Show AHUSEMENTS 8 < Georgia Tayvan and her company are at the various hotels in town They open at the theatre tonight in Squire Kate v Wright Huntington and his Denver stock company opens at the Grand tonight to-night In The Idler which runs all the j week 000 That admirable organization the K of P band under the direction of Prof Pederson gave an excellent concert at the Grand last evening Sunday night concerts were never very popular in Salt Lake and it is surprising that the audience was as large as it was it was more than fair without being large No other band thf town ever had has I reached the < amp stage of uerfectjon that the K of P organization has attained at-tained to It has more than 30 menthe men-the brass reed wind and wood instruments 1 instru-ments aH being renresentdd and some of them notably the cornets and clar I ionets being played by excellent solo j I ists If the horns played with the same I smoothness and delicacy there would be little left to be desired Last nights I pro ramme was rendered as printed in I The Sunday Herald every style of music being represented from a difficult diffi-cult symphony by Beethoven to a trick piece by Reeves Everything was rendered ren-dered with skill spirit and taste The vocal soloists were Mrs Nellie Penrose I Whitney and Mr John Robinson soprano so-prano and bass Both were warmly received re-ceived and both would have been encored en-cored but for the rule judiciously laid down that no encores would be allowed al-lowed The K of P band is somewhat large for an auditorium like the Grand It would sound better in the theatre or even in the tab rl1acle |