Show Potent Golf Meeting on Tonight co rj 44 rg 44 1 r Z z- z 4 b 4 1 1 Will Have International Asp Aspect ct w YORK Jan S Many matters N of or vl l il Importance to American I Ito golfers who arc rc looking forward to a a. brilliant tea season on throughout tho country countr In 1920 will bo he discussed and passed upon at the annual meeting 11 of tho the United States Golf association which will be held lit ht this city tomor- tomor tow night The as assignment h of or the national na na- na- na amateur open op and women's championship tournaments will he be one lor of the principal items on tho the program International interest however will center In tho the appointment nl ot of a representative representative committee to confer conCer with British officials for Cor tho the purpose of ot bringing ln about a universal understanding understand understand- In ing of ot rules governing Jo the tho game bame A great deal elMI of oC correspondence has taken place for some time past between the Am American rican and md British golf g governing S bodies and the read reading In of some sonic of the communications nm may prove pro both Instructive and Interesting lo to the assembled assembled as as- delegates An invasion In of British links h by amateur amateur ama ama- tour and professional players from this country during the tho season seems lo to be assured L' L Lt LatOr t l' l on during the summer months Hart Harry Vardon ardon Abo Abe Mitchell and other experts are expected I lo to cross the Atlantic to take part In exhibition matches here and possibly compete in the national open If the thc date for that t event ent is set back far farenough enough to tho the visitors to do o oso so So o far tar tho the trend of opinion favors the selection of ot the Sunset Hills club of or St. St Ix Io Laths tiis ls for the open tournament while the Nassau assau and Piping Rock nock club courses on Lon Long Island arc are the most likely places from which a a. choice will b bl be made for for holding the great groat amateur e en event n t. t Officer The nominating committee of the United States tates Golf association has Ims named a a. ne new list t of or officials chats for election George II H Walker alker of the St St. Louis Country club is nominated nomi 1 for president to succeed Frederich Frederick Fred Fred- erick erich S. S Wheeler of or who has served ser two terms Howard 1 F of or Nassau assau who has been a avery avery vcr very efficient secretary for several sc years and J J. J I P. flyers Dyers of or are arc named as ns first and second vice Ice dents mats in place of or Dr Walter Wallet S S. S Barban Barhan Bar- Bar han ban of or Washington hin a lon and Sterling 12 g Edmunds of or St. St Louis who P have dropped out W. W V. V D. D Vanderpool Morris Norris Nor Mor rl ris count county New Jersey who served rd as secretary ot of the Metropolitan Golf as association association as- as for man many years art has been n named med to suc succeed oed Mr Ir Whitney Mortimer Nor Mor Jor- Jor timer X N. Buckner of Garden City the tho present treasurer is Ig the only man to havo have the thin honor o of retaining hi his position pol- pol tion as he Is named to servo another year ear In addition to tHese officials four Caul other members of the executive committee are arc name named as follows Al Albert Albert Alhert Al- Al bert hert D D. Locke Brookline Nelson elson M. M It Whitney AUdubon Edward S S. S Moore I and Hugh Wilson Merlon |