Show BISHOP LAURENCE SCANLAN CATHOLIC PRELATE IS DEAD END COMES AT I v ri I LOCAL HOSPITAL I Noted Churchman Was Conscious Conscious Conscious Con Con- Until Last Recognizing Recognizing j Friends TO HOLD FUNERAL FRIDAY Father Dennis Kiely Will Be in Charge of Diocese Until Successor Is Named I O until the last though C J exceedingly weak from the ordeal of or oran an Illness ss extending over o more than thana a month the Rt Ut Rev Re Laurence Scan- Scan Ian lan bishop o of the Salt Lake L. diocese of or orthe the the- the Roman Roman Catholic church died at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Holy HolyCross Cro Cross Cros s hospital At the death bed were the Yer Very ery Rev Re Dennis Kiely eral of oC the Salt Snit Lake diocese the Rev Rey T J. J J. J McNally lc St. St Marys Mary's cathedral Sister Ister mother superior of ot Hol Holy HolyCross HolyCross Cross Hospital Nora Gleason or organist organist or- or at St St. Mary's Marys cathedral thedral Dr E. E F. F and sisters sis Ii- Ii RootS Root his attending attending- physician of ot the Hol Holy Cross Father Klel Kiely was at the hospital during nearly early the entire forenoon yesterday yes yes- whon he conferred with Bishop Scanlan occasionally The bl bishop hop was near of oC mind and upon the arrival al of ot Father oather Kle Kiely he Jr greeted eted him cordially Toward noon It was observed ed that ho strength rapidly rapid and at was losing 1230 1130 30 p. p m m. those who were at the deathbed a assembled In his room Those About Him Bishop Scanlan fully reco recognized all who assembled about him but It ap appears appears appears ap- ap pears he was too weak to address them His ills episcopal ring Insignia of ot his office had been heen removed from his finger his hands ln ha having become lean during the long Illness Following a motion of oC the hand the ring was taken talen to him and when Father ather 1 Klch took the je Jewel vel he extended his hand Father ather Klel Kiely placed the rin ring on the bishops bishop's ring finger Inger and he ho made madea a n. sign of the cros crops cros He lie then took the rosary rosar In both hands and his lips moved mo slowly At 1 p. p m. m Dr Root observed ob ob- ob- ob served r cd that he had lad expired f Father U z Kiely was overcome after ho began th tho prayer for the dead 1 and the prayer had to bo concluded by Father McNally lc The episcopal ring which Bishop Scanlan wore throughout his service as aR bishop of oC the tho Salt Lake diocese was an heirloom More lore than OO years ears ago o it was vas worn h by the tho Archbishop of ot Castie TipperarY It fell to Arch Arch- Croke of TIpperary many 3 years rs later ator and when Bishop Scanlan left Ireland for America in 1868 It was presented presented pre pro seated him by Archbishop Croke who in wishing him godspeed on his journey journo jour sour no ney ey ur urged ed that he attend to his duties no so that he some somo day might wear the ring rim as a bishop Funeral S Service nI Friday Funeral services ser for Bishop Scanlan will take place at nt 10 o'clock Friday Frida morning at St. St Marys Mary's cathedral with the celebration of a pontifical high mass of requiem The mass will be bo celebrated celebrated cel eel b by the Rt Itt Re Rev Thomas Grace bishop of the Sacramento Cal diocese of the Roman Catholic church Prelates of f tho entire western province of ef the theRoman theRoman Roman Catholic church will Ill attend the services In which all priests of the Salt Lake Lako diocese will be Included The Tho body was removed remo from Holy Cross hospital to the mortuary of ot the ODonnell O'Donnell Undertaking company It will be taken to St. St Marys Mary's Cathedral ca cathedral cathedral ca- ca thedral at p p. m rn Wednesday under escort of ot the Knight ht of of Columbus and the the- following following- Catholic societies who have ha been Invited to participate In escort escort escort es es- es- es cort duty Holy Hoh Name society Children of or Mary sodality Altar Allar society Ho Holy Angel sodality and children of the Ju Junior junior ju- ju cathedral choir The escort column column col eel imn will be led by a a. band After escorting the bod body to the tho Cathedral ca cathedral cathedral ca- ca thedral the Knights of or Columbus will meet at the Hotel Utah at p p. p m m. to arrange e details for Cor the funeral In Interment Interment In- In torment will take place In the crypt under the tho altar prepared In accordance accordance accordance accord accord- ance with the rites of the tho Roman Catholic church as the last resting place lace for tor bishops of or the diocese Until a a. successor to Bishop Scanlan Is 18 officially appointed by the Holy Hoh See at Rome Father Klel Kiely appointed ad administrator ad- ad by Bishop Scanlan will re remain remain romain ro- ro main In charge e of oC tho the Salt Lake diocese die dio c cese sc of the Roman Catholic church The thern selection of ot candidates to succeed Bishop Scanlan will be made at a conf con- con q f n f n f th L of t the w western te provi province u u of r the Roman Catholic church or the tho name namo of ot the successor