Show FOREIGN FLASHES Brief nail Tierray Cnlilea From All rortlono of Tills Tcrrcstlul Splierc Colon March 5A large number of troops have been dispatched t Santan derv to suppress the rebellion there Whelms Haven March Emperor 57inielm swore In naval recruits thIs sore mornlng He goes to Helg land tomorrow tomor-row London March 6A dispatch to the Standard from Berlin says a heavy fall Btndard of snow in Eastern Prussia has greatly interrupted traffic f London March 6A Berlin dispatch to the Standard announces the death of Headmaster Hoffman of the Grey FrJara high school at Berlin At one time Prince Bismarck attended this school London March 5SIr Henry Cresswlck RasvlSson Bart G S B the first interpreter Inter-preter of a cuneiform inscription at flr 19 9rm fg Babylon and Nineveh and one time president pres-ident of the Royal Geographical society is dead aged Si Ottawa Can March 5Cape Colony ha offered free trade with Canada wIthal I with-al the gain which that means to both countries including advantage to the Canadian markets equal to 20 per cent j i over those of the United States and even j Great Britain The Canadian government will reciprocate I Bristol March 5The Illness of Nat j j Herresehoft took an unfavorable turn late this afternoon and the physician I was hastily summoned Dr Milker states i he found grave symptoms of pneumonia 1 with a increase of fever sufficient to i cause apprehension I j Colon March 5M Be la Tournle chief engineer of the Panama Canal company who visited the Isthmus for the purpos of examining the canal has left for France As I result of his investigation he reports favorably on the sHgaton material on band and the cuttings ale In good order He approves the dock sys tem and it is said will propose hydraulic excavation at Culebra |