Show THESE WANT ADS ARE BUSINESS GETTER FLORISTS E. E A A. A LAMBOURNE FLORAL CO ca No S S S. Main with wih Horne Willes lorne Drug Co Leading florists on funeral de de- de- de signs Wasatch 37 and Wasatch 29 W. W W. W KING choice cholo cut flowers designs de do- signs a specia specialty ty 21 E. E d So Wasatch Wasatch Wasatch Wa Wa- satch 57 7 WALTON PORTER CO choicest cut fower flowers and designing 21 S. S State Wasatch satch 1071 1071 LOST AND AD FOUND FOUN LOST LOST Buggy Buggy cushion and hot horse blanket on North Tempo Temple or Second West Vest Return to Hancock Bros R Ra- Ra ward AUCTION SALES SAES s V N N- N N SPECIAL SPECIAL MIChIGAN MICHIGAN FURNITURE We e wish to announce that we are arc goIng go- go 10 Ing lug to move to our new place for that Um t treason reason wo we are aro disposing of ot a a. 3 large as assortment assortment as- as of or remnants dressers chiffoniers portieres laco lace curtains ranges and velvet rugs at cost Dont Don't overlook this mono money saver avel Cash or credit credi State Stat street treet I OSTERLOH'S AUCTION SALES Saturday the big sale Redman Van Storage warehouse furniture sold for storage 12 S. S Fourth West Vest C. C E. E OSTERLOH auctioneer Merchandise Merchandise Mer Mer- chandise or household furniture W. W. Residence S. S Main REMOVAL NOTICE Dr AUBREY S. S HULl mn removed re- re moved to 3 Judge Was BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSAYERS J. J wr 70 W. W V Third South P. P O. O flo Box Salt Sat Lake Lako Cf City UNION ASSAY OFFICE 16 15 S. S West est T Temple street COWAN BIRD-COWAN CO S. S Ve West t Temple Salt Lake Lako City AUTO REPAIRS First class automobile repairing A. A cass U. U 1 Tetel Repair Shop State tate Was A 0 1 a. a I ATTORN YS POWERS MARIONEAUX MARIONEAUX STOTT Top floor toor front Kearns earns Wasatch 1850 Associate office Los Angeles Invest Invest Los Ls Angeles BOOTH LEE BADGER RICH i PARKE 8 Boston bid Was Vas STEWART ART BOWMAN nO MORRIS MORIUS MORlIS I SOC Mcintyre bId BUTTONS I 1 T T. T T nV n T I- I 1 I m l n A. A Ul VA lauc Babbel's Ladles Tailors 68 AV W. So iNK BANK AND A OFFICE FIXTURES BEFORE DEFOnE deciding remodeling yo your jr office store Etor or factory get our bids bid on up date te equipment Plans and gladly furnished for tor fixture or of pf UI all ul kinds Wo We are agents agento for tor bil bil- bil bi- bi hard liard lard pool t tables and supplies Competent Com Corn mechanics up to machin machin- er ery W W. L L. L Co manufacturer and anc designers r Office and fac tac- tor tory W. W 1st Xo io o. o Vas Was 6 S. S Salt LaJ Lake e Cabinet C c t Fixture Co Cu tr free c estimate 27 7 Richards at st t W. W BANKS BAKS AND AN BANKING N S- S B Wl CORNICK CO HANKERS BANKERS ANKERS Salt 31 Lk Lake Lako City Utah Established un BUSINESS DIRECTORY CARPET AND A RUG CLEANING A J A. A r F. F Steam carp carpet cleaning Wo We taKe tae UI up steam clean andrela and relay rela carpets without w wear at or tear our or work guaranteed or no pay ay Works 56 E. E ni South Call H Hyl- Hyl 1006 F. F C. C CO CO car- car pot cleaning carpets an and linoleum r re remodeled r modeled all al work d. d 1137 Third East Eat Hyland 32 J. J. 0 NATIONAL House Carpet Cleaning Co one dollar dolar vacuum cleaning