Show ii DOCUMENTS WANTED IN STEEL SUIT MISSING J J. J P. P Morgan Jr Calles CalIes as Witness Wit Wit- n ness ss Declares He Cannot Cannot Cannot Can Can- not Find Them New York fork March H. H J. J. J P. P Morgan Jr crl was a witness today at nt the hearing of or the tho governments government's dissolution suit against the United States Steel corpor corpor- Francis rancis Lynde Lyd Stetson counsel for J. J P. P Mor Morgan an Co accompanied Mr Ir Morgan Mr Morgan and hi his father are directors of the corporation Before Mr r. r Morgan Morlan was wa called cl his counsel produced syndicate n agreements between his hiM firm and several c of ot the tho I ZW 5 steel companies which went into the corporation b. b by means menns of ot which the they were brought under uner tho time corporation control Over the objections of ot counsel for tor the corporation these documents document were placed In itt evidence The Tho firm reported that It was unable to find other documents the government government govern govern- ment meat had called for tor A Morgan U clerk was asked whether tho the missing documents documents docu docu- ments clients might not b bo in the tile personal flies files of ot J. J p p. Morgan organ Sr I 1 have havo no access to Mr Morgans Morgan's personal files suld said the clerk clerIc He did cUd not know who Iho would have ilave authority to to open them Counsel for fOl Morgan Co clashed sharply with Jacob Tacob M. M Dickinson counsel coun coun- sal sel for the government over n a letter relating relating- to the price c paid for tor the lie Carnegie Steel company a copy of which was offered In evidence e Mr Dickinson on objected and warm words passed missed resulting resulting- In an Invitation invitation tion from Dickinson to settle It outside out side Bide The presiding commissioner Interfered Inter Interfered and counsel for tor the tue Morgan nn compan company com corn pan pany said he had meant no reflection b by his words Tho The Tho on only I questions Mr Morgan un was asked related to tho the missing docu docu- ments After stating that ho he had done his best to find them he was allowed to go 1 I of ot the American Revolution for Chi Chi Chicago cage cago working girls were made mado public today About 1500 young wom women vernon n will be he accommodated A root roof garden gymnasium gymnasium gym gym- and swimming pool evening c stud study cl classes ses vocational training an and low lo prices are amon among the features of the plan phin An honor 8 system tem will be observed observed observed ob ob- ob- ob served which means tho guests will I Inot not be he under r surveillance MUr I Mits R jl A. A IU ES E BURIED DURIEU LOT Ins tribute was I paid tb memory of MMary Mi r Marj- Marj Ann no 75 is years el elof of lI OKI oge ft t runt which too place of tern at the Hie mortuary chapel of Undertaker S S. S 1 r 1 r II lu Vari Winter Roe RN poster pastor 0 of ot S SIll 81 Ill I'll 1 ills E I church officio officiated ted d. d trim wis In Ml It cemetery TO where Ret neT H Km re r the Mr n die wC li at nt r lJ residence 53 J 3 N X West welti 1 1 |