Show CirfRCII AXD POLITICS AGAIN The subject of religious interference in the political affairs of Utah has been much agitated and correspondingly I misrepresented Eastern journals have Indulged in a great deal of unwise comment com-ment because they have not fully understood un-derstood the subject they endeavored to explain The Democrats of Utah have not accused the Mormon Church of entering or reentering politics The Mormon Church has not opposed the Democratic party The stir that has been made is on account of some influential persons in that church being be-ing accused of exercising a partisan power bearing the impression that they were acting excathedra when in reality re-ality they were using Republican tactics tac-tics We refer to this matter once more I because it is to be revived in a magazine maga-zine which we regard as one of the foremost in America The announcement announce-ment is made from its office in New York City that in the December number num-ber of The Forum there will appear an article by Mr Glen Miller of this city entitled Has the Mormon Church ReEntered Politics Mr Millers article ar-ticle it is said contains a signed letter from the Presidents of the Mormon Church written expressly by them for use in The Forum answering certain questions which Mi Miller put them as to the propriety of Church officials in Utah accepting political nominations nomina-tions This will doubtless attract a great deal of attention here and elsewhere We will not attempt to criticise the article in advance It may aid in presenting pre-senting the truth on this question before be-fore the American public From its title tne impression is conveyed that it does not meet the great difficulty but only that which has been mistakenly mistak-enly set forth as the difficulty complained com-plained of in Utah and that is why we I mention it in this way just now The Forum will be looked for with interest from the fact that the article is by an able Salt Lake writer as well as from I the Inherent attraction of the subject |