Show I L t + WESTERN NEWS AND PROGRESS + 1 I i t I I t i1 IDAHO Idaho Recorder Constable McIntyre McIn-tyre arrived last night from Gibbons vllle having in charge a man named Raymond who beat another party over the head with a sixshooter in a brutal manner McIntyre left this morning for Gibbonsville to get witnesses wit-nesses The jury In the case against Albert I Freel charged with the murder of John Kensler Oct 17 which was tried at Mountain Home returned a verdict of murder in the first degree The case against the murdered mans wife I indicted with Freel is now being tried I The Boise city council has entered into a contract with the water company I com-pany the latter agreeing to furnish water for fire department purposes for 1800 per year and for street sprinkling sprink-ling at the rate of 2 cents per foot of frontage on the streets sprinkled Cheeney Sherman and Jackson Cor bet of Gibbtown Mont were drowned at Idaho Falls last week by the overturning over-turning of their boat In which they were voyaging to the Seven Devils country Welser Signal Carpenters have just finished replacing the Galloway ditch flume over Mann creek the old one having been taken out by high water The flume is 36foot span and is 16 feet wide As it must sustain from 80000 to 90000 pounds of water the truss was a good heavypiece of work The total length of the flume is 6S feet S Werneth is considering the erection erec-tion of a 6000 brick brewery in Weiser The new town of Seven Devils in the Seven Devils mining country is booming boom-ing Many lots have been sold and a newspaper a bank and a hotel are to be started at once MONTANA I Governor Smith has appointed the following delegates to the Trans I Mississippi congress which meets in this city July 1 George W Reeves W G Down S G Murray Missoula ing Great Falls Judge L A Luce F K Armstrong Bozeman Senator E D Mats Anaconda J M Quinn G V Irvine G W Stapleton Butte L E Morse Dillon Anaconda still has two fire chiefs two police chiefs and patrolmen enough for both sides of every street owing to the row between the new mayor and the council A race war is imminent between the Jrish and Italian resident of Walker yule Ole Lumlwall a resident of Bozeman Boze-man who came to Montana in 1864 died in a hospital at Helena last Thursday The Anaconda Standard says there was never a time when there were so many good horses In training at the Butte track as there are now and there are a number of them that a expected to tear great holes In the track records for all kinds of distances I and all ways of going WYOMING James E Miller of Iron Mountain appeared ap-peared before Judge Lee In Cheyenne charged with libelling Miss Etta mesa mes-a schoolteacher of the former place Miss Miles states that she sold Millers l Mil-lers children seme books for which the defendant refused to pay She then I took the books back and Miller it is said annoyed her by posting up a notice no-tice offering anyone 100 reward for tce proving that Miss Miller did not steal the books Judge Lee bund MlJIer over in the sum of 4100 to appear in the district court Cheyenne Tribune Arrangements are about completed to deposit 25000 ae lake trout fry in Lake Minnehaha I is probable this deposit will be made tomorrow and it will be the first of a series to be made from time to time as the fish become available The state fish commissioner expects to obtain by exchange from a Nebraska hatchery about 50000 fry of the walleyed pike which will also be deposited in the lake in July The success of the experiment with lake trout is not fully assured on account I ac-count of the small size of the lake but it is believed they will thrive there So far as pike are concerend they frequent fre-quent open lakes a well as rivers and wH undoubtedly grow well Finding business somewhat dull a Saratoga barber has put a hired man In his shaveological parlors and has gone out on the range to make a stake shearing sheep I Rock Springs Miner On last Friday I Fri-day about noon George Dubensky the 14yearold son of 11 and r John Dubensky was killed In No 9 mine by falling coal The coroners mne falng coa croners jury held the father responsible for the accident 1TV AA The Carson News gives an item regarding re-garding the burial of a Chinaman who died at Carson and says that the dead mans countrymen would not remove I the body or even touch i but removed the bed clothes that covered him with a pitchfork Some of the officers of j the town finally persuaded the China I men to employ an Indian to put the I body In a coffin for 1 What the Chinaman died of is not stated but I judging from the tem It is presumed II that he had some loathsome disease I this is so the officers should be chage with and prosecuted for criminal crim-inal carelessness Truckee Republican The Bell Telephone Tele-phone company is putting up a telephone tele-phone line from Sacramento to Reno The line has reached Colfax It is lne la I expected ex-pected to establish offices at all of the principal tovns along the line Reno Journal A humber of oldtime Comstockers are preparing to leave the I old toe for new homes I is said that the exodus is married and the population popu-lation of Virginia la rapidly decreasing prospect decreas-ing It its certainly not a flattering prspect The Humboldt river at Winnemucca has endeavored to emulate the example exam-ple