Show NOTICE OTICE NOTICE OTiCE IS 15 IU HEREBY HEBY GIVEN GIVE BY BYthe BYthe BYthe the Board o of Commissioners of ot Salt Lake ctt City Utah of the Intention of or such Board of oC Commissioners to make the tho following described Improvement wIt to Constructing cement sidewalks four 4 feet wide and four Cour CourI 4 I Inches thick with three and quarter one Inch 31 Inch base baso and three-quarter three i Y Inch topping topping top top- ping on en the south side of ot Blaine Avenue Avenue Ave Ave- nue between Fourth East and Fifth Firth East Streets and on both side o w OJ Roosevelt Avenue between Sixth East and Seventh East Streets In ht Sidewalk District No 4 44 44 according to tho time plans and profiles on en file In the tho office of or th th- City Engineer and defray the abutters abutters' portion of or the tho cost and expense thereof by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of or ground round to be affected and benefited by said ald Improvement situated situated situ situ- within Blocks 4 and nd 14 Five Acre Plat A AK A Big BIg- Field Survey fronting or abutting upon the time streets above e nam named d and to a depth of or t twenty five 25 feet teet back from said streets The total cost of ot said Improvement ement Is 13 estimated at two thousand four fifty and 68 58 dollars All protests and objections objection to the carr carrying out of such Intention must be he presented resented In writing stating therein lot and Mock Nock or description of property property prop prop- er erty to tn the City Recorder on or before berou the day of la l May 1915 1916 Tho The Board of or Commissioners at Its first regular meeting thereafter to wit the 1st day of June 1915 1916 will consider the proposed levy and hear henr and amid consider consider con con- sider such protests and objections to said ald Improvement as shall have been made By Bv order of ot the Board of Commissioners Commission Commission- ers of Salt Lake Lako cu City Utah Dated March 2 nd 1915 KARL A. A SCHEID SCREW City Recorder Sidewalk salk Extension No lo 76 First Firs Publication n May Hh 1915 Last Publication May 1915 1916 |