Show REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A List of the Deeds Filed for Record with The Count Recorder Yesterday W J Home and wife to Frederick W Little west half of lot I block 79 plat D 42500 William Leverich and wife to David R Lyon lot S plat I Whalons addition 1350 George E Howe and wife to Edwin F Parry lots 3 and 8 f block I and lot 7 block 3Rural subdivision sub-division 31375 Joseph U Elder and wife to Henry B Elder 5lx3 rods lot 5 block CO plat A fl 1 Henry B Elder and wife to Margaret E Elder iGS square rodslots block UO platA ilL il-L B Westertield et al to Harriet A Partridge Part-ridge lots 2 3 and 5 block 80 plat C 4500 William Spioer and wife to Levi Broadbent lots 5 C and 7 block 101 plat C S5 i Sharon Atkinson to Harriet A Partridge lots 3 C and 7 block 101 plat C 37oO H B Whittemore to Win II Shearman lots 1 2 and 7 block 93 plat C HOOO Thomas Thomas and wife to John Williams 9x5 rod lot C block34 plat c WOO Mary J Leverich and husband to Annie Bush lots 1 and 3 and part of lot 14 block 3 Whalonu addition fGCO Estate of R S Walker to John H Burrows lot 35 and north half of lot M block I Walker subdivision block plat A 975 Harriet A Partridge to Charles A Larsonlot I and 2 block 17 plat A 81 I B A M Froiseth and wife to John A Williams Wil-liams 5x10 rods lot 5 > block03 plate SlSW I James E Fulton and wife to Edwin E Kich 7x23 rods lot 4 block 61 plat A Second West between Second and Third South 310000 Frank E Gregg et al to Thomas A Dunchee Highland park property near Black bridgo t7SjO Mekkael Faldmo and wife to B A M Froi seth 4 acres section U township 1 south range 1 west R30 B A M Froisoih and wife to John D McKay lots 1213 14 15 and 16 block 5 Prospect park isis i 3IOJames James AMaxfield and wife to William A Maxtield 10 acres section 16 township 3 south range east SlOOO A R Derge and wife to C Evanson 3x10 rods lot 6 block 01 plat A 83000 Harriet A Partridge to A J Pendleton et sal north half of lot 5 block 19 plat F corner Else enth East and Fourth South 50000 Joseph A Morlan to Freeman F Patten 3x0 rods lot 4 block plat D S4SOO Joseph A Morlan to Freeman F Patten 6Vii Cs rods lot 2 block 32 plat B opposite Fairgrounds Fair-grounds 0503 A L Slmondi and wife to C Evanson 4x10 rods lot 3 block 31 plat A S3500 Mary S Kimball to Fourteenth Ward school district 7x12 rods block 07 plat A subject to right of way 11 feet by 12 rods Second West between First and Second South onequarter of a block north of court house 13000 John T Donnellan and wife to Paul E B Hammer 5x12 rods lot 3 block plat B Second Sec-ond South between Fourth and Fifth East S3 50 UOFullmer and wife to Harry P Hall lot 22 Cummings subdivision south half of block 2 platC3u Harry P Hall to John C Wesley lot 22 Cummings Cum-mings subdivision south half of block 2 plat C i300 Eliza M Suell to Elizn Shafer 40 x165 feet lot 1 block 1C3 plat A Ji41d |