Show l I New Orleans ns Results 1 First race year 4 and up mile and 5 Thursday sixteenth 10 Coltiletti won won 10 Mooney second Medusa edu a a. a 10 1 Thurber third Time 12 2 s. G. Lucius Handful Baby Dahy Sister bister and Arbitrator als aI also o ran Second race lace claiming olds 3 ar i five e and antl n a n. half hair f furlon Anticipate J lIHi 16 CS Robinson won ho Who Cares reH second Phantom Fair Pierce third Time Pueblo Pokey Jane Janc Copyright Lukes Luke's H Pet 11 heavy y y Weapon capon and azul atana als also o ran Third race the Peerless claiming handicap olds 3 and up six fur fur- longs longs Lass J 04 Wida lda i 4 to 1 I oven even out won won- Dl Discussion 13 ItobI Rob Itoh- I inson 11 Ii to 10 0 2 to i out oUI second Jago Tago 10 low Howard C to 1 I even eien out third Time 1 t. 1 Don Bon Tromp also lIBO ran Fourth th race the thin Joan of oC Arc rc handicap handi liandi- cap fillies 9 and marcH olds 3 and ansI up one mile mlle mlle-Madge Madge I- I E 10 Yon Von on Mistress Polly 1011 lOG second Big nil Id Ilea a lila third Time lG 1 1 i-a. Ballot Dancer and Tailor Maid also atao ran Fifth race claiming year olds s one mile Fleer mUe Fleer 37 won ivon Red Hell I Domino Pierce second Sed Sedge Sedge- e- e grass grasK 9 93 I Wl WIda a. a third Time li 1 1473 3 Gadding cenah Richard Rich Rich- ard V. V Media Battle Mountain Indiscretion India Indis Bec e Wing hl r and arid Nellie wilier also alao ran Sixth race 4 year and UI up mile and ono Gold Crest rest Ho 1103 lOs Walls 11 won Kelsa rod Toddler ler lO ui v third rime 11 m r. r 1 ii hemlock Counter Balance Dt also ran Seventh race year olds R and up 5 claiming mile and amid sixteenth ono won King Ncr Nen- Neptune tune tunc second Keziah Erickson third Time 11 me 1325 2 5 Paul Connolly George Georgo Muhl- Muhl horh n and Bombast t also lo ran Inn |