Show I i The e Musi Student Ab Abroad o oI v I Y I to By Pietro PI r The TIle Gates party part arrived in III Berlin last week weale and created a a. great deal of ot pleasant excitement not only In the tho Utah colony colon but In the Berlin musical Ircle Officially Miss lIs Gates has beon boon ld hero here a as a tIc contract breaker which is one of tho the most serious mis mis- ml misdemeanors demeanors known to Germany German and then her manager Count Von Bylandt advertised that this was seas ns a a. mistake and that Miss Gates had been cr very HI for 01 fori i a. long time Idle rumor was not Idle iou rou may bo suro and rumor had it that the rho had Joined forces with the Metropolitan Metro Metro- j politan of ot New York York that that she had hadeen teen been een induced to accept of or n a big bib cone conI conert con- con I e ert enga engagement emont In America then AmerIca then I that sho she had accepted of ot a contract In England aud and it v vr even evon stated that the had abandoned her artistic career and tad was vas enjoying a n. P peaceful life lite with her friends In America All of which 1 rOll ou In Utah know was wal wide of ot the mark The blowing In of oC this slip of ot otan an American singer last hut w week who calls herselt herself Emma Luc Lucy Gates and who really was fairly recovered from her long loner illness was seas exciting to the t ns at lit least There was plenty plent of ot congratulations felicitations over the return of our out Utah son song bird bird Miss l Gates was exceedingly tired but she sho begins to look and act like Uke our old friend eriend and we welcome her back to Berlin Since her arrival Miss Gates has hada had a number of or offers to return to professional professional I life at once Her own old place In Cassel would be open to her If It she would sign another three years years' contract contract con con- tract but this she has so far tar retus refused Ll to do A splendid contract Is eagerly Der offered d her from the opera hou house o in this city which is s the new municipal opera house occupying about the tho same samo position In Berlin that JIam- JIam did in London This ThIN opera hou house o. o however is run In opposition to the Royal Roal opera Olera house and gives g the sing BingOT pause for tor she Dhe has made good I 1 with the Royal management and she hesitates to Invalidate that claim upon their 10 loyalty From Belgium comes another offer but that too would b be unsatisfactory a as it would nece necessitate another chan change e of ot residence language lang Fad surroundings London Is also In tho line with line with an offer from a n well well- known manager who wishes to have Miss Gates In his traveling company compan who visits the great cities of England in the months month of ot September October and November but this has little at attraction attraction attraction at- at traction for the singer er Meanwhile Miss Gates has mado made all 1 kinds of ot successes I In 1 her recent t trl trip p to Scotland and to Basel Switzerland She has captured the St I Swiss s as ns she did the Scotch and is wanted next year car carto to fill Ill further concert engagements eng In that musical land Nearly all of or her press notices refer to the gold medal she eho wears which as as presented to her I un understand b by her Iler O Ogden den friends bho ho is s located in the well-known well pensIon pension pension pen pen- sion of ot Frau Schmidt where Is 15 also domiciled her hel father Jacob F F. Gates her brother Brigham ham Cecil Gates and last but b by no means least our charming charmIng charming charm- charm Ing young oung Utah violinist Miss Romania Hyde The address of or all these Is 8 3 street Miss Hydo Hyde has brou brought ht her youth routh her violin loUn her enthusiasms her brilli brilli- tint ant gifts g her good flood Utah sense and her unquestioned genius g to lay la It upon the altar of oC Merlin's temple While the Gates party larty were In England n 1 Miss 1 Hyde wad wa Introduced b by Sir Gilbert Marshall 1 to o I Moya oa tho the famous l violin maker v. v iho whose hose c beautiful home in ster was the tho ancient hall owned and occasionally occasIonal inhabited h by Charles CharlesL 1 L Mists l Hyde and Miss Gates a and father ather wera nera entertained d at dinner by this musician and wife and tho the young lad lady made mudo such uch a hit with her playing I that the master wrote her the following following follow ollow I In ing letter lotter Dear MI Miss s Hyde Please accept thanks for tor your kind letter and my regret ret that you have o been beon ill III I think you rou will find Berlin to IOS possess a I climate not unlike theone tho the thoona one ona you ou are accustomed to and that you v. v will ill enjoy enjo good I health hN there I have hav this day written to my dear ear friend Mr Ir William D D. D on your behalf Mf Mr It is a charming man and his wife wICe and J daughter arc are exceedingly ex exceedingly ex- ex cC ly kind and hospitable Their married daughter Beatrice Is really great on the piano Mr 11 Is 13 considerable con can of or a power in Berlin