkrald Otlioe. ii f.U.T LAKli CITY. VICK.VOX 11. VAIG1I.VX, A T T O U N E Y A T L A W , Otllce For the vrosont, t rciiUlritre, FITCH & MANN, Atorneys-at-Eniv, Office. First South St.. Fourth door e:nt of Hooper. Kldredgo Jc Cij's liunrt. Salt Lhko Cay. Warner Earli. F. M. Smith. KAULli & SMITH, A T T 0 11 N K Y S AT L A W , j Salt LftKo City. ' Ivist Teuiplo Street, ono uoor south of iO Goduo'3 Store. j JAM. (J . S 1 li A T T, j Attorney-at-Law, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, j Ofueo Four doors south of Salt Lako House. ! 2, 11. Hempstead, M. Klrkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & K.IRKPATR1CK, Attorueys-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co., SALT LAKE CITY. I C. II. Hempstead, U.S Att'y for Utah, f-3 Z. SNOW. E. D. DOGE. SXOW & 1IOGE, attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. OtEee at Snow's comer, 1st East St, NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. COULD, WOTLliY P"Ui3IjIC and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wy-oming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. S3" Miuirjfr Deeds. Agreements and Bonds for Deeds. Mortgages, lowers of ritUTLey. Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with accuracy and uispatch. mining Companies Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the Laws of TJtati. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo & Co., Salt Lake City. mil HOTELS. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND, PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantl located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guests. THE PROPRIETOR is now preparing to build large additions to his Hotsl, which, when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment -in the ROCKY MOCXTAIX REGION ! mil NATIONAL HOTEL, East of tho Post Office and west of the Taeatre. MEALS FIFTY CENTS, LODGING FIFTY CEXTS, Twenty-one meal tickets only $8. my9 OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Slain and Locust streets, TOOELE CITY, UTAH. Good Accommodation for Families. a26 E. S. FOQTE, Proprietor. BANKERS. W. H. lloooper, IL S. Eldredge, L. S. Hills Hooper, Eldredg-e & Co., BANKERS. East Temple St., Salt Lake City, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin, Exchange, Land Warrants, Etc. Collections made and promptly remitted. CORRESPONDBNTS : Riggs A Co., New York ; Bank of California, Sao Francisco; First Natioutil Brink, CbiciiKo ; Kx-chmige Kx-chmige Ba&k, St. Lonis; First National Bank, Omaha ; J. 3. Morgan k Co., London, jus flTMlIIUMOF UTAH (Successors to Hussey, Daliler fe Co.) Waeben HusbKT, C. L. Dahler, Prcsidei,t. iceiTest. Anthony Qodbk, Cashier. Sail Luke City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ogden andCorinne, Utah, and Virgioiaand Heicau, Montana. Dealers in Gold Dusty Coin and Currency Draw Exchange on Now York, Chicago, at- Liuia, Omaha, Denver, ban iranciaco, and all parte of .Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil WELLS, FARGO & GO,, Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE Drafts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. East Temple St., Salt Like City. THE0. F. TRACY, Agent. mil Thos. R. Jones, A. W. White BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE & CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, a30 Bait Lake City. SEWING MACHINES. READ THlIl T. ii ic Blil In all tho beautiful varieties should i m By mmm Contemplating tlio purchase of a Machine for family or other use. At our newly-fitted up Salesroom, Second Door South of the Eagle Emporium, Em-porium, between the Drug and Clothing Clo-thing Departments of Z. C. Al. 1., will be found a Full Assortment of these Admirable Sewing Machines At Prices to Suit Everybodj-. THE ' ' SINGER SEWING MACHINE NEEDS NO PUFFING to commend It to the public as the following jet" Z3 jbir 5S how: In ISoO these now celebrated Machines were 6rst offered to the public and in the four years succeeding -l.