Show CITY lEADS HEADS ACCEPT APPOINTMENTS MADE JID BY HERMAN GREEN GREEl Commissioner Herman II ir Greens Green's ap appointments ap- ap of heads of oC subdivisions in inthe the tho department of or public affairs and anti finance Were concurred In b by the thc eil city commission at yesterdays yesterday's session in inthe inthe inthe the council chambers of oC the time City and Count County building Mr Greens Green's appointments follow City treasurer Robert flobert N. N Young deputy deputy dep dep- I ut uty city treasurer M. M M. M Beaver city license assessor Charles YV V. Lawrence I city attorney William II Folland city recorder W. W A A. I. I city purchasing ing lag agent ag Arthur J. J Lowe custodian of or tho the Warm arm Springs R. R S. S Sleater city sexton C. C L. L Evans chief clerk to the time commissioner Miss Stella Connor All 11 of these hel held the same places under under under un un- un- un der tho the old commission Lester P. P Wire ire sergeant erg of oC tho the traffic traC- traC tic fic Ic squa squad before beCore the time war warS war who has hason been beena on a i first grade patrolman since leaving tie the arm army and G G. GB U. U Hamby alo alst a first grade Jrade patrolman were yesterday confirmed confirmed con eon firmed as city detectives The resl resignation nation of I. I L. L R. R Watts alls member of oC the ice antl squad was aas accepted by tho the commission It is reported report cd that the tho resignation was requested by Mayor Bo Bock I |