of the Mississlcpl and has spread I out nto an immense lake covering I i land that ha not been under water for years Elko contemplates celebrating Independence Inde-pendence day A citizens meeting has been called and it is proposed to whoop it up on the glorlqus Fourth I COLORADO I I George Matheson a prominent ranchman j ranch-man living six miles northeast of Eliza I beth was dragged to death Thursday 1 His team ran away he beins eaucht and tangled up In the lines so that the horses dragged him over a mile breaking break-ing through four wire fences before they stopped at his corral Matheson I lived but a few minutes after being picked up I Is stated at Denver on what is considered con-sidered good authority that Chief of Police John L Russell will secure the appointment of United States marshal At the last meeting of the Pueblo city council an ordinance was ordered drawn prohibiting klnetoscope exhibitions exhibi-tions of the Carson prize fight The sporting fraternity has arranged for such an exhibition early this week before be-fore the ordinance can be nassed While passing along the street beside the new McMurtle building at Denver Miss Mary Dale a youns stenographer I stenog-rapher was struck by a brick which fell from the eighth story of the butts Ing and Injured her so badly that she jlied an hour later at the county hospital r hos-pital I Mesa countyexpects to ship 1500 cars J of fruit this season From 150000 to 175000 new trees wIll be set out this year I At urs examination of 1 candidates for appointment on the Denver police force not one was able to answer the i question What Is an ordinance i The beet sugar Oxnards of Nebraska J t propose to establish six beet sugar t I plants on the eastern slope of Colorado 4 I with a central refinery at Denver xe1nery t Sterling and Fort Morgan have been t I selecte for two and others will probably prob-ably be located at Fort Collins Long mont and Greelev CALIFORNIA The corner stone of the Odd Fellows I orphanage at Gilroy was laid yesterday yester-day Will Warner charged with complicity In the murder or James Bellew was found guilty of manslaughter at Los Angeles the jury beIng out but a few j minutes Emanuel Brown who was with Warner and who delivered the I blow that killed Bellew was convicted a few days ago of murder in the first degree He will get a life sentence Maud Pierce an accessory before the act was also convicted of manslaughter man-slaughter Gregorio Rede at San Francisco was 4 sentenced to serve a life term in San Quentin for killing Captain J4Moss i the Piute chief The crime was com J raltted near Basdad a tew weeks ago i for the few dollars that Moss had on his nerson p J > The first car of deciduous fruit to f leave California this season was shipped from Vacaville Wednesday consigned to Chicago The car contained con-tained boxes of cherries The crop i of cherries is estimated at 35000 boxes I Last season It was about 20000 Tho shipment was eight days earlier than last season warm weather having forced the fruit ahead rapidly The grand jury at Sacramento has returned an indictment for libel against John A Sheehan editor of the Sunday News and Charles E Leonard president presi-dent of the board of trustees and Supervisors o pervisors Jenkins and Dreman are charged with malfeasance In office The indictment against Sheehan was brought on the strength of a series of articles in his paper charging Chairman Morrison and other members of the board of supervisors with having misapproprIated mis-appropriated county funds The accusations accu-sations against Supervisors Jenkins and Dreman are to the effect that they allowed al-lowed exorbitant claims of newspapers for publishing the election procloma ton and that they voted to allow the claims of county papers which printed the proclamation without having been authorized to do so ARIZONA The Arizona Gazette says western Arizonans are just now searching for some effective way of draining their Irrigation ditches Hop Sins an old vegetable China man was murdered at Sanford in southern Arizona last week The body was found buried In the sand nea the 1 I house in the Sonoita with two bullet The murderers have holes through him murerer I not yet been found Tucson Star Our merchants were i I doing an extraordinary rushing business busi-ness last evening and the principal streets presented an appearance equal t that of the large cities all caused I by the arrival of the Southern Pacific pay car The pay roll in Tucson amounts to about 50000 monthly the I principal part of which goes into the life blood of the community the mechanic me-chanic and laborer and then direct into the channels of trade which helps to r make Tucson the undisputed center of business in the territory I MISCELLANEOUS GLEANINGS I Baker City Ore is overcrowded with strangers and there is no work for the unemployed Stimulated by the success which attended at-tended last seasons experiments with I sugar beets in the Pecos valley where 1400 acres were produced at a total I cost of 22 per acre yielding 130 carloads car-loads of sugar the farmers of New I Mexico have gone extensively into beet j culture this spring Thousands of acres of irrigated land are being seeded and the demand for seed and all manner of literature bearing on the subject of I cultivation clamor well night reaches a public i c9mor |