Show LEWIS GIVES SELF UP hoe Merchant d for tor Alleged Conspiracy IH is lit In Custody W W. W. W V Ra Ray United Slates States district attorney for tor or Utah was waR advised leeel yesterday yester yester- da day that H Hyman La Lawis who hat has been for tho tile last ton ten days by federal authorities for 1 alleged conspiracy to defraud creditors In bankruptcy has given himself up at Pocatello Ida Ho lIo was taken before betro t tie the United States tater commissioner at Poc and anel wes released re re- re leased on bonds There also is a charge against his son L Leland land who is said aid to be in California David S S. Cook assistant United States district attorney yesterday it that the hearing hearing- of or th cc Indicted on too the conspiracy charges which had beer been tet for Wednesday probably would b be postponed several Jc days o |