Show t f 0 I and aud Funerals 1 J O p A. A E. E i 11 7 23 wife io of oC A A. A nd daughter of or Mr and n nd Stuart of this city cit died Thursday at Twin will Ili be he held heM at T lam Taylor chapel hapel Sunn Sunn Sun- Sun n n nat at 1 Friends s Interment will be In City AY L L. HILLS DILlS ls Is JJ 9 son Ion of Jordan and anel tm m Bills died of ot natural day dav In a local hospital Ill 11 bo be sent to Fairview t funeral services and Intake Intake In- In take place Sunday AC I. I Sr 1 r. r Isaac Harman Harmm will bo ho Sixteenth ward chapel moon at Invited The Tue bo body lOa may be he si J family residence N. N f street bet leen 11 and 1 ie e day of oC the funeral Inbe Inbe In- In be eIn In City cemetery II 11 OK S St I r William Henr Henry Brooks t t tat at t the Twenty eighth I a afternoon at 1230 iio lends may mar marIew view the body W. W Third North lay a ay between 9 and 12 torment will be In City I SIE K S. S J r Mrs Annie S. S Whyte ay will be he held at of her son James ramnes B. B 8 Eighth East street Fri Fri- n at In Inter Inter- tere ter- ter c e In tho the family p pt t In hi ry TI y j UKU SLACK ek 50 DO a member of oC the i f t. t died of nat nat- Jn Sn n a local buses hoses hosts hos- hos es ts will be held at tho the S. S pel Satur Saturday a morning at lends may mav view the body Evans ns parlors Friday aft aft- morn morning In Inter Inter- In kin Mount Olivet Oll kNICH NIU X SMITH D Benner X N. Smith will ho he 5 D D. T Evans TanK anK chapel Satur- Satur nat j nt 2 Interment Internment lount Olivet I fes eg Cs C's 53 3 died le of oC l lda day da at al his home 2 K P. P South street Services SOI jit t the time S S. M. M Taylor at 1 I Inbe In- In Ibe be In Il c-Il City cemetery I SG lied died of natural day da Mr Ir Thorpe who of Loughborough Eng Bag ng- ng Ived hed b by his widow Marthe Mar Mar- Ithe the following dau daughters line Cooper and anti n a of or Nottingham ham Engi Eng Eng- i 1 13 B. Robinson and Mrs Irs lof of Fillmore Utah Mrs Irs lH of or San Sn Diego C Oil Cal 1 Young of Los Loa An Angeles eles John Wells p and Mrs of Salt falt Lake IZA M. M I. I Cil UI May ta Glade 73 7 died led of ot Wednesday 1 n at the home Willam J. J Glade 31 I 1 IRon Ion Ron on on survives her iiii JIS if C Edward Fowles Ioles who sho 1 wu sent to Mount c 11 for services and survived I b by two sons |