(XH) wore sold. Today To-day over that number are weekly turned "Ut from the factory, and yet this immense supply sup-ply is no' equal to the demand. At the end Oi the year 1S67, upward of 200 000 Machine? were sold, and in the then Mlnwing year, from 't-S to '70, the number ha.d been increased to upward of 500,000 MACHINES SOLD, One third of which were disposed of within the preceding twelve inoutlk. From the forepoing itwill be seen that during dur-ing the Ihsi three Fears, the sales have been upward of fifty per o-nt more thao. during the whole of the seventeen previous years, THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT, after a score of years thorough trial is that the jbl e.-: SEWINO MACHINE is adapted to all kinds of work, sewinsr as readily the thickest and most stubborn material ma-terial as the finest and most delicate fa cries; with a stitce, that for eveness, perfection and durability is unequalled. Accompanying each Machine are printed instructions, so plain and easy of comprehension comprehen-sion that, although we recommend customers custom-ers to take at Least one lesson from the Operator, Op-erator, it is seldom done purchasers seeing at a glance the simplicity of the Machine and completeness of the construction. Some of the ADVANTAGE S OP THE SiNGEB MACHINES ARE Simplicity of construction therefore less liability to get out of repair. Short, straight needle less liable to bond, break or skip the stitch. j The shuttle is carried; friction, wear and ; the necessity of greasing the race are thus avoided. j Readiness with which the most inexper- i ienced can adjust the tension of the thread. ! Freedom from wear. After twenty years constant service these machines have never been known to wear oat. They are noiseless, rapid and easy in all their movements. All onr machines are adjusted and put in thorough running order.by competent handi, before delivery. Purchasers therefore have no trouble, but can successfully operate with them at once. THE NEW BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE S are thoroughly practical and will perform all that we claim for them. The Improved MANUFACTURING MACHINES for heavy work, are too well known to need comment. We also keep in stock the New Medium Noiseless MANUFACTUS!fi3;1AC'Ji!fJS Our stock of the Singer Sowing Machines is very extensive, mbracing every variety of finish, from the plain Machine, mounted on black walnut table, oiled, to the elaborately elabor-ately pearled Machine, with cabinet case and folding cover in mottled black walnut, rose, wood, or mahogany highly polished. Every Machine is furnished with the same complete furniture, including the new hein-mer hein-mer (sewing all widths) and feller and braider. brai-der. AVe guarantee onr Machine! to do Hemming, all widths; Felling Hemstitching; Hem-stitching; Braiding) Magic Huffllng; Embroidering (no chain stitch,) Gathering and Sewing on at same time, with or without a band, on the edge or In the center) Cordlug;Tucl-ig) Cordlug;Tucl-ig) Q,uilting) Trimming) Binding all widths and kinds, etc., etc., etc. WE DELIVER MACHINES Without Additional Charge TO ALli PARTS OF THIS CITY t All kinds of Sewing Machines thoroughly Repaired on Reasonable Rea-sonable Terms. Kemember the ilammoth Sign, Mil SWIM MACHIIE5 Two doo8 south of the Eagle Emporium. Em-porium. olS II. B CLAWSON.Supi CONFECTIONERY, Just Keceived, AT H. WALLACE'S, A choice lot of HA5I AID EGGS lUf CANS, CONDENSED MILK, ENGLISH P.CKIBS, OYSTERS, FIGS, DATES, LAYER RAISINS, MAPLE St'GAK, ORANGES AND LEMONS, ALSO CUTTING'S CELEBRATED PIE FKXITS AND JELLIES. WATCHMAKERS. