Show t H t M M t M H Ht t t lt H t t f f f fr t r. r t t t 1 r PREST IMPLIES PLIES HE WILL TAlE TAKE NO DRASTIC ACTION i ir r AMERICANS A said President Wilson at Philadelphia last night must have a consciousness different t from from t the e consciousness of every other nation in the world I am not s saying ying this with even the 1 i JP slightest thought of criticism of other nations You know how it is with a family A family g gets ts centered on itself if if it is not c careful reful and less interested in the neighbors than it is in its t t s own members So a nation that is is not constantly renewed ved out of new sour sources es is apt to have the narrowness and pr prejudice lice of a fai family y w whereas e America must have the consciousness that on all sides it tou touches hes elbows and I 1 t t- t touches heart with all nations of mankind The example of America must be a special example mple and must be an exa example n not merely of peace because it will not fight but because peace is a he healing ahng and elevate elevating ng I influence of th the world and strife is not There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight There Ther is IS' such sucha a thin thing g as ps a n nation ti n being so rig right ht t that it does not ne need d to convince others others' by y fore force a that it t is right t 1 r I 1 t 4 t M t t H Ht t H r f SEES NO REASON TO FIGHT Intimation I nt Given b by the President in Speech at of Intention P Philadelphia i Not to Go t to o War Because i of Sinking of Lusitania F VAST AUDIENCE CHEERS SENTIMENTS EXPRESSED Declares America Should Set Example of Peace Because Because Be Be- cause calise Peace Is a Healing and Elevating Influence of 1 World and Strife Is Not OPPOSES NATIONAL GROUPS P PHILADELPHIA May 10 President d dent Wilson gave to a g-ather g gathering ng r f. f d to tonight tonight to- to night a the first 1 of what course O the United States State government 1 I will p 1 the situation resulting from the loss of more than a n hundred American lives li on the British liner Lusitania Jle JIe spoke by implication but hut his hearer hearers interpreted his remarks as os meaning that while the United States would would remain at peace pence it would seek to to convince Germany of the injustice to mankind of the thc tragedy cay of la last t Fr Fri Fn- dav The sentiment expressed In the Pre Presidents President's Irest l- l lents dents speech was epitomized later byone by bv one lIe of or his closest advisers ad as humanity first While It had not yet et been determined de de- h bo said exactly what t steps would be tal taken en by 1 the United States Inthe In Inthe Inthe the present crisis crisis the Idea uppermost Ii In the tho Pr Presidents President's mind was to show that hat whatever course ourse is a adopted no opted no matter matter how vigorous vigorous vigorous-It It will ha e as Jt Its objective e the good of Immunity humanity In III Introducing the Mayor bur sal said I present to you you Cod God bless him him him- 1 the thie President fIch of or the The Time stenographic cOP copy of or Mr Ir Wilsons Wilson's Wll- Wll sons Eons address In full follows It warms m my heart that you 1 0 should give Ivo mo mr such Mich a reception but It la Is not of or of my myself melC that I wish to think tonight but hut but of or those who Vho have ha Just become Citizens of the tho United States Slates This Thit Is only country In tho world which i M H this constant and reported repealed rr r 1 Irth Other countries depend upon M y HI r f multiplication of or their own native o Te re pic This country Is lIS constantly J strength out of or new sources sources by b tho the voluntary association with It of great hOllies bodies of strong trong- men and forward for- for ward vard looking looking- women And so 80 b by the gift sift of the free will of ot Independent 11 people It I N Is constantly heln being renewed from generation to generation by hy tho the same fame process by In which It was originally Treated created It Is as 38 If IC humanity had deter deter- pUn d to sec to It that this great reat na nation nation na- na tion founded for lor tho benefit of or hu- hu Continued on page C i 7 7 I WILSON VILSON IMPLIES NO DRASTIC ACT G Intimates in Philadelphia Speech His Intention Is Not Notto Notto Notto to Go to War Continued from page paJe 1 inanity should not lack for tor the nIle nIle- allegiance alle allegiance of the people of oC the world Meaning leaning oln of Oath Taken You have havo Just taken an oath of ot al allegiance nl- nl e to tho United States States- Of I allegiance to to whom Of or allegiance lanco to tono tono tono no one unless It b be God Certainly not of ot allegiance to those who temporarily represent this great government government- You have taken an oath o of allegiance lanco to a great Ideal to a great bod body of principles principles prin prin- to a n great hope of the human r race You have said Wo Yo arc are going to American not only to earn a living n not t- t only to seek tho things s which It was more