Show GRAVITY SEW OUTLET Startling Revelations in the City Council Meeting THE LAKE OR THE JORDAN TH APPEARS T BE TIE ULTIMATE DESTIXAOTOX OF SEWERAGE James Jennings Elected to Fill the Chair Made Vacant By the ilesis naTion oC Joseph P Buche Proposition Prop-osition to Lop Off Extra Pay For Extra Sessions Falls t Carry The city council met last night in regular session President McCornick presiding a quorum being presiiiL ud Messrs Cheesman Morris and Watson not ansuering to their names The routine of reading the minutes of the I previous meeting was passed over rapidly during which time several of the councilmenelect dropped into seats behind their predecessors The reading read-ing of the following petitions was next taken up Petitions Arthur B Mulvey asks release from tax sale granted I John A Jacobs asked for a free license to peddle notions on recommendation rEcOm-mendation of Rev Steelman of the First Baptist church for thirty days granted Mary Aurelia Jackman asked release from tax sale granted A resolution from the county court was read granting the use of the constitutional I con-stitutional convention room to the Utah militia full particulars of which have been previously published Petition of Watson Nutler Petton Nuter asking that the city take and pay for the gravel taken out of old skating rint I excavation on West Temple near Second Sec-ond South streets granted I The Grass Creek Coal company at Third West and Third South streets wants to put in a railroad switch re ferred with power to act William Woolley asked for a revision of taxes referred I Martin Garn wants to travel over citys property to reach the city owing to a change in the road being made near his home His petition was granted P ilk directory peonle wanted to I know Show many directories were I wanted referred Committee Reports Captain Young was granted special privilege to state that he had raid out 100 for an engineer corps to go to Utah lake to ascertain and establish the level on Compromise land and the amount was appropriated for him in the absence of City Attorney Hog whose fault he said it was that made il necessary for him to make the special request The same was I granted I I The committee on streets reported several small matters of routine and I then the hack stand problem was discussed i dis-cussed and referred back to the committee com-mittee by their request i I The water works committee had a I small amount f routine and a small I batch adopted of bills was submitted and Sewer Outlet When the sewer committee made its reports the sewer outlet problem came up on report for a covered conduit from present end of the sew r to the Jordan river at aD expense of 10 000 Engineer En-gineer Young went into vast details in explaining that he had exhausted every I resource in this and Davis county to get the sewage to an outlet To make I a very long discussion of words words words it was finally decided to refer the matter back to the mater bace committee and that they have power to act in conjunction con-junction with the county court of Davis county and if possible reach some conclusion con-clusion that will dispose of It forever i i In the discussion some stale secrets 1t3le 1 were given out startlingly cold I I was admitted that the Jordan river and the Great Salt Lake were to carry I and hold in their bosoms the sewage of this city There was no other way out of this dilemma and all the talk about using the sewage for Irrigation was simply buncombe and the stuff had to go into the Great Salt lake either by open ditch or covered conduit as Davis county might dictate either for a mile and a half into the Jordan or six miles into the lake At the very least 10000 would have to be spent immediately before the sewage could be turned into the sawer wfliich at best would not be before the last of January One half million had already been spent it yet required at least 10 000 more to get an outlet for the sewer There will be some sensations developed de-veloped in the ultimate result of these things that will result in killing the lake resorts and the salt industry 01 the sewage will be otherwise disposed I of than as now contemplated The various committees reported I batches of bills which were adopted The quarry in Emigration canyon I wanted by Perkins was granted lease at 10 per year payable quarterly in advance C W Penrose was allowed 150 damages dam-ages by Jordan canal Retail license was granted to John Shaw and James Hegney The clock that has so long hung in the city council chamber without pay to Joslin Park was finally pt chased The Farrell Claim The report of the special committee I to report on the 558 claim for arbitra I tion of the Farrell claim was finally referred to the city attorney Mr OMeara roasted that delinquent official for being always I to a nutbrown turn aways absent when wanted for an opinion that he might possibly give tnd possibly possi-bly not The total appropriation list of 774105 was adopted and ordered paid even if there was not a cent of money on hand That Vacant Chair The chair made vacant by the resig natWn of Mr Bache came up and was widely debated and finally reached a ballot resulting in Mr OMeara and Mr Mason voting for Mr J J Stewart I Stew-art and Mr Clawson being excused from voting Messrs Cohn Corum 1I 1 I Hardy Lynn McCornick McMillan Newell and Young voting for Mr James Jenningsbeing S to 2and Mr Jennings will fill the vacant seat for i the unexpired term I was decided to sand the pavements I pave-ments this winter the same as last te prevent slipping I I The roadways and sidewalks improvements im-provements report went over for one I week Financial The report of the committee on fInance on salaries was again called I for Mr Clawson wanted that clause about 5 for extra meetings struck I out I was the same old economic I spasm Mr Cohn spoke against the idea Mr Le Grand Young also sided with Mr Clawson and thought 500 a I year was enough for the incoming councilmen Another long debate fol lowed and upon a call for the ayes and noes on the adoption of the report resulted in Messrs Cohn Hardy Mason Ma-son Newell and OMeara voting Nwel OMeara aye and Messrs Clawson Lynn McCor nick McMillan and Young voting no 5 to 5and the matter was dropped 0 in the presence of the incoming council who sat and listened to the gentle gente I roast given them by Mr Clawson Must VVcisrlL Coal Mr Hardy introduced a resolution compelling the various railroads to put in track ca scatee if they have not got them and that them a city empl eat e-at as weigher of all coal that comes from the mines to dealers in this city I i The dealers he claims slay that they are compelled to sell short to cus I tomers simply because they get short weight from the mines I seemed to be generally understood that the mines always sell shod weight as several of the councilman had had such experience The matter was re ferred to the city attorney for the purpose of drafting an ordinance that would remedy the evil All oars come in from 500 to 3500 pounds short I weight Mr Mason introduced a resolution making the committees meet on Fri day next instead of Thursday it being Thanksgiving which was adopted A resolution by Mr Corum was adopted to open negotiations with the Salt Lake brewery for the Fort Dooiglas sewer The Barnes Byrnes lease for the Warm Springs was then read and ap I proved and the council adjourned I |