and arid house hOlse cle cleaning Was 1256 1 l ELECTRIC vacuum cl cleaners ers rented ranted 5 a da day American n. n 06 Boyd o Park Patk building Wasatch satch 1432 SANTO for Cor salo or pr r rent nt cleaning cleaning done dono Stewat-Gleeson Stewat Co Call Cal W. W CHINESE CHIESE HERBS L. L SU V WOO 00 ne So Main room 1 1 floor Cures diseases with rath his nia c celebrated lc Imported Chinese r remedies 1 Consultation free tree CHINA OHINA DECORATING MISS ns B BERTHA HA W WAGNER'S WAGNERS studio Ti 7 j E. E Third l South China Chinn suitable for Cor gits gifts prizes ca class and private ate CAFE CAItS S. S Y W. W C. C C A. A cafeteria lunch room ret rest and reading rooms for tor women woman's womans womans woman's wom worn ans an's exchange for tor all al sorts of ot fancy fancywork fancywork work and home cooking Top rup floor Continental Bank building Second So st st. t. t Agents for Paul Elder Eider bo boka CARPET CLEANING www-w www FOR FOI your our carpet and vacuum cleaning leanIng lean clean ean- ean ing phone phon Abe Aba Martin Wasatch 20 WI J McIntyre re block CLEAN and restore color in rugs and carpets satisfaction guaranteed F. F Martin 56 W. W First South Was Vas 2266 CHIROPODIST DR ELIZABETH T L. L WISMER n Mcintyre 68 S. S Main WaR Wan Wai ALICE Chiropodist Chiropodist Room Judge CLAIRVOYANT FOR FOn a truthful reading on love and business go to Mrs rs Weir 4 Dubol ave S. S bet bet 10 3 and and E. E Was Ws J. J. J CLOTHING x HIGHEST pried pric paid for mens men's casto castoff castoff cast- cast o off clothing hono Was Vas 2002 CHIROPRACTORS CECIL CECIL graduate chiropractors tors incurable and female troubles s sn a n specialty consultation free r e. e Room oom S. S Main CLEANING AND Ar DYEING MEIS y ns CLEANING DYEING G CO Garments Insured Superior work orle Prompt auto delivery el very Three phones 91 1 16 16 1 East Broadway CORSETS corsets 1 year guaranty Mrs Hayes lares W. W North North W. W MRS IHS MANN N corsets corset one year oar guarantee 7 75 W. W Hh N. N Was I WADE ADD Helen Osborne 50 60 Woodruff apt Wasatch 2 J. 2535 J. 35 GOODWIN GOODWI fittings Mrs rs 45 Mercantile blk W. W 1335 CUSHIONS AND UPHOLSTERING MATTRESSES rT and springs r repaired Was Wa 9 S. S L. L L Mattress ss Mfg Co DANCING ACADEMY ODEON Dancing academy Z 23 E. E North Temple Tho The ono one place to dance Socials Tuesday Thursday and und Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day evenings Dancing school Tuesday and Thursday evenings New classes for beginners s 's commencing March j. j DANCING LESSONS daily Socials Social Tues Thurs an and Sat 68 P. P O. O place DENTISTS DR R. R II 1 CONGER S. S Main ex extraction extraction ox- ox traction by use o of Sunday hours 10 to l' l 2 Wasatch M. M k DR HODGES dentist suite 18 13 18 17 Brooks Brool Arcade BIdS l Best st and und cheapest cheapest cheap cheap- est est Wasatch DRESSMAKING W N x THE THE American Garment Cutting Cutt School give unlimited lessons Individual Indi vidual Instructors 4 0 E. E Broadway Hyland 1957 I FASHIONABLE dr dressmaking shirt shirtwaists shirtwaists shir waists and skirts Rm ho ho- tel Ex Ex EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants to togo togo go 10 out b by the tho day dar or 01 work at homo