Show E STOCK MARKET MARKEt I ENDURES L ANOTHER SEVERE TEST I I I Decline in Quoted Values Values Values-Is Is Is Isy y r Checked by Support From Banking Sources t 1 New York May Dray 10 The The stock market market mar mar- f. f ket was put to another severe test of l Its Its' inherent strength today many L. L L shares receding from 4 to 15 points on ona ona a succession of ot declines but recovering E a cOIl considerable part of their loss toward the close on further supporting orders from banking sources At tho the days day's minimum quotations now no low prices were made b by almost eVor every issue of Importance importance importance im Im- for tor the current movement Conditions growing out of ot the Lusi- Lusi disaster anti and Its Us attendant circumstances circumstances circumstances cir cir- were again the potent In Influence influence In- In fluence combined d with a a. revival oi 01 J boar bear RI attacks and rumors rumon which gave Javo rise to the gravest apprehension Foreign Foreign Foreign For For- eign selling also was a factor liquidation liquidation liquidation liquida liquida- tion for Europe particularly London attaining formidable proportions Steel was the center of ot persistent selling through throughout ut the tho session falling to 48 Its lowest price in five the weeks week and recording a. a net loss lOBS of ot 3 points on dealings aggregating shares Amalgamated Copper was another nother weak leader but Reading and nd Union Pacific made substantial recoveries Bethlehem Steel and Electric bore the brunt of or tho the attacks upon war shares the former making a anet anet anet net loss of 8 points and the latter 4 4 Now New York Airbrake on light offerings lost as ns much as Bethlehem Ste Steel J. J Although the bond market wa was at times seriously disturbed investment conditions lost loet none nona of oC their firmness as was seen acen in the sale of virtually the entire of new Pennsylvania railroad bonds and the tho keen teen inquiry for tor the of Argentine notes offered by banking syndicates |