Show DECLARED A DIVIDEND ScTFf BullionBecls Directory Performed Per-formed Its First IVbrlc The first lea work the new board of directors of the BullionBeck and Champion aiming company did was to meet and declare a dividend of 25 cents a share on the 100000 shares oran or-an even 25000 This distribution was made yesterday and the Indebtedness of President Beck will be considerably reduced overdonehalf of the dividend going Into the syndicate account which is divided among the holders of preferred credits This dividend is only onehalf that usually declared every month by the company but there are several reasons why the reduction was in line with the conservative policy which is to be one of the characteristics of the newly organized or-ganized board During the month of February the companys shipments of ore were considerably lighter than In the previous month or during the months at < he close of the old year |