Show SENATE TI HILLS RY n nGO GOV- GOV 1 I Senate hill No Xo GO 0 Emer Williams i genc Kency gency appropriation bill for expense ter o of state V V institutions during during- first quay qua i In 1913 Senate bill bUl No 2 Hideout 4 II ar and contingent con con- regular t lar printing for tor re le legislature of Tenth rel Senate b bill 11 No 13 Booth Booth with mortgages to Lo o filing of or chattel recorder record r. r county Senate bill No o. o 16 Lunt Extend on state lands In Extend ing ng time lime for payment Senate bill No Ko y J Hansen Hansen-A tt deposits under unde tv two o tin In ng laws relative to names i Senate Senate bill 1111 No o. 36 Booth certain transfers of r real al es el n im n Smith I Senate bill bm No 1 10 Smith Smith-R t tb b forcible entry and detainer Senate bill hill No o. o 17 Ap Ap- Ap for fora aid d of ur district schools in remote counties Senate te bill hill No o. o 58 Pro 1 ra Instruction In st state to tor iding courses of or r Senate bill No o. o 44 H 1 disturbance l of tho the peace e. e t Senate bill hm No 45 46 n I Relating ht of ot criminal ac- ac to o the time timo of or trials In courts Justices Justices' courts Senate Lenato enato bill 1111 No 00 f Lunt Lunt Relating to o fees of or state auditor i Senate bill No o. o 60 60 Lunt nel Lunt-nel Relating Lunt-Relating Relating to o marks and brands and records thereof there there- or of Senate a till hill No o. o 11 H I ng nir to the conduct of business under assumed name n Senate lull bill No 00 10 tO Hansen ng to Issuing of or checks when there thero ar are ro no funds Senate bill No XII TIe Ite Ke Keating lating to thu tho election of or boards of ed- ed uc catlon in cIUc eiles I Rc T tte- tte Senate enat bill Nu V. V 70 9 lating to tho the duties of or the state lato text textbook bo book ook k commission commission- Senate hill bill No 0 11 Iverson for the National nt Edue lon lion association convention Senate bill No Ko SS 88 Iverson c oU Author Author- r- r t zing governor o to transfer Lehi experIment ment farm real rc estate to Utah count county Senate bill N No L Author Lunt-Author- nt iU Author Author- izing state hoard board of or Inn land commissioners tl to extend time lime for payments on state lands Jande under projects where state tato has failed to Mil fulfill contract for supplying wa water vat Senate Sennta bill No Provia Lunt-Provia- Lunt Provid In ing for experiment wells on dr dry farms Senate bill bIB billo No o 7 Smith Smith- Smith for Orphans Orphans' Ho Home e and Day nursery Senate bill No o. o 23 3 RIdeout 1 InK ing nl to obtaining loans loan b by means oC ot ot false statements I Senate bill No Ill Smith Smith Relating Relating to the amendment of Information filed in n court cases Senate bill Xo No 10 Smith Relating Smith to the V voting P power of oC f cor corporation stock sock Senate te bill No 38 I Booth Relating Booth Rei a to patents on state stale lands Senate bill No 00 77 i. Cottrell Cottrell manufacture or sale of oC mat matches lI J that do clo not conforms conform to standards standard Senate tc bill No 71 ci on banks and banking Creating banking style ito I banking department and defining nR du duties duties du- du ties of ot commissioner Semite enato bill No fI Smith Smith printing Trill for Pioneer Trail Senate resolution No Xo a IS Ur Urging ln Lon Congress longress tl to provide federal aid for industrial lish national education and establish esian- esian university Senate bill No Booth Booth noth to sale of narcotic drugs o Hills With the fb Governor Senate bill No 2 24 t Con v vu Con Con- gre apportionment Senate bill No Xo 52 92 I Smith Special taxes for street intersections Senate bill No 17 Wight Creat Creat L' L I ing commission to prepare exhibits for California expositions and nd appropriating In ing OOOO Senate Joint memorial No o. o 2 Lunt Lunt- Lunt Asking Congress to set aside acres for tor Indian war veterans veterans' and roads Senate bill No Joint committee on appropriations General appropriations bill Senate Senale bill No Ko 2 22 Lunt Lunt Authorizing ing stale state capitol commission to spend In enlarging capitol grounds Senate hill bill No Xo Iverson Appropriating printing 2000 a year ear for archaeological cal re research carch Sena Senate te joint Join t resolution u No Xo 9 committee committee com com- om- om on state affair Authorizing Authorizing printing of or 1500 HOO additional cOI copies le of af report of ot commissioner of labor Immigration immigration gration and statistics Senate bill No Xo Kelly Kelly- Kelly Requiring ing linG Interest on public funds runds deposited In banks Senate bill No 0 29 providing Booth Booth Providing for rOle the payment of oC pensions to Indian war veterans Senate hill bill No Judiciary committee commit commit- tee Pro tee Providing for In Indeterminate et sentences sentences sen sen- sentences for convicts excepting those thos convicted of or murder or treason Senate bill No o. o OO fSmith Smith Smith- Reorganizing teachers teachers' retirement fund a a. a av Senate bill No o. o 99 Ed Fixing boundary line lino lId between Juab and ami San- San pote counties lS Senate bill No o no 10 Cottrell Now Cottrell ow parks and boulevards boulc law Senate hill bill No XO 90 U committee on education edu edu- cation catlon Relating to consolidation of ot school districts J I Senate bill No Tto on on I Judiciary Providing judiciary Providing revenue for state hl high h schools Senate bill No 0 Williams Pro Williams Pro Providing I viding Pro that coal conI mining and shipping companies must weigh cars before and after aCter loading Senate bill No Booth Booth Relating Relating to houses of Ill fame lame and common nui nui- Senate bill No 21 committee on ju judiciary Ju- Ju Relating to special taxes In cities and towns Senate bill No 2 9 committee on railroads railroads Providing Providing for tor payment of or freight charges on lump coal at nt destination desti estI est est- I nation weights when delivered at nt point I where scales scale's are maintained Senate bill No o. o US Wight Giving Wight-Giving Giving cities titles rl right ht to sell or lease municipal light lI ht and an power plants Senate hill bill No o. o Ferry Ferry Ferr Appropriating I 7 no 00 annually for mining minim and metallurgical research liv by Utah En Engineering Engi l- l I Experiment station Senate bill No Judiciary com corn Relating Relating to duties of ot state slate auditor Senate bill hill No o. o 39 Williams Pure Pure food bill and relating to duties of ot state Inspector Senate bill No Ko Re Rc Rc- Rc proper branding of ot closed packages packages pack pack- ages of ot fruit Senate bill No 11 Ferry Ferry Ferr Requiring lag ing In Inspection of or hotels to he mn made mado n nun un under tinder el supervision of ot state dairy dalr and tJ food rood Inspector Senate hill bill No o. 18 Relating ing to hotels and offense offence of or beating board bill bill- Senate hill bill No o. o 91 Smith Smith Appropriating printing for Midland 1 Trail Fd Pro Senate Ill No 43 ing for reinstatement of or corporations whose charters have hn peen been een forfeited for tor nonpayment t of ot license taxes Senate bill No 1 3 f Ferry Relative Ferry Relative to compulsory reporting of cases CatiON ot or tuberculosis Senate bill No o. o Smith Smith Relating to leasing of or coal lan lands s beon belonging to estates |