knowing knowing knowing know know- ing ing- the Ins and outs of ot every everything thinS thinS' and speaking tho the language Ja e better bettor than mo most t natives I am glad you found the G string suitable bh If it should become rough tune It up UT half halt a a. tone above e pitch flitch and oil It with olive oil allowing the oil to remain over oel night wiping wipIng- it of off care care- full In th the morning I I 1 am also pleased to know that you OU liked m my violins If It you will do methe mo me mothe mothe the honor to accept I should like to tomake tomake tomake make one ono for my countrywoman an In Instrument Instrument instrument in- in strument or of which c 1 I think she would be he proud one ever every wa way worth worthy of ot your our great talent I am developing and perfecting a type of ot tone which I 1 believe will possess possess pos pos- sess ess qualities not to be bo found round In nn any violin made heretofore In that thal It has In addition to all the purity and golden qualities for for which these violins are aro famous an on Intense virility or power of ot penetration unknown In an any other In Instrument instrument In- In strument of a like e kind Our united re regards to Miss 1 Gates and Mr Gates Gotes and our very best wishes for your our success Sincerely yours our HIDALGO MOYA Miss Hyde was er very much gratified with this of offer tel and of or course she bhe made haste to accept It She has spent some somo days going about Berlin listening to concerts and amI recitals of ot violinists and their pupils trying to decide which teacher to select Her preferences had been heen all In favor of Marteau 1 the great Frenchman who took the place of Joachim In the tho Royal Conservatory Conservator of ot Music here herc In Berlin But the tho concert we all attended recently given b by tho the pupils of oC tio PH nka Cons rv nn and In which two youthful violinists made their bow bo before the public de decided decided de- de e- e her to choose Barmas who Is at atthe atthe atthe the head Ll of or tho the violin department In Inthis Inthis inthis this conservatory Their tone was waa su superb superb su- su their technique was faultless and their h on ton th the method meth meth- od od which Is that tau taught ht Miss H Hyde de b by her Utah teacher Mr tr Sk Skelton She was VCr very anxious not to change her style nor to undo tho the work worle already advanced so 50 far by her Utah Instructor And when sho she heard the bo boy violinists play piny one of oC whom played for COl Instance the tho concen with the lire and finish fInish finish fin fIn- ish of or a master masler she was determined to seek Barmas Barmus the next da day r Teacher l I The visit was undertaken for Miss Silas Gates knew Barmas and 11 s i wife who I Is a 11 French girl and who lives In an elegant ant home In the quarter of or this elt city The master was at first r quite unwilling to un undertake c more work and said so But Dut after arter some somo conversation conversation con con- Miss s Hyde played for him and h ho he stopped her before she was half halt through un and 1 said he would make room for tor her She Is to be his private pupil not to en enter tor Into the of oC the conservatory which would involve tho the necessity of or her playing in the school orchestra and that Is la both taxing and andI I unnecessary mr for Miss 1 Hyde has plenty plent of or experience In this branch of oC her proCession profession pro pro- Cession in her Utah clasSo days clas So the great conservator conservatory conservatory conserva conserva- tory tor- has still another American and a n Utahn In the roster of ot her thousands of or American pupils This you ou remember remember ber bet Is the old conservatory of or Professor sor SOl McClellan We Ve hear that the tho professor proCessor has hns had great experiences In his travels and that he Is to land on your shores about the of or this month Wo Yo miss his genial countenance here but congratulate congratulate late Utah on his return The rhe has given Professor McClellan as lS complimentary com com- notice as any American ever received In this critical musical center Melvin Melvln Hill made a a. pleasing impressIon impression impression sion recently singing at the great American celebration of ot Washington's birthday given Iven by hy the colon colony He has hasa a clear and sweet voice and his Utah friends were proud of ot his success Through the recent nt banishment of or Mr Browning and Mr 11 Burgi Burgl our branch has been without Mormon lormon cl elders ers but Robert HInckley of Provo and Elmer Jacobs have been sent to fill the vacant places Touring Tourin the Continent Victor Sears Scars who has been laboring In Nuremberg has been released to re return return re- re turn home His Ills sister Mss Miss Norma Sears who came over here hrc In the Gates party parlY met mot her brother in m Nuremberg and after his release the young folks oll s set out to do the grand tour of Europe The They will see Franco Italy Itah and other points of Interest before returning to their homo home in Chicago Mr Scars has made an enviable