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. , 5 0 . e-ELIASON e-ELIASON & KAUEBSACH, Next Door East of the Herald, Ai'o workmen who not only repair Watches and Clocks, but will make Watches to order in any desired style, or any part, of them, from a pivot or pinion to an entire Watch. Work. Executed on Moderate Terms 1 VY03D W3RKIN3, Thomas Latimer, W. H. Felsom, George ii. lay tor, George Komney CHANGE OF FIRM. The Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory Fac-tory of VOT.SOM, H-OMiVEY fe Co. Will hereafter de business, under tho hrm name of LATIMER, TAILOR & CO, OA OM Of ail sizes on haud and made to Ort On order. nfinpQ Raised panel, moulded, Baeb UUUnOj doors, large store uors, any thicKnesj, size or kind, lur n is tied to order. WINDOW With stops, beads and Bash., FRAMES oompleie- PRflMPQ Panel frames, plain door and rflHlYlLO window irames. BLINDS Stationary and rolling elatta. MOULDINGS Frdo lbil?ch" hi- trares and cornice, CI HRIMQ Tongned and grooved and I LUUni ti U square-edge on hand and worked to order. I IIMQFB Planed out of winde, to a LUiliULn thicKneds, and ripped to any desired size. Planer and Circular Saws Running U tho timo. MINTING DISTRICTS Supplied on short notice. Give us a call, or address by latter to Box 36 LATIJ1KR, TAYLOR A- CO., 129 One Block weal of Iabernaol I KELMBOLD. IIELHIBOLD'S IJEt.M BOLD'S UELMBOLD'3 liELM BOLD'3 UEI.M HOLD'S HELMBOLD'3 HELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S T GRAPE PILL GRAl'E PILL GRAPE PILL GRAPE PILL GRAPE PILL GRAPE PILL GRAPH PILL GRAPE PILL HELMBOLD'B IIELMBOLD'S HELM HOLD'S IIELMBOLD'S IIELMBOLD'S IIELMBOLD'S HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT SARS APARILLA. EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. EXTRACT S R-APARILLA. EXTRACT SARS APARILLA. EXTRACT SAHS APARILLA. EXTRACT SARS APARILLA. EXTRACI SARSAPARILLA. EXTRACT SARS APARILLA. APRIL, MAY, and JUNE. PURIFY TEE BLOOU and BEAUTIFY THE COMPLEXION BY USING HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA GRAPE-JUICE PILLS HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. Ia theSpring and Summer-months the system sys-tem undergoes a change. This is the timo to use good blood-renewing, purifying, and invigorating med'uinej. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSA-PAKLLLA SARSA-PAKLLLA AND HELMBOLD'S FLUId"eXTRACT GRAPE JUICE PILLS ARE THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. One bottle of Helinbild's Fluid Extraot. Sarsaparilla equals in strength one gallon of the sirup or decoction as made by druggists; drug-gists; and a -wine-gla-s added to a pint of water equals the celebrated Lisbon Diet Drink a delightful aal healthful beverage. Th Oraoe -Juice Villi composed of Fluid Extract of Catawba Grape J uice and FLUID EXIiiA ,T RHUBARB. Useful iu all diseases requiring a cathartic remedy, and fir superior to all other purgatives, purga-tives, such as salts, magnesia, etc. HELMBOLD'S GRAPE JUICE PILL is not a patented pill, put up as those ordinarily ordi-narily vended, but THE RESULT OF TEN YEARS' EXPERIMENTING EXPER-IMENTING and GREAT CARE IN PREPARATION. SAFE FOR AND TAKEN BY CHILDREN. NO NAUSEA; NO GRIPING PAINS, BUT MILD, PLEASANT, and SAFE IN OPERATION, TWO BOTTLES OFTHE FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA AND ONE BOTTLE OF THE GRAPE-JUICE PILLS ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD to those suffering from BAD BLOOD, POOR UOitPLEXION, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS. WAKEFULNESS AT NIGHT, COSTIVENESS, AN rTlRREGUL ARIIIE3 and tortose suffering from BROKEN and DELICATE CONSTITUT'NS . t IT WILL GIVE NEW BLOOD, NEW VIGOR, AND NEW LIFE. THE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS are done up with great care and in handsome bottles, and will surpass all those vendel in wooden boxes, and carelessly prepared by inexperienced men, comparing with the English and French style of manufacturing. All of H. T. HELMBOLD'S PREPARATIONS ARE PHARMACEUTICAL, NOT A SINGLE ONE BEING PATENTED BUT ALL ON TH KIR OWN MERITS, To