Show I PRORATE PROBATE A AND NOTICES KOCE D G U I county cleric or th the r signers for Cor Information r lX JN TJ DISTRICT COURT i bate bare PRObate PRO PRO- division in and for Salt Suit i ke count county state of ot Utah Lk In Jn th the matter of ot the thA esta estate e and arid guardianship or ot Dorthea Watson ml Notice minor nor nor- The petition of or John ohn C. C SUitor Slater and antI Martha J. J Sinter pr praying ln for Cor the la in- tle Ir to themselves of or loiters of ot on tho the person and nd e estate tat of or Dorthea Watson atson minor has nas been set for hearing on 01 Friday t tie e 11 day a of ot March A. A D. D 1913 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the county courthouse In th th courtroom of or said court In Salt Lako C City n. n Salt Snit Lake Ialo county Utah Lal Vin Witness the clerk clerIc clerIc of ot said d court with th the seal thereof affixed this 11 nth t d. day 3 of or March larch A A. JD D D. l 1913 l Seal Seal I L. L p. p PAL PALMER dork Cleric By A. A E. E Bc e. e Deputy Deput Clerk Clork Un na Ray hay Attorneys for Cor Petitioners IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT PRO- PRO bat bata baU rl I division lon in and ancl for Cor or Salt Lake Lako count county Utah In the tue matter mater of ot the estate of ot Martha D. D Druehl deceased Notice The pet petition ton of ot Frank A. A Druehl executor executor ex ex- o of the tho estate of ot Martha D. D Druehl deceased praying for COr the settlement of or final account of oC said executor and for forthe forthe the tho distribution of the Ole residue of or the estate to the persons entitled ha has been set for hearing on Friday a tIme the ca day of or March A. A D. D 1013 1913 at nt 2 o'clock p. p m. m mo lit ut the county count courthouse e. e In the thc room of or said court in Salt Lake CIl City I Salt Sal Lake county Utah Uth Witness the clerk clerIc of or said court with the seal thereof affixed this day of or March A A. D. D 1013 1913 Seal Seal h. h P. P pAr PALMER IEn Clerk Cleric By Bv A. A l E. E Be Deputy Cleric Clerk Edwards Ashton Attorneys s 's for tor Pe Pe- IN THE THI DISTRICT COUlT COURT PRO PRO- b bato bito to division in and for fOl or Salt Sal Lake count county State of ot Utah In tho matter mater of ot the estate of or Eliza EJza E. E Pickard deceased l.- l. Notice rh The pet petition ton for tor approval nl and settlement settle settle- sette- sette ment merit of or the annual account of or the ex executrix executrix ex- ex of ot the estate of Eliza Elza E. E Pick ard deceased has been set for hearing or Friday tho the day of ot March tarch A. A D D. 1013 1913 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at the county count courthouse In th the courtroom a of said court in Salt alt Ll Lake e City Salt Snit Lake county count Utah Witness the clerIc clerk of ot said court with wih the lie seal thereof affixed this day of ot March A. A D. D 1013 1913 S Seal L L. L P. P PAL PALMER IER Clerk By A. A E E. DeJu Deputy Clerk Howat Macmillan fe Attorneys Ator- Ator nays for Petitioner I |