sor may be presented di directly directly directly di- di to Rome b by the tho apostolic dele dele- Kate gate Plans however for tor tho the selection of ot a n. successor to Bishop Scanlan will vill not zot be considered officially until after the funeral service Condolence Telegraphed J Father Kiely sent telegrams of ot th the death of ot Bishop Scanlan yesterday afternoon to lo the apostolic delegate at nt Washington and to all bishops of ot the western province of ot the Roman Homan Catholic Catholic Catholic Cath Cath- olic church lIe He received a great num num- her bar of answers In which deepest condolence condolence condo condo- lence was expressed Bishop Scanlan leaves lean s a a brother Daniel Scanlan at Cashel Tipp Tipperary Ireland His only near relative e In th the United States 1 said saul to be the Rev Re George T T. McCarthy Harvey Hat Ill iii who ho is a n. cousin He Ho has hag two nephews the R n Rev v. v Father Mackay of ot Manchester England and amI the Rev Re Father Lattin Laffin of ot Australia Australla Falling Failing health which had attended Bishop Scanlan several months Is said to have o been leen accelerated by the sodden sudden sud sod den death of or Rev W. W K K Ryan rector or of St. St Marys Mary's larY cap cathedral dral which took place In Cheyenne On the da day following the tho funeral of or Father Ryan which took place April G 5 Bishop Scanlan was re removed removed removed re- re moved to Holy Hoh Cross hospital Rheumatism Rheu was tho the contributing cause of ot death A mass for the repose of the soul of or Bishop l hop Scanlon will be celebrated at G 6 o'clock this morning at the chapel of Mercy Judge hospital Mother Iother M M. M L Vincent Vincent Vin Via cent mother superior of Judge Mercy Merc hospital expressed deepest sympathy upon learning of Bishop Scanlan's death yesterday afternoon Horn flora orn lu Bishop Dishop Scanlan was born l In county TIPp Ireland eland September 29 9 18 He lie was sas t the Ie son of Patrick and Catherinc Catherine Cathe Cathe- rine Ryan liyan Scanlan He lie grew to manh manhood man- man h hood od in the he midst of or rom romantic traditions traditions hadl of ot his county which had become known as Rebel TIpperary Having completed his lila preliminary education education edu edo cation and classical studies he entered the tho noted missionary seminary All AllHallows Hallows college Dublin Ireland His Ills theological H studies finished and successfully suc sue passing examinations he het hewus t was advanced nd to orders and ordained a 0 priest on June 21 2 24 1868 1866 Bidding his parents farewell Fath Father r Scanlan left for tor his new labors in America July July 1 19 H 1565 1666 jS He lie was assigned to the California Calhorn a mission of oC the tho Itoman Roman Ro Ro- man Catholic churca Arriving In New NewYork NewYork York ho he proceeded proceed ell to and crossed the Isthmus of ot Panama and then went to i j- j I RT wr REV HE LAURENCE SCANLAN SC bishop of the Roman Cath- Cath J olio olie diocese o of Salt Lake who died yesterday at the tile Holy Cross 1055 I hospital He lie was 72 years cars of oge ne Below Tho Tile Vet Very Rev Hc Dennis Kiely I vicar general of Salt Snit Lal Lake c diocese who was appointed administrator of the tue diocese se b bv by Bishop Scanlan son some sometIme time ago ao t I T I f. f h e I 4 S. S S iv rL S Siw 4 C I 5 1 c t ri i k 55 b j S I L. L 1 S F t IlL San Francisco On 29 1868 he ic was as appointed assistant priest o of or St. St Patricks Patrick's church in San Francisco Later ater he was tran transferred to tho Catholic cathedral in tho the Golden G Gate Gato to city where he became hl highly hl popular Goes to Phoebe he With the development of Pioche Nov Nev ev as a great demand developed for tor a resident priest Phoebe was then more than miles from the nearest railroad Archbishop J Alem Alemany r Y presented the new mining camps camp's needs for or a spiritual adviser to Father Scan- Scan Inn Ian an and ho he volunteered for tho the mission immediately While staging tho the long Journey from Palisade Nev ev Father lather Scanlan contracted a seVero severe attack of at mountain ff v r and n iii r nn nr nfl nn month Hamilton Nov No I a at ho he recovered and pushed on to Pioche e 1 where the mining boom had bad assembled the tho to toughest and wildest characters of ot the southwest In the face tace o of gambling dens brothels broth broth- els ole elegant saloons and arid lc low 10 grogger- grogger Los les les whose doors swung onen open da day and night Father Jather Scanlan preaching the gospel and with the assistance of men of ot all creeds and with no creed at nt all soon had erected a frame church with living li quarters li 11 the rear It ItIs ItIs Itis Is reported that the most roost respectable boarding place he could fh find d was a Chinese suey chop house F Father ther IIo The third Sunday Sunda aU after r the opening of or the church Father Scanlan was waited waltee upon b by a deputation of oC miners ruin min ers ere who protested against preaching about death judgment and hell claiming claiming claim claim- ing InS they not suited