dispel any impression or prejudice chat might exist in the minds of many against my Preparations, from tho publicity given through advertising, and that I am and have been a druggist for a period of twenty years and more, conclusively to prove this. See letter: From tho largert Manufacturing Chemists in tho World. Nov. 4, l&Si. Iam acquainted with Mr. H. T. HELM-BOLD. HELM-BOLD. He rccupied 'he Drug-store opposite my residence, and was successful in conducting conduct-ing the business, where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably favora-bly impressed with bis character and enterprise. enter-prise. WILLIAM WEIQHTMAN, . Finn of Powers & Weightman, Manufact'g ! Chemists, 9:h and Brown 8ts.,PhU'a. FRXPABED BT H. T. HELMEOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Crystal Palace Pharmacy, 594 Broadway, ' N. Yj and Xo. lMs'Tutu 10th St., Phil'a. HELMBOLD'S . FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU HAS GAINED 9 A WORLD-WIDE FAME. TRAVEL. B ULLIONC1TY St X' A- Gr LIW M . OTAOES leave NepM every Thurs'lav f.,r il ItiiLl.luN CI I Y and thi. shV'Itl. MINES. Utiice- ephi "ousd. aS H. UOLDSBK 'I'OII. Auorit. Len Wines. II. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express RCXMSS DAIL F FRCOl SALT LAKE CITY, -via LAKE TOWS, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON" ASD OPIIIR TO TIXTIC. The route b as been re-srocVed with splendid splen-did Concorl Cuache-, fi e Stoc-t, caie ul at d a' tntive Drivers, an i every at'. nuun is paid to the cumlort and cjnvenienvie of passenger. passen-ger. Good accommodations on the road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Tims. Office at Wells, Fargo & Co.'s, halt Lake Cilj". WISES & KIMBALL, a!4 Prorrietirs. UTAH. CENTRAL RAllLe.OAO. PIONEER LIME CF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 187U. Leave Salt Lake City at o a m asd 2:45 p.tr. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m, and 4:4-3 p. m. Leave Ugden u 8 a. m. anao; p. m. Arrive at riaK Lake Oily aU a,in. and 7:30 p.m Pare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross S .7U Centrevillo S Farming tun $1.j6 Kitysvule I.- o j Fare from Ogden to Kaysville 81-3U FaruiiiistoQ $1.65 Centreville ........ Wood's Cross Z Suit Lake City - 2.61 In addition to the above AH ACC'SMiVJJQAHJM TSAiN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Og'den at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 4:40 p. in., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free. Pasiengerg will please Purchas tnelr Tickets at tbe Office. Fifty Cents additional will be charged wheD the fare is oolleoied on the train. For all information concerning freight oi passage, apply to D. O. CALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. SUPERINTENDENT. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILR'D. Pasa'ger Jxpretw llnv 4 e-Xirtd Piws'g i SandAYS Train iUttJ Ij Trtuu Suu,ta e excepted Daily 181. Daily excepts 4 00 pm 8 UU am San Fran'co 6 45 pni 1'2 30pm 4 42" 8 40 " ..Oakland.. S V2 " 11 6S " 7 30 ' ..Sao Jose.. 6 40 ' 7 53 " 12 15 piu Stockton.. 1-3 ' 8 35 " 9 3o 2 IU " .Sacramento- 1115 am 7 U'jbiu 4 10 ' ..ilarysvilib.. y V) " B 9 00 " .Scima. . 4 20 " Cfi 2 20pm .jJttcninieiiU'. 1 45ttin 6 26 ...Collux. 45 t- 115am ..Kenu .. 100 M 9 10 " Winneiuncci 1 05 " b: 12 00 m Battle Mouii I 25 pet O 4 40 " ....Elko... 45 a.-. 