Show I AN OMINOUS VISIT The Grand Jury Visit the Joint Building For Warrants The grand jury paid a visit to the joint city and county building yesterday yester-day and made a general review of the building and its contents including includ-ing officials but more minutely inquired I in-quired into matters and things in and around about the county court and clerks office While present they incidentally cidentally drew the warrants for sal any due and while doing so they were given many pointers of interest by bounty Clerk Stanton and Judge Mc Nally After a long talk with these gentlemen they next turned their attention tention to Mr Geddes and extracted what little they could from that source The outrageous system of bookkeep ing now in vogue in the county affairs is practiced according to law jut the law is bad and the grand jury will recommend the legislature to give attention to the deplorable condition of accounts and that a law be passed which will make it possible for the future fu-ture to have more light than can bet be-t rown onto affairs of the past I is also said the members of the grand jury are very curious to know just exactly how that sale of stock and material from the poor farm was conducted con-ducted and are asking questions in impertinent this regard which some might think |