Show Republicans Displeased I The Republican papers In Utah seem very much disturbed over the election of J I CARTER HARRISON as mayor of Chicago One of them declares that in placing the gentleman in the municipal chair Chicago Chi-cago has advertised once more that a majority of her people are toughs JJ j Another says About the meanest man I in Chicago is CARTER HAIUUSON and he is elected mayor of that great city I That is very severe But is it just or even sensible If a Republican had been elected would that have been proof that a majority of the people of Chicago were lender and cul tivatcd gentlemen And would it follow that because lie was elected he was about the best man in Chicago But we are told all the papers in the Worlds Fair city except one denounced CARTER HARKISOK and that one is his own paper Does that prove his unfitness for the place May not the fact that he owned and edited an influential paper have been one of the causes of thisjour nalistic hostility However that may be the Tribune and Inter Ocean his most vehement opponents last winter offered to support him if he would run on a Citizens Citi-zens ticket His answer was it he ran at all he would do soon a straight Democratic Demo-cratic ticket Does that make him a criminal and a tough What kind of a man is HARRISON anyway any-way Why he is an educated intelligent brainy gentleman who speaks several languages and has I before been mayor of Chicago He has the reputation of saving the city from anarchy and also from I bankruptcy He is not one of tho goody goody kind But he has force and push and it is believed that be will regulate 1 and keep in check those elements that cannot be suppressed In a city like Chicago Chi-cago and that he will make as respectable respecta-ble as possible certain things that prohibition prohi-bition will not prohibit The Staats Zeitwig has been very hostile to him and it was thought that this would turn from him the German vote but it has not done so The editor that paper wanted the nomination himself He did not get it but agreed to abide by the decision I de-cision of the convention He has not I run in opposition to HARRISON but I he supported ALLERTON the Republican and citizens candidate DE WITT CREQIER has been another opponent a Democrat runningagainst him on an independent in-dependent ticket Mr HARRISON has won in the face of all these foes and there must be something about him that is worthy of support One of the strongest evidences of this is the bitterness of Republican Re-publican papers over his election Chicago contains a great many toughs no doubt It will be found on investigation that there have been fully as many under Republican as under Democratic Dem-ocratic rule if not more The Chicago papers have been overflowing with accounts ac-counts of the very worst kinds of crimes committed by thugs footpads burglars highway robbers bunco steerers and all sorts of swindlers and confidence people It is believed that under CARTER lIAR BISON a great deal of this crime will be put down During the Worlds Fair crooks from all quarters will flock to Chicago and it will require a man of energy and vim to meet the emergency On the other hand there will be hosts of the foremost people of the nations in the city and a cultured traveled and experienced man of tho world is wanted to receive them as the municipal representative CARTER HARRISON HAR-RISON has his fault no doubt but it is believed that he will fill the need in both these particulars And it is not to be expected ex-pected that any out and out Democrat would delight our Republican contemporaries contem-poraries |