Show ARE W ATGHING + I I WEST CLOSELY I Governor Will Have Big Fight to Win the JudgeshIp Judge-ship NEWSPAPERS ARE SENT IN Logan Carlisle Said to Be Behind Caleb J I on or the Secretary Believes AVest YHl Be hiiecc rnl Heiiton < Mc JIHImi Said to Be Hard at AVorlc in tite Interests or Judge Judd and Representative Va hiiisrton t of Tciiuehsee is Also Very Much iu Kviilence I Special to The Herald WASHINGTON D C Nov 26 Some Salt leakers who are opposed to Governor West for the federal judgeship judge-ship have forwarded to the treasury department marked copies of Salt Lake mwspapers containing articles about the governor Logan Carlisle the very brght son of Secretary Carlisle and ho is chief clerk of the treasury department I de-partment said to The Herald corres I 1 indent tonight I do not know what Governor Wests chances are to be appointed Vnited States judge but I sincerely hope and believe he will be appointed L igan Carlisle and Governor West or warm friends Benton McMillan will arrive here tomorrow I morrow and it is expected he will see President Cleveland immediately in behalf I be-half of Judge Judd Representative I Washington of Tennessee is also actively I ac-tively at work in the interest of Judge Judd The western senators and representatives representa-tives are rapidly arriving > nd are pre raring to push heir pet measures tlut > ugh Congress Sentor C DI Kk of Wyoming with his wife is I at Wi11ards Congressman Edgar Wilson Wil-son of Boise is also at Willards James H Bacon of the Bank of Salt Lake Is at the Riggs house He is here on land business |