Show RUSS SOVIETS WIN SUCCESS REPORTS SAY Bolshevik l Forces I D CUI ke ec s A Army rIllY ane anet and I X i t Reach Sea of t w tr London Jan S. S Tho S Tho situation ii Ir r la Is about aboul as bad as could b be o from Bolshevik anti point of oC view according according ac nc- ac- ac cording to British war office reports I air and ld i there are arc few fete signs Indicating indicating an any Ikei likely Improvement Th There Thero ro a arc ro o two o especially menacing developments U Tn Uthe t n the first place General yo y through gh t tn o army irm has ben been b en cu cut In two l 1101 lk he push to the sea of or at al and tt its flanks flank havo o bc beer been n thrust back leaving lea a lai a gap In Jn addition there conies comes Clain from the tho Bolshevist of or the capture further east dut of or the town to of oC F on the Caspian sea and while this Is no not ts t confirmed It is generally accepted a at as s truer true true r Persia Red The he of or this important port of oC sk It n Is 18 pointed nut out creates the grave ra e possibility that Heds may nIlY overrun 0 northern Persia an and occupy Teheran which probably would mean the establishment nt of oC Bolshevik ik ruin In Persia Persi 1 Tho The taking or of o Krasno- Krasno gives s t s this the Heds free treo access to the th Caspian There seems little to tu prevent pre pro vent them therm from gaining control o ot oC f the IC Caspian from tho the more or o- Of oless less in ineffective In- In effective C volun volunteer teer fleet leet Once In possession of ot this sea sa there remains only a small British force and tho the poorly or organized P Persian r lan forces be bo between between be- be tween the Reds and the occupation of oC Teheran and northern Persia which would exist exl t th the possibility of or orth th their lr obtaining control of or the whole country Hn nn an n Threatened Baku with Its Us Important oil supplies on the western co coast coas st t of oC the Caspian seems stems also 1150 to fall Into Bolh Bolshevik ik hands hand and Its it occupation would provide pro Ide a n. base abase for further r operations against the rear of or s hard pr pressed rI right ht wing Jf JC the Bolshevik lk reports are arc true General has suffered a considerable considerable con con- disaster for not only the Heds severed all land communication atlon between his left leCt and right wings but they have ha captured lar large c quantities of or material including much that what sent him b by the allies ames There is little hope held out here that deprived of or these supplies the tho forces can hope to make mal a resistance that would could prove effective against the tho overwhelming Red fled arm army |