Show PLANS MADE FOR FOLDER Tract Will lie He PD eN In lit Size Plans for the folder to be Is Issued and widely distributed h by the Salt Lake Passenger r association as a boost pamphlet pamphlet pam pam- for tor- this tills cSt city and state were discussed discussed dis dis- cussed at a a. meeting of a L committee of ot the a association at the Commercial club yesterday The folder will be printed In two colors and will win comprise sixteen pages measuring Inches the tile expense of ot the folder to be borne born h by the various inh inter r ts represented Dummies of ot th the folder have o been completed and bids Ids are being submitted by printers The rile following were present at the tile them m meeting V. C. C Stark Slark P. P rB D Talmage S. S C. C R. R Ii B. N l f A. A V. V Peterson L. L G. G Young Benjamin Goddard Godard William Wil Wil- liam Hunsberger er W. W Ellingson II Jr V. W. h. h L. L 5 S. S and arni H. H II Hunkins 4 |