Show A WARNING The paragraph in Sundays issue of THE IEKALD telling of Ogden parties being here and looking about for a building in vhich to open a dance hallwas not a news paper > invention The facts were as stated and the words of the visitors correctly reported re-ported > The men wanted to rent a hall and to the owner of such a place to whom hey applied for terms frankly said that they intended to run a variety show They were informed that there wasn municipal mu-nicipal ordinance forbidding shows of the character suggested and that the authorities authori-ties would not tolerate them The parties said they understood the situation fully but the Liberals were going to get control of the election next February when variety va-riety shows would be permitted and these gentlemen intended to be early in the field getting the advantage which comes from being first This incident is a straw indicating plainly the direction of the Liberal mind It also exposes the ambition and motives of the organization which is straining every nerve and putting forth all effort to obtain political politi-cal control of the city at the next election The unclean element in the partyand that element forms a high percentage of the organization eager for Liberal success suc-cess for it knows that such success will transform Salt Lake from the quiet peaceful peace-ful clean city that it is with an enviable reputation throughout the nation in the matter of freedom from immoral houses dives and dens such as characterize other western cities into a noisy nasty town in which dancehalls and shows of tho immoral im-moral kind will thrive and gambling be prac iced publicly if not under police protec tion Some of tho Liberal leaders will deny this in tho hope of deceiving and thereby retaining the clean and upright mon who do not support the party of the People in politics But the denial will not alter the facts Ogden has supplied the example of what Liberal ascendancy means and furnished the incentive in-centive to the lawless and vile to work for Liberal triumph Less than a year ago the Liberals were making all sorts of pretty promises of what they would do if they were placed in charge of the destinies oC Ogden They were going to inaugurate I great reforms and give a government that would be the boast and pride of all the residents of the junction city and the joy of Liberals throughout the Territory Well they were entrusted with authority and power which they craved and how did they exercise them tThe story has been often told Tnrt it will bear repeating as long as it is necessary to issue a warning to the people against trusting the Liberal party From a clean moral and orderly city Ogden wa at once transformed into a rendezvous for crooks and thieves vile men and viler women gamblers and men who live by the illigitimate employment of their wits The saloons were multiplied houses of prostitution were more numerous and better bet-ter known than the churches gambling was conducted openly the police officers actually participating and the odorous odor-ous and ugly fame of the town spread from ocean to ocean Finally matters became so bad that the United States marshal was compelled to make an effort to enforce the law over the heads of the Liberal municipal authorities the letter let-ter wore sustained in their course by those who had put them in power and the marshals mar-shals labor was in vain though indignan public opinion has caused some of the gamblers gam-blers to depart while the vile women have been shamed into being less brazen on the public streets This in brief is the story of Liberal rul in Ogden and it is what the great majority ma-Jority of the Liberal voters want to see duplicated in Salt Lake The Liberals having made Ogden unclean they hope and expect to accomplish the same thing hero and the enterprising members of tho party from the Junction city want to be on hand to reap the reward Not alone should the Peoples party of Salt Lake fight desperately against the ugly infliction which will necessarily follow fol-low change of rule The clean and respectable res-pectable nonMormons the men with families fami-lies of whatever shade of political opinion should be as earnest and as determined as the People to prevent the institution oC dance halls of gambling dens of variety shows of houses of prostitution and of those evils generally which have attended the Liberal control of the Ogden municipal affairs |