Show GREAT LOSS OF LIFE FIFTY OX MEN AXD AVO3LI3X KILLED OUTRIGHT Jar cst Proportion ot the Aictims Were Accident Canned IJy nn Explosion of a Cartridge Which Ijnitcil a Anst Quantity of Gunpovrder Awful Affair Other Cuta strophe > NEW YORK Nov 26A dispatch to the Herald from Barcelona says A terrible accident resulting in great loss of life occurred at Palma capital of the island of Majorica thirteen miles south of this city yesterday Eighty persons most of whom were wumen were employed In emptying old cartridges outside of the walls of the town when one of the cartridges exploded ex-ploded in some manner There was a large quantity of powder that had been taken out of the cartridges lying about over a large area and this was ignited by the discharge of the cartridge A tremendous explosion followed which shattered the masonry of the town walls which were extremely thick and did much damage to buildings Thirtyseven women and fourteen men were instantly killed Later Thirtyfive women and five men were seriously injured and twenty of this number have since died |