home H Hyland land W. 38 Y FIXTURES GU GUNN N ELECTRICAL CO moved to new and larger quarters at nt S. S State Stat street tre t. t Call Can and lot let us figure figure figure fig fig- ure on your OUI work FISH CALL on Peterson all al the best imported irn- irn ported fish State street street FOOT SPECIALIST v DR G. G RALSTON ItALTON RALTON Is conducting a school school Students wanted 5 S. S Main FIREPROOF STORAGE STOR WE VE have thc ha the only fireproof building build build- ing in In the west Vest built buIt of ot and steel We Va havo have tho only private vermin and We Wo are arc tho the only ones ln having our own team equipment In connection con con- with wih our storage business Our Insurance rate lato lato Is Js so low that we wo will absorb wil It for tor yo you at the end of ot a year yeal 01 Fifteen years tars of ot e experience In stora storage e. e moving mo packing and shipping ship ship- ping pinK proves provos we know how HEl REDMAN IA STORAGE CO Offices 15 Main Main PY i 56 55 Warehouse 13 S. S Fourth W West st n FURNITURE shipped d at cut freight rates list your with wih u us wo we can save saO you K Keyser Fir Fireproof proof Storage e Co The Tho Finest In the West Vest Republican Herald n want ads ord Bt stenographer Use thorn today FURRIER RS FURS FUllS remodeled repaired expert furriers prices reasonable Hudson Bay Eay F Fur Co Ma Main n V Was 1161 FURNITURE REPAIRING N- N s w XV- XV v v AV W p. W. W WILLIAMS IS SON N BU 81 Bell W. 1545 W. W Upholstering si chairs Bel 15 Upholstering ro- ro caned new work worl a n specialty GRINDING AND A SAW FILING GRiNDING and saw aw filing ut at ii w. w d So Satisfaction guaranteed ed A. A nut But I ler er HAIRDRESSING nU DONE IONE E at nt your our home h hy by graduates graduate from crom parlors Wasatch 2536 i BUSINESS DIRECTORS DIRECTOR HAIR HAR GOODS l l X rf r N-r w P N CO COMBINGS made mado Into switches switches' Ladles bring them to lois Work York guaranteed 62 E. E t HAIR switches made 00 s at combings bought E. E Sasse Sasae 21 SWITCHES S mado made from frol comb dyed and repaired d E. E Va Waar Yas HOUSE GLEANING CLEANING o UTAH HOUSECLEANING ANING CO i Also do tinting and d clean fresco tresco i paper and window sni Professional mon men only engaged 13 S. S State street WE do carpet window turn p oo lug Ing Ing wall wal paper clean specialty Was 1455 j HATS CLEANED SEE tho the hat man Ho blocks hats panamas panama a E. E d So HOTELS ST. ST CECILE CECIE hot and cold w telephones baths well ventilated rates S. S State S PAL PALMER HOTEL 64 54 W. W First Firsts S Rates Ratos per week Transients 51 j. j LINCOLN HOUSE 68 E. E First So sd Sol rates rate SOc Mod Iod bath LA MELL 1 1 up Rates Ratos by W w w State at st opposite Orpheum the theat t HOTEL VICTOR VICTORS W. W S So nico sunny rooms rates reasonable IRON WORK I V ANY AY kind id of ot Iron work done t 6 6 Edison or pho phone W. W.