Show I u. u H. H I POLICY I SOVIETS GIVEN OUTI William Phillips Assistant t Secretary of State Tells Administrations Administration's Attitude Toward Bolshevist Russia Br By r Associated t Press Crts B pOSTON BasToN USTON Jan S. S The So-The The policy of Bolshevik Rol- Rol the tho United States toward jk Russia Hussin is discussed in a n. letter from Assistant Secretary of St State te William Phillips made public today by Demarest I Lloya secretary of the Harvard Liberal club to whom it was addressed Mr 1 Phillips' Phillips state state- f nr J i written written- i on the eve tho eve c ok of r. r his do 1 do part par re for Europe was US said b by Mr l Lloyd to have been sought as a n supplement supplement sup sup- sup 1 to an earlier letter to Senator 1 V Wadsworth of New York on the same su subject The letter says BaS I have ha given careful thought to the several questions which you OU ralso raise re respecting respecting re- re the policy of 01 this government o I as as to Intercourse w with ith tHe portions of or Russia un under cr Bolshevik k control J. J You ask first whether a statement y l fir Mr Winston Churchill In the tho house of or commons to tIle the effect that all BritIsh British Brit Brit- 11 ish h Policies 8 toward Russia are being carried curled out In full fun accord with the tho United States can be reconciled with letter of or Novem Novem- November statement In m my hem ber l 1 to tn Senator Wadsworth that so far re as s sl l tho IO- IO United J d States Is concerned no blockade exists In Accord AccordI I do not recall the precise wordIng wordIng word Ing of oC Mr r. r Churchill's statement It Jt should bo ho made clear however that such uch general accord as has has has' been at attained attained at- at d b by the tho allied and associated to an aspect as aspect aspect as- as J with respect any of ot the war has necessarily manifested mani tested itself concretely In different ways In different countries You Inquire secondly if IC the tho meas uncas- measures measures ures which tho government go takes against subversive propaganda are arc not nn an unwarranted confession of or weak weak- ness This point also was raised in Inan inan an nn editorial referring to the tho departments department's departments department's departments department's depart depart- ments ment's letter etter in the thc New V e Republic As you OU know tn public opinion seems at the present moment rather more critical of or time the government o for Cor being being- too lenient In Its protective measures against ag rfd red r d agitation than for tor creating creatIng creatInG creat creat- ing through unwarranted unwarranted unwarranted unwar unwar- ranted presumption of or weakness Attention At At- A Attention t- t Is invited in this connection I Ito to President Wilsons Wilson's second Inaugural i address In In which he enumerates I among the tho things wo we Aha shall stand for whether In war or In peace the tho following following fol fol- lowing Unrest Unmet On That the tho community of or Interest Inter At and of power upon which peace must henceforth henceforth hence honce- forth depend Imposes upon each cach nation nation nation na na- na- na tion tho the duty of oC seeing to It that all Influences proceeding from its own citizens meant to encourage or assist revolution In oth other r states shall stearn- stearn I ly and anti effectually be he suppressed Thirdly you ou question the time expediency I of the tho called so-called blockade Through the view that the thc Bolshevik aro are kept In power IJ by pressure ressu from the outside Is If by no means conclusive the considerations consid consid- orations cr which you OU mention In this i connection arc are undoubtedly undoubted weight weighty It is certainly desirable from Crom a num nunn number ber her of ot pot points is of oC Jf vew W to terminate atthe at atthe atthe the earliest possible date the restrictive measures measure In question On the time other hand there thero are arc practical difficulties In doing so 80 some of which arc aro set forth In tho the loiter hotter to Senator Wadsworth and and these c up to the present have out oft weighed the lie considerations moving to toI I termination Iel nuel I Fourth you flat ask whether the tho Bol- Bol group has hag not offered a as a tl I condition of or peace to refrain retrain from 1 propaganda and If Ir tune the word of or this group had haa not nol proved pro at least as ns re reliable reliable re- re liable as that of rm any my of 01 the other Rua- Rua slon sion factions with which we wo are arc now no dealing With Ith respect to the tho word of or ortho tho the othor factions I can only say fla that up to the present we have ha not rot been heen tho the victims of or an tny serious With respect to the tho Bol- Bol however howe r we WI h have had practically practically call cally nothing but bunt bad faith Dud Bud faith Is JJ th the avowed essence O of or Bolshevik lk die di- di e Continued on X pare page gc 2 I I I I PHILLIPS TELLS u. u US U.S. s. s POLICY TO 1 Continued from Page 1 1 and Its avowed ulterior purpose purpose pur pur- pose Is ta tv obtain every possible opportunity op op- for time the spread prend of or Its Us subversive sub- sub o e doctrine It Is anI only necessary to quote tho time following extract from a speech made mado b by president of or the P Petrograd soviet on February 2 1919 1919 on the subject of or Princess Island proposal Wo Ve nr are willing to sign an unfavorable unfavorable peace with tho the allies It would only mean that we wo should put no trust whatever cr In the time bit of or paper we should sign We Vo should use se the tho breathing space so FoO obtained In order to gather our strength in iii order that the tho more mere continued existence of or our government Jo would keep up the tho world-wide world propaganda propaganda ganda and which so l soviet t Russia has hns been carrying on for more than a year ear al whether the Finally FInall 1 you OU present policy of or the tho government innot in It innot not throwing Russia Into the arms of oC Germany This could only be answered I b by a discussion of or the whole Russian problem which is not possible in this I letter I |