Show I GEflMA HUSBANDR COUNCIL Berlin March 5Jriie German husbandry hus-bandry council opened here today The Prussian minister of agriculture Herr Von Hammersteln gave an address gye complimenting the council upon the I thorough manner in which it dealt With husbandry questions Baron Von 2 Cotta offered a resolution demanding I the rfefusl of the most favored nation 4 treatment to countries outside of I europe competing with Germany the f eventual establishment of n customs t noD of the European husbandry tatee an International settlement off of-f The currency question and the Immediate il Imme-diate adoption of measures for raIning 3 > the prices of cereals on the basis of U o u J c f L 1 I Q I u ti J Count Von Kanltzs motion for a state monopoly of cereals |