difficult to obtain where you o were born but to help forward the great enterprises of ot tho human spirit spirit- I to let men know that everywhere In r th the world there are men who will cross r strange oceans and go so where a speech i Is Is spoken en which Is alien to them knowing that whatever cr the speech L there Is but one longing and utterance of 01 the human heart hoart and that Is for Cor libert liberty and Justice And while you ou bring all aJl countries with you you ou come with a purpose of leaving all other countries behind you you bringing ou bringing what Is best o of their spirit but not looking over O your our our shoulders and seel seeking to perpetuate perpetuate perpetuate per per- what you OU Intended to leave in thorn I certainly would not bo be one to suggest even that a man ceases to love lovo tho the home of his birth and the tho nation of his origin these origin these things are aro er very sacred and ought not to be put out of our hearts but hearts but It is one thing to love lovo the tine place where here you ou were born and It Is another thing to dedicate yourself to the tho place to which you ou go You cannot dedicate yourself to America unless you ou er e every respect and with every even purpose of oC your will thorough h Americans Ameri Ameri- cans You cannot become thoro thorough gh Am Americans if IC you OU think of yourselves es In n groups America does not consist of or groups A man who thinks of ot himself as belonging belonging- to a particular national group roup In itt America has not yet et become an nn American and the American who goes among you to trade trado upon your our nationality na- na is no worthy son to live under the stars and stripes I Humanity First My ry urgent advice to you ou would benot benot be benot not only al' al always alas as to think first of AmerIca America Amer- Amer Ica ca but always ahva's to think first of hu hu- hu manIt manity You do de- denot not love lovo humanity if 11 you ou seek seck to divide le humanity into Jealous jealous Jeal jeal- ous camps Humanity can be bo welded together only by la love by sympathy b by justice not by hy Jealously and hatred I 1 am sorry for tor the man who seeks to tomake tomake make personal capital out of the passions passions passions pas pas- of at his Cell fellow fellers' men He has lost the he touch and ideal of America for America was created to unite mankind b by y these passions which lift and not b bythe by the he passions which separate and de de- de bas base We Ve came to America either cither ourselves ourselves ourselves our our- selves or In fn persons of our ancestors to o better the Ideals of men to make them hem see finer things than they had hadeen seen een before to get Iet rid of 01 things that divide and to make sure of the things that hat unite It was but an historical ac ac- no doubt that this great Ireat country I ac-I was called the United States and yet et etam 1 am very von thankful that It t has tho word united in Its title and the man who seeks to divide man roan from man group from rom group interest from rom interest interest inter inter- est in the United States Is striking at Its very Yen heart Ideals I Enrich America It Is s a cr very In Interesting teres tin circumstance to me in thinking of or those of you ou wh who have ha just sworn allegiance to this government government gov gov- that you ou were drawn across the ocean b by some beckoning bc finger of hop hope b by some Bomo belief b by some vision ofa ofa of ofa a new 1 kind of ef Justice b by some expectation expectation expectation tion of a better kind of life Ufe No doubt you ou have been disappointed In some somo of us Some o of us are VCr very disappointing No Xo doubt you have hn found that Justice in m tho the United States goes oes only with apure a n apure pure heart and n. n right purpose as It does des everywhere else in the world No doubt what you ou found here did not seem touch touched d for tor YOU ou after aCter all all with the complete beauty of the Ideal which you OU ha had l conceived beforehand But nut re remember remember remember re- re member this thlE If you ha had grown rown at all poor In the Ideal you brought some of 1 It with you rou A man does loes not go o out outto outto outto to seek seel the thing that Is not in him A Aman Aman V man does not hope for the thing that he docs does not believe In and If some e of us have ha forgotten what America believed in you rou at an any rate imported In ht your own on hearts a 1 renewal of or the belief That is the reason that I Y for or one make you OU welcome If I have In any degree forgotten what America is Intended for or I will thank God If IC you yeu U will 1111 remind l me mc I was born in America You dreamed dreams of 01 what America was to be and I hope you brought the tho dreams with you ou No o man that does not se see visions will ever realize any hl high h hope or undertake any high enter enter- prise Just because you brought dreams with you ou America America- is mere more likely likely like lIke- I