Show DOMESTIC DOTS STewsy Notes Front All Portions of the Land Ovo Wliiali the Stars and Striped Wave Los Angeles CaL Feb 5TWO carloads car-loads of oranges were shipped from this city for Florida this morning Boston March iThe bill to grant full municipal suffrage to women in Massachusetts Massa-chusetts was defeated today 127 to S7 Winston S C March 5A shock of earthquake lasting several seconds wad night Build felt here at 10 oclock last ings were shaken but no damage was done Lincoln Neb March 5The House today to-day passed the anticigarette hU Oxuaha has been especially bitter in this light but the churches nave succeeded In influencing in-fluencing their member SaUna Ian March 5 Right Rev S E Thomas Episcopal bishop of Kansas is lying at the point of death at 6 Johns school Impaction of the bowels is the cause of his illness Galesburg 111 March 5 Henry Livingston Living-ston formerly editor of the Peoria Transcript Tran-script Laramie Boomerang Kansas City Times and Star died at the hospital here today of consumption aged 35 Washington March 5Tho president has reappointed William E Dowell who failed of confirmation during the session as postmaster at Missoula Mont vice H C Meyers commission expired Boston March 5Lady Henry Somerset Somer-set Miss Frances E Wlllard and Miss Anna Gordon private secretary to Miss WHIard have left this city preparatory to sailing for Europe on the New York at 1 oclock tomorrow Mexico City March i1W H Ellis the negro Moses has arrived here from Ta hualllo Durango where he has Just located loca-ted 700 negro colonists The colony not only have the sympathy of the government govern-ment but of the business men of the country Fort Townsend Wash March 5 The steamship Willapa has left on her Initial trip for Alaska with a full cargo of freightand eighty passengers Every steamer going north Is loaded down with miners and adventurers rushing to tho Yukon gold fields San Antonio Tex March Twenty five negro men whom Peg Leg Williams Willi-ams took to Mapimi Mexico last January Janu-ary passed through here today en route to Alabama They are on foot and have been on the read since the first week they struck Mapiml They state they did not like the country San Francisco Cal March Attorney General OIney has notified United States District Attorney Foote of the appointment appoint-ment of Lewis D McKissick a a special assistant United States attorney In the claim of the United States against Le land Stanford Springfield I March 5In the United States circuit court today the Tudor Iron Works of St Louis Mo applied for an Injunction against 350 of their em ployes who are out on a strike restrain Ing them from interfering with the OD eration of thier rolling mills at East St Louis tion Judge Allen granted the injunc tionWashington Washington March EA statement pre pared at the immigration bureau shows that the total number of Immigrants arriving ar-riving at ports of the United States during the seven months ending February Feb-ruary 1 1S65 was 112375 as against 189 562 for the seven months ended February Febru-ary 1 1E84 a decrease of 75207 of 40 percent per-cent The recent arrivals are chiefly of the most undesirable classes and are In destitute circumstances Lincoln Neb March 5The first step Jn the building the Plattc canal was taken when the senate voted hi favor of the Platte canal bill and general Irrigation Ir-rigation bB This action when concurred in by the house and the governor will give the city of Omaha the right w1 build and own the canal which is a proposed pro-posed waterway for furnishing power by diverting the waters of the Platte river llato Springfield Ill March 5In the state senate today Senator Johnson offered a resolution charging that corruption exists In ever department of the city of Chicago Chi-cago and Cook county and providing for a joint committee of three from the senate sen-ate and four from the house to investigate investi-gate the whole city and county machinery machine-ry I charges that the Chicago council bartered valuable franchises to individuals individu-als and corporation without the least regard to the public welfare and the po lice department granted immunity to criminals ment and shielded the unlawful cle |