Show MORMON COLONIZATION I I is Said that a Big Emigration of Mormons To Canada Will Take Place Special to THE HERALD Examiner Dispatch CALGARY N W T Nov 19There is considerable excitement among the authorities author-ities at Lithbridgc and Fort McLeod over ites Lithbrdge the visit to the territory of a large party of Mormons from Salt Lake city The party includes President Woodruff of the Mormon Mor-mon church George Q Cannon late Delegate Dele-gate in Congress from Utah Brigham Young jr and Bishop Smith a nephew of the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith Their unexpected visit is for the purpose of inspecting in-specting the workings of the Mormon colony near Fort McLeod and to make arrangements ar-rangements for providing homes for several sev-eral thousand Latterday Saints some of whom are now en route from Europe President Woodruff says that owing to the prosecution of the Mormons by the United States authorities in Arizona and Utah it had been decided to make a partial change of base and that next spring thousands of Mormons now residing in Utah and Arizona will remove to the Northwest territory Colonies will be established at Assinaboine and Alberta under the jurisdiction of Fort McLeod where all tho doctrines of the Mormon faith including polygamy will be taught and practised The colony at Fort McLeod is unaer the superintendency of a former member of the British Columbia legislature who resigned his seat in that body to become a Mormon bishop The government authorities at Ottawa as well as the governor royal and his advisory council aro severely critcized by the masses and classes of the northwest casses for their failure to prevent tho spread of the evils growing out of the open practice of polygamy at the first McLeod colony Protests were today forwarded to Ottawa and Regina against the proposed establishment establish-ment of more colonies and if measures are not adopted at once by the authorities to head off the movement the people will take the matter in their own hands I |