stilted to environ environ- ments meats of a mining ruining camp The They urged that he preach about heaven en but ho he replied While Im I'm hero Ill I'll preach Jesus T sus Christ and Him crucified I-b I He was waR boycotted oven even tho the Chinese catIng eatIng eat eat- Ing log tent lent demanded cash with every meal but he soon won the hearts of the miners who boycotted him He Ho was given 50 to bu buy a nc new suit of or clothes clothe and on eu tho the next his church was I filled with minors miners Buoyed with new v courage Father Scanlan collected sufficient sufficient suf suf- funds for the building of ot a hospital where Rick Lick and Injured miners could receive recel proper treatment He i-fe was called back to California In 1873 by bv Archbishop Alemany Aleman while residents of or sent a vigorous protest protest protest pro pro- test to the thc California headquarters of or orthe the church In which they the outlined the importance of ot having ha Father Scanlan In lp their midst However er tho archbishop arch arch- bishop could not be swayed n 8 ed and Father ather I Scanlan was assigned to an no Important parish at Petaluma Cal After Arter remainIng remain remain- Ing th there thero re a few tew months he volunteered to fill till the Utah mission of or the Roman Catholic church Comes Come to Stilt Snit Ink When Father Scanlan entered Salt Lake on August 11 H. H 1873 he lie became missionary rector over O the largest par par- ish ili In the United States Out of or a total of residents of or the state there were Roman Catholics 00 90 O of whom lived In Salt Lake and Ogden while the tue theother theother other were scattered on railroad dIvisions divisions dI- dI v visions In mining camps and antI amon among the tho villages of ot th the state He lie took charge of a little brick brck church in Salt Lake Which had an Indebtedness of 01 It was thc then the only onh Catholic church within a R. region of ot square miles but Father Scanlan succeeded in lifting the mortgage In six years When men flocked to Silver Reef Roof a mining camp seventeen miles from St. St George Washington count county In HiG 1876 Father Scanlan realized the Importance of or erecting a Roman Catholic church there and in 1577 ho he visited the new now camp making a round trip of approximately 1000 miles from Crom Salt Lako Lake on horseback horse horse- back bacle The Tho visit took five tl months As the result or of liberal contributions from men nten of all denominations denominations- Father Scanlan was as successful In having a achurch achurch church hurch edifice built huilt The edifice was blessed and dedicated as St. St Johns John's church on Easter Sunday 1879 DurIng During Dur Dur- ing the following year ear Father Scanlan was Instrumental In the tile erection of or St St. Johns John's hospital at Silver er Reef ROtt where wounded miners were ere attended by a asur sur surgeon eon and three sisters of or the Hol Holy Cross Father Scanlan enjoyed the personal friendship of or President Brigham Young I and all the succeeding presidents of or the I Mormon church In conversation BIshop Bishop Bishop Bish BIsh- I op Scanlan always alwa's gratefully referred to Pre President lc ent Young and hi lila his successors ors aM as presidents of or the Mormon church Made lIale Shortly after his return from Silver SIl Rent Reef the archbishop hop conferred upon I Father Scanlan the tho title of at for vicar I anc or rural dean In that capacity he made regular visits on horseback to Provo Ophir Stockton Alta Castle CastU Gate Park Parle City and BIngham Ho lie was directly Instrumental In the erection of ot Roman Catholic churches and amI In tho organization of cof parishes parl In in all these settlements Father Scanlan was nominated to the episcopate h by ly the tho hol holy see sec In 1886 and was appointed vicar apostolic over all Utah an and a large portion of Nevada and on June 29 9 1887 was consecrated bishop of by Archbishop Riordan assisted by Bishops and Manogue 1 Ho no returned to Salt alt Lake and Immediately Immediate took up his new and extended duties Ho lie entered upon a pastoral visit to his vast vicarIate Diocese Cr Created In 1801 1891 tho the vicariate apostolic was constituted a diocese and Bishop Ian lan fixed his ca cathedral throne In Salt Lake permanently Within a few tew years arB Bishop Dishop Scanlan succeeded In tho the erection erection erection tion of Ct St St. Marys Mary's cathedral an achievement achieve achieve- ment which won von him high regard not only onh among authorities of ot tho Roman Catholic church but among among- other denominations denominations de do- nominations He lie net riot with similar success success suc sue cess In the erection of man many other r Institutions in institutions In- In and In hi the tho creation of oC new parishes and the tho building of churches u tt m met et the tho needs of the growing la lation ti on The Ver Very Rev Dennis Kiely vicar vicar- general of the tho Salt Lake diocese of the Roman noman Catholic church chUlch was a close a associate as- as of or Bishop Scanlan since his carl early day days In Utah W i |