Show DEATHS USELESS I BRIGADIER SAYS I II I I Sherburne Asserts Lives Sacrificed Sacrificed Sacrificed Sac Sac- I in ill in Armistice Day Offensives BT fly y A L- L Press Washington ton Jan Lives Lives Lives o of American Ameri merl can troops were needlessly sacrificed on Armistice morning because the American high command at Chaumont did not specifically revoke o pre lou previously ly Issued or orders ers to attack Brig Gen J. J H. H of or Boston former Cormer Commander commander commander com com- mander of or the artillery brigade of oC the second Ninety negro division today told a House subcommittee General Genera Sherbourne strongly condemned the methods of oC what he referred to as time the general staff starr gang gangat at Chaumont criticising particularly a a. dominating triumvirate Corps division and and- brigade commanders commanders commanders comman comman- ders stood In such piteous fear rear of or the Chaumont staff that they thc did not dare In most cases to revoke on their own authority tho the order to attack on November November No No- oember o- o vember ember 11 oven cven though they the knew me meto to toa toa a n. moral certainty that an armistice had been signed Order Sot Not Cancelled The order to attack stood said General Sherburne and the only other I order that camo came through relative to toan toan toan I an Armistice 4 day operations that 1 knew of oC was an order orter at 11 a a. a in m. November No No- 0 vember 11 all aU hostilities must cons cons' I No Nd commanding officer could possibly have hac Interpreted that as a cancellation of oC the previous order calling calIng for an attack during tho the morning of the 1111 Most units fought right up to 11 it o'clock some Mome of ot them against ln t machine gun operations A few v w commanding officers did risk martial court-martial and hold back but bul they tho did It on their own r entirely The Tho general staff system the time general gen general gen gen- n- n eral declared dominated tho the entire army arm and kept commanding officers from corps commanders do down n in hm perpetual perpetual perpetual per per- fear tear of ot being sent sont to the rear In disgrace General Connor Omaha Neb cb Jan S. S Replying to the reported assertion of or Frig Brig Gen John II H. Sherbourne a national guard officer of Boston Doston before a a. House war Investigating committee that responsibility responsibility for Cor the loss Joss or of American lives hes through h attacks ordered on Armistice day n should bo be charged to American headquarters Brig Gen Fox Pox Conner member of oC General Genera Pershing's staff anti chief ehler of or operatIons operation in the Amerl- Amerl mt rl- rl j can expeditionary forces said that t General Sherbourne's Idea of the war I 1 Iman appeared to coincide with that held hell b by man many other pcr persons ons namely that tho the war ended before It ended endt As As for Cor the tho attack in which General Genant Sherbourne Sh and und the tho second Ninety di division division di- di l- l vision to which he was attached participated participated par par- that attack was waN launched at ut 6 G a i t m. m l November er 11 11 Just ono one hour flour before American general headquarters had b been 1 unformed informed that tho ho armistice was waN signed The rhe signing sl took place atthe at nt tho the exact moment of ot the sec Ninety I ends ond attack I |