- JAPANESE LABOR LAOR TIlE THE largest and mo most t reliable anese agency In th the s west We Wo f I help ot of all al 1 kind Give west us a Mgr Was 1311 cal i W. W 1st South LABOR AGENCY STRICTLY reliable no Inquire T 63 53 Richard at sI st st. Phone Wag 4 Vork Work back same sarno LUDRY day If f No extra charge charre reQue V PALACE PALCE LAUNDRY CO 1 Off Office co 70 W. W Second South Was Wal B S J Off co 79 70 E. E Second South South Was 1 L 9 Office ico 33 E. E Third South Was 3 Works 7 8 E. E Fourth South Wn Hyl 3 2662 2562 per pcr Laundry cent brought to offices save M LADIES LADIES' TAILORING S t INDIVIDUALITY ITY and ve veI are the le keynotes to io being I ably dressed I them Lowest prices Cons tit lion tOI building opp Z c. c Hi M. M L I. I J M. M i State Aate Guaranteed perfect fitti V Wasatch 1813 m It SPECIAL blue serge T T. Stanl y E. E Hh South 1 I LADIES LADIES' j I J rATs HATS S cleaned anc remodeled el to curled t dyed et now no sli sh Ing izig our spring millinery Mrs Ir Pi p 53 Main LADIES LADIES' AND AN GENTS GENTS' TAO TAILO C. C TV V. HULL nULL latest designs foreign fabrics 6 Constitution bJ LIRY I COY STABLES STABLES Carriages Carriages and 11 li cry ery horses bought and Ld sold 1 MANICURIST 1 N S Si N HA HAVE VI you yOU over orr had a Gl da manicurist work on you you IC I not not go gol Kenyon barber barbel shop sol jj MASSAGE s v MADAME MADAE CORTE French and G Ge Geman Gei Geiman man graduate graduato Ip specialist Brool Brool Ar Arcade ade Guarantees moved Busts developed Scalp tr tre ment Jent manicuring etc Wasatch 27 i C G CE CENT l faro taro sa saves a on oU 01 spring tnt roi els cIs Mrs Irs Arnold 20 2021 I S. S Elever East Sugar Sugar Iou House car cm I fly Hy J J PAPERHANGING PAPER P. hanging first-class first wo we reasonable price Ernest Strum prIce rnest 1291 First South Hyland 22 W. 2258 8 PATENTS TO PATENT Inventions direct W Washington see J. J M. M Thomas 01 Utah Savings l Trust building I PICTURES AND AD W WALLPAPER APR c CORRECT home howe home iE decorating and D p ture framing George W. W Ebert c 1 41 n Main street t 1 PLASTER CONTRACTORS J PLAIN and ornamental patch v we wea woj woja o oa a specialty Squires Bros Uros 21 S. S Ma Ia PLUMBING FIRST-CLASS FIRST house plumbing J jo So bing binS work and sewer connections co O guaranteed Thomas homas R. R R Carn Cam Brooklyn n avenue Hyland J. 1370 J PLUMES AD FEATHERS PI PLUMES U ES remade d dyed et cleaned curled 10 S. S East Enst Was POTATOES l X V X X IT pays to buy first clans clars Idaho per bushel hushel delivered Give a a. call cal Farm Faim Store BU Ninth South ut PRINTING ARROW PRESS Ut Utah's biggest st pie pla Printing bindery office supplies Ie lei blanks 66 W. W d So Exchange 20 STAR PRINTING CO book and printing bookbinding arid and paper rul 33 place Wasatch 1370 PYORRHEA SPECIALIST DR It H. r. HALL HALL pyorrhea and C prophylaxis prophylaxis G O Kearns b PRIVATE l S X M W WILLOWS MERE ILLO W-I W E Confidential O fide legal adoption Mrs F. F P Ft Ph lips 2505 S. S 11 East st. B Hyland SHOE REP ARING SPECIAL half bait halt soles men's mens GOe h c. c Oc Utah Uth Shoe Sho Shot Rep lIeu Co 0 17 S. S S VT Temple Was as Free Iree delver delivery i RESTAURANT TO get ct goOd cat drop In the I Open till tl U 12 trop p P. P in in 1 21 1 Second South SOth 4 v c i r 13 TUl b baths batus homo home treat i Phone 19 V REPUBLICAN HERALD r N No O. O 1 1142 HOUSEHOLD OLD COUPON For Fer 30 ron consecutively numbered together r with hb mull can Moment yon may maT have lay your chot bot of f our cur nr pr lulu mm Js tC e nt itt office Iu |