lable record during his two years stay slay and anel leaves many friends behInd behind behind be be- hind him Visitors in Berlin the past week have ha been beon Mr tr and Mrs Irs Elbert Duncan Thomas Thom Thom- as and wife who was formerly Miss 1 E Edna na Harker o of Salt Lake Lako City Mr 11 and Mrs Irs Thomas are returning from Japan b by wa way of Europe You are aware of ot course that Mr Ir Thomas has s acted with distinction as ns the president of ot the Japanese mission for the past five years ears The They left Japan October 25 of ot last year car and have hae been spending the thelast thelast thelast last year visiting visiting- India Palestine Egypt Greece Turkey and Austria after fter leaving leaving- Berlin the they will tour Switzerland Italy Itah and go on by way of oC the French capital to En England land next and antl then thell sail for tor America The They hope to reach rench home some limo timo in the tho month 4 of May w What hat a glori e o opportunity for tor this talented and couple who have earned ed it Il all through h five rive J years of or devotion will t to duty an now absorb all the lie culture and delight possible to such mch wide side wl e and profitable experiences They enjoyed the reunion of friends s In this city and wo enjoyed their their bright ht company 1 r Wo We c were greatly Interested to learn that one of ot the most famous Wagnerian tenors who has been singing In III Inthe inthe I the Metropolitan at N New w York Tork has signed up with the n new w opera house here In D Berlin as that has hal decided to inaugurate a season season of or Vagner Wagner Wagner Wag Wag- ner operas next January Januar for tor the copyright COPYright copy COPY- right of oC tho the Wagner Va ner at t that time The no Royal Boyal al has had the ex exclusive ex- ex c rights heretofore and we will wm watch with Interest tho the rival rhal Institutions Institutions presenting Wagner ner at the sal sane same e time It looks as l if we are arc to have havo havethe tho the London Jondon experience here hero when hen Hammerstein Ham- Ham produced competing opera so successfully and so unsuccessfully May Il I Ie VR e in Berlin Derlin have better luck For I there can never bo he too much opera nor nor too much good music And the tho new newhouse newhouse I house has a lower scale of prices which I makes opera possible even to poor students students students stu stu- dents like myself Munich Is 15 out in all alt the papers with announcements announcement of ot the Richard Wagner festivals alJ to be held In the summertime t for the tho great tourist tourIst and others July Juhl and August will see gee the tho production of or seven seyen performances of or Mozart and twenty of or Wagner nero Rather giving the latter Iatter m master ter the lions lion's share Is It not But these arc are the only two two to be heard I In full so 50 it t ma may mas' be In the nature of oC a compliment to Mozart to find himself 1 on the program with Wagner As a concession to the tho mo moderns erns I i Strauss's recent success ArIadne and I Naxos is to be given gl two performances perform perform- I ances antes at tho close of ot this season However however How How- I i I ever evor to the man up a a. tree the one final test of classical renown Is the I f final test of or box office oUke success year In Inand Inand I and antI year ear out and the great Wagner ner seems to put It all over the thc others who I have o written operas even eYen Mozart himself him him- self taking second place In this final m I J proof So we students look on and pay our small sums to stand up in the rear 1 of ot the great halls hali while we drink In culture and music at so much per Not forgetting that we are sufficiently cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cosmopolitan cos cos- to enjoy Verdi Puccini Mas Mas- senet Leoncavallo and D' D Albert quite as much In their time and place as we wedo wedo do Wagner Strauss or even the giant of ot them all all all- all Mozart There Is room for tor them Lon Long live lI tho the musician Speaking of ot Strauss's new opera and Naxos the following written b by the the- critic of ot the Berliner has been going the round of the European press In In thirty years cars time no one will beable beable be beable able to believe behove that there cro ever any differences of opinion concerning j this opera the first really new thing since Wagner ner and the most Important phenomenon of ot the last thirty years ears This all may be true truo but from all reports it will take talco some somo time for tor us t to digest and assimilate this latest t l. st production production production pro pro- of the famous Strauss In the near future I will send you a up write of ot the premiere which is to occur In Berlin soon From the majority of criticisms there is considerable of oC a up mix-up in ip the opera Itself as well as asIn asin In the opinions of or those who h have ve heard It But It is still Strauss and he Is too great to be dismissed with opinions no matter who may may- utter them So It behooves this student to wait watch and tr try out 0 r |