Show HEWS FROM NEARBY CITIES AND TOWNS CACHE COUNTY VGRlClHrVRAIi SOCIETY SO-CIETY DOOJIIliG A Compliment to Mr VVnilleiffli Vtnft Sheep in Colorado Advantages of Kttmpn Gcucrnl Notes The good work has commenced In earnest A branch jt the Cache County Agricultural socIety Is to be organized In every ward in Cache valley on the same basis as he present society thus ensuring practical ana efficient means to all alike of securing the lienfllts which cannot fail to follow united eftort in the line of in eUSgent and nell directed cooperation Logan Journal The convention called to formulate the fundamental law of the new state of Utah Is now in session Within a day or Viva all the preliminaries of organization etc will have been arranged and the convention ivlll get down to business ItS It-S Of the utmost importance that every citizen interested in the welfare of the now state follow closely the procedmgs ot this body and where possible suggo tiors phould be made to aid the delegates in giving full and Just representation to each particular question of the confiscation confisca-tion of water rights to the state will be discussed at the neH meeting of the Logan chamber of commerce and the enso of the people in regard to this matter should be made known to the convention Logan Journal |