Show American Army Efficiency efficiency in any uny sphere is LEVEL HEADED commendable and Major l Tate Tato oC or the thc Fifth Firth United States cavalry ca deserves the praise of the time War Val department for the a admirable promptness s with which ho solved a knotty problem on Thursday Mexican federals and rebels were fighting across the border bordo from N Nogales Ariz Adz bullets and shells were dropping Upon tipon the American Americ n side threatening the lives of non Major Tate bi bided ed his time until a n member of his command was wounded by a n millet bullet from froni across t the hc border Then ho he quickly ordered t the he battle suspended and promised if the order was 18 not ol obeyed e ed to lead lend his men across the line and suppress b hostilities with whatever was necess necessary ny His Uis order was obeyed It 11 is tho the fashion in ill times of peace to criticise the regular army the personnel of its men the efficiency efficiency effi effi- of its officers the methods in ill vogue ogue and ann the absurd system of scattering its constituent parts from one ocean to tho the other at small and aud isolated posts pots Any critic of the time army is certain to have hare a n sympathetic audience Just Jut why no nobody ody knows for forno forno forno no emergency has ever confronted the militar military arm but that some officer perhaps hitherto unknown has demonstrated his capacity to handle it without conI confusion confusion con con- I fusion or beating of No critical problem has over arisen for immediate solution by br n a i commanding corn com manding of officer icer whether of high or low degree that the American people have ha had hind to blush for their representative or to condemn what was done The War Val department and the entire Wilson Vilson administration administration administration ad ad- ministration is to be congratulated upon the excellent excellent excellent excel excel- lent ju judgment ment and admirable firmness displayed bytho by bytho t tho o commander of the Fifth cavalry His promptitude promptitude tude tucle will have an excellent effect and the object les lesson on will Hi impress the tIme mercurial Mexicans more strongly than all the broadside a secretary of state could write an and a 3 President ident could sign n. n It if displays the readiness of the men in command com corn mand of our army to act when occasion demands upon their own initiative without waiting for Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington to ponder and reflect |