6 10 " U;.tcD.. 5 16 pin A. N. TOWSK, T. H. GOODMAN, 0?n. S.ipt, 0. i H. R Geo. Passer and Ticket Agt, Z I. LIVERPOOL & QUIEriSTSWN "T; f 'jy :; ' ; 3 . IN MAN LINE Of Royal Mall earner, Sailing from New York Evcrv Saturday AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Passage, to LiTcrpo.t. ip-An) S75.0U Steerage ' ' " (car.) 30.01' Passage from Liverpool to New York Cnbfn, - (01-! S75.00 Steerage, - - (Cu-rtocy) 3-i.Uli Round Trip Tickets issncd at very low rate JOHN O. DALR, At-nt, I 15 Broadway, New York, 1 Or WTLLIAM CALDKR, Aeest. o27 Salt Lak City. Utah. BATHS BATHS! Warm Spring: alhs ! Private and Plunge. Thew celebrated baths are open to the public at all seasons. Their medicinal properties are to widelj known that it U needle to enumerate them. Bwridwr the Private Btha, the (ureearjd hn1m-ly hn1m-ly fumtebed Plnngc liatlis for Lilies and IGentlomon are now opta. 11 AJ.IAOL.XJ al7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADF, CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importer and Jobbers of FOKKIGN A.D DOflKSTIC BRANDIES, WINES, A YD LIQUOKS. 311 Clay Street, Snn Francisco. Jytfl A. C. DIETZ & CO. IMPOKTEBS OF PAINTS, OILS, Varnishesand Lamps, Xo. 224 FRON'T STREET. Bet FacrcuueDto alifo. n;.. San Francisco A. C. TiWomb, Geo. II. Williamf. TITCOM & U'lLLMlIS, lanulacturcrs, I m porters and Wholesale .Leiilcrs in '.VAT CMEf , DIAMONDS, Every Description of Jewelry, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE Also Agents for the celebrated lloicardy E 'gin and American 'Watches t 24-0 Montgomery, S.K. cor. Pine, Up Stairs, San Francisco, Cal. All orders from tbe Territories promptly UMtttmnm ,Mfl,lle'i- s lWandl06 FRONT STREET, SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. Offer the finest ond most complete s'ock on the Pacific coast. Refer to U. B.CLAW50X. Sup't of J, 3AUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of ti'M Sl fJOY'S GLOT'-iiNG 222 Sansnme St., Snn Francisco. 43 Mix ray New York. fB L. KELLER, Proprietor of the Kisinp uu nri lo Angeles Vine jsnis. UeMt for lif-alf of his NATIVE WISES AND Bl! AKDSES ?X. KELLER di CO.,) Corner of I'.artery imd Waohmpton Streets, an Francisco, - Cnllforiitt Angelica Wine, Eldorado Wine, While Clinic ira ' Pert " Wlnt Blttrr, Slvcrry Grnpc Urn miy. All our Wiaes nni Brandy piniini-1 ntrictly pare, ujiii over I Lin-v j vnrs old. C5?.ilt Lake City Corporation, Zion Co-operative Mt-rcntitile lD-tmitiin, .h1I A Cn.. SnMLikeCity, D. 11. 1'eerv, aii'i Gi-il- A C-., ml-I-h k 1 our winrt for sale. RICHARD GOIHJI1IM), o2J Aftil, LakeCiiy. S. P. Holdeu. Jas. Moorhead, S, P. nOLDEN & CU., IMPORTERS OF FOKEiG.N UKV GOODS, I inens, Dress Goods, H jsiery, &o. 28 & 30 SALOME 6T. London : 27 Leadenhall St.. E.C 06 iN3TIN EDS, & CO,, Importers and Manufacturers of B00T3 AND SHOES OF EV;RY-STYLt AND KINO. 113, 115, and 117 Pine Street, SAN KUAXC1SC0. Our Iljme made Goods are vncqualcd by any. m Samples at 5Ir. Gooilliind's Office, oo S.lLT LAKE CITY. WEIL &. CO., IilPOKTERd 0? Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor!! of the 1IAVANA CWAK .UA-N U'FACTORY 221, 223 ami 225 Front St., Southwest curuor h runt Jc Sacramento Sts., o5 - j. K;vt:aRixi & co., GQiSiiOM MERCHANTS 4.S Clay St., San Francisco, DEALERS I. OREGOA" PRODUCE. Are constantly in receipt of Oreijon llama, liacon, Starch, of our ou ami Kii-urn maaufacture ' aluityti on htii:d. GHAY, J3NES, & CO. DKPOT OK TBS SANTA CRUZ TANNERY lUM'KACTUiiEItS OP Onlc .""olo l'Ji I liei. 118 BATTEKY ST., SAN FHAKCISCO DAVSGSOfJ & CO., IMTORTKIU OF A.MBBICAX, K.UL,ISII, FKEXCH A y (.Kit .11 A . FANGY GOODS, SnuOl Wimsf- Pockvt Cutlery, i'erfunu-ry, Ynnhi't Nt'ionx, St'i'ioniTi, Drrxt Trimming, White Goods, Millinery G'flt Jlositry, Lini-n Il'dliehfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. (or( Sutler and ,ansomc Sis., SAN FRANC'! CO. 1 -9 . A. ,5. U ISIFF1TU, Dealer in PZJp a" kidf ICKLibi I eft, mUOHBD SALMON AND KERHINGS, 123 Washington strctt. All kin-li ol Dried, SmoKed aud Pickled Fiflh constantly on Laud. J4 J. C. .1IKUUILL V CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 204 and 200 California St., B,n KrancUvo, - California. Panicular attention paid to the filling of orders lor every description ol merchandise, n'-S bale of Ores, -c, A.c. BSTABIiZSHHD 1850. GASTLE BROTHERS, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, I 13 und 15 Front Street. d6 |