ly to realize the dreams such as you OU brought You are arc enriching us If you came expecting us to bo be better bettor than wo we are Example of or Am America See m my friends what h that th means meRna it means that Americans must have a consciousness different from the consciousness consciousness consciousness con con- of er e every ery other nation In the world I am not saying this with even en tho the slightest thought of criticism of other nations You know how it is with a family A family gets centered on Itself If It is not careful and less Intel interested In the neighbors than It Is In Its own members So a nation that thatIs Is not constantly renewed out of or new sources s la Is apt fn to hive the flip n narrowness s and td- td p prejudice ej d of a family y whereas b I S SAmerIca America must have hao this consciousness that on all sIdes bides it touches elbows and touches hearts with all the nations of mankind The example of America must b bd b.- a special example e The example ex example example ex- ex ample of America mus must t be lIc the example not merely of oC peace because It will not fight but hut of at peace because peace Is the healing and elevating influence of the world worl l and strife is not There is such a thing as ns a man being too proud to fight There Is such a n thing thIns as a nation being so rl right ht that it docs does not need to convince others by force foice that thal It Is right So If you ou come Into this great reat na nation nation na- na na-I na tion as you rou have hac come voluntarily seeking something that we have ha to give all that wo we have to give Is this All 11 Must Munt Hear Dear Burden We Ye cannot exempt you ou from work No Xo man Is exempt from work worl anywhere In the world I sometimes think he is fortunate If he ho has to work worle only onh with his hands nn and not with his hea head ItIs It ItIs Itis Is r very cas easy to do what other people give Sho you to do but It Is very difficult to give other people things to do Wo We 0 cannot exempt you ou from work wo we cannot exempt you from Crom the strife strite and the heartbreak heartbreaking In burden of or tho the struggle struggle gle of the day that day that Is common to mankInd mankind mankind man man- kind ever everywhere we cannot exempt you OU from the loads that you ou must carr carry we e can only make them light b by bythe bythe the spirit In which the they are carried That Is ia the spirit of or hope It Is s tho the thoI spirit I of liberty It is the spirit of Jus- Jus I I C. C When hen I was asked ed therefore by the mayor mayol and the thc committee that thal aCcompanied accompanied accompanied him hint to come up from Washing Washing- Washington ton to meet tills great company compan of newly admitted citizens I could not decline decline decline de de- cline the InI Invitation atlon I ought not to be awa away from rom Washington ton and yet ot I feel cel that It has renewed m my in spirit as an American In Washington men tell you OU so BO many things every da day that are not bo so so and and I like to come and stand In Inthe the lie presence of or a great bod body of or m my fellow citizens whether they have been m my fellow citizens a long time or ora ora ora a short time und and drink as It were out of the common fountain with them and n J go JO back feeling that you have so generously generously generously gen gen- given gl hen mo the tho sense of or of your our support and of 01 the living vitality In your our hearts of Its great gre t ideals which m made de America the hope of or the thc world Guard Provided There was a tremendous ovation as the President finished l his hit speech Afterward Afterward Aft An- erward en he returned to the station and entered l his private car Ho lie for or u ton at midnight ht and will art art ar- ar t i ii t 3 t L. L 1 rive th there ere earl early tomorrow Because of or the present status of In International International In- In affairs extraordinary precautions precautions pre pro cautions had hall been taken to guard the President during his stay in Philadelphia Philadel Philadel- phia Seven hundred and tift fifty policemen policemen policemen police police- men had been een detailed for this thle dul duty Seven detectives acted as a personal bodyguard 1 for Mr Wilson and rode di directly directly dl- dl behind him through the streets In addition hundreds lre s of or policemen led tho the procession and broll brought up in the rear The Tho city troop acted as a guar guard of or honor On his return from Crom the 1 hail I the thc President President Pres Pres- ident r rode do for three miles alon along streets almost solidly lined with cheering peo peo- 1 Frequently ho he raised his hla hat and howe bowed Automobile horns sounded a steady chorus In III the Broad rold street station station sta sta- tion of the tho Pennsylvania railroad station sta sta- station ta- ta tion p JI people cheered as the President lent stepped a aboard his private car He lie smiled l anti and waved n his hat hut to them I 1 4 11 r t L t |