Show Y 31 C A MEMBERS UECEPTIOX The rooms of the Young Mens Christian Christ-ian association were filled with a happy enthusiastic lot of young men last night at the members reception nearly 200 being be-ing present during the evening The early hours of the evening were devoted to games and social converse followed by a series of talks in the parlors on association asso-ciation matters of general interest President F A Grant presided and first introduced Mr John T Axton the general secretary who spoke on The Association Past and Future giving some good advice in regard to future ef forts Dr E V Silver followed on The Religious Side W W Barton on The Educational Department L C Dale the physical director and R H Walker on The Physical Work F B Ste phen C H Parsons Judge Bowman and Prof W H Tibhals on The Triangle Tri-angle elaborating on the three sides of association effort its past success and its future promise Many excellent sug gestions were given regarding the van pus departments in the above talks and each member present seemed thoroughly interested in pushing each line to its fullest development At the close of the remarks each man was requested to ally himself witn one of the two contesting membership committees com-mittees for the grand effort to be made on the last day of this year to swell the membership One hundred and twenty men have been received during Novem I hem and the committees are hustling to secure 250 in December with every prospect for success I As a final effort of the evening the men surrounded the tables in the dining room and partook of a delightful repast prepared by tlu ever faithful Ladies Auxiliary and then departed for their respective homes pledging anew their fealty to the Y M C A d its ever widening field of usefulness |