Show Another Talc WASHINGTON Nov 26The Turkish Tur-kish legation received from the sublime sub-lime porte the following telegram under un-der todays date The Armenian rioters riot-ers at Aintab having wounded one soldier and four Mussulmans a few more troubles occurred In that city The advices stating that there is no security at Tieharoum and at Sing hourli are absolutely false The authorities au-thorities at Tocat have taken the necessary nec-essary steps for the discovery and the restitution to owners of all articles stolen in certain villages and in excepting ex-cepting a few incidents of little importance im-portance that took place at Marash the tranquilly Is perfect in the province pro-vince of Aleppo No disorder whatever what-ever had occurred since the 23rd inst in the provinces of Sivas Angoria Mossoul Kasti Mount Syria Scutari the Islands of the Archipelago Adri anopole Aldin Tripoli of Africa Hed jaz Hudavendighiar Crete Janina Erzeroum Yemen Kossovo Trebizond and Salonica and in the Sandjaks of Techataldja Jerusalem and Ismidt |