Show LOCAL BRIEFS The city council has appointed a committee to investigate the matter of opening Hudscn avenue A gun weighing 122000 pounds for the fortifications at Fort Point on the Pacific passed through Ogden yesterday yester-day It is possible that Ogden may have a new system of lighting Her streets as the mayor has addressed the council coun-cil on the matter and a communication communica-tion lids been received from the Sun Vapor Street Lighting company of Canton O making an offer to put in their system The city council having resolve to reduce thestreet lamps to twelvfj the following are those to be retained Corner Twentjflfth and Wall Twenty fifth and Lincoln Twentyfifth and Grant Twentynfth and Washington I center of blocjj twentyfive Twenty I fourth and Grant Twentyfourth and Wall Twentyfourth and Washington Twentysecond and Washington Og den river bridge and Washington con tar of Lester park and corner of Wash Wton and Twentyeighth |