Show AGED COUPLE KILLED IN GERMAN AIR RAID Airmen Drop Bombs on South End and Vicinity Property Damage May London Ma 10 German German airmen dropped twelve bombs on South End Ind and vicinity eart early toad toady but anI only two deaths resulted An old woman was killed In her bed and her husband who had attempted to rescue her died from Injuries received In jumping from a window The material damage caused b by fire tire started b by the bombs Is estimated estimated esti estl- mated at nt Several Se machines took tool part In theraid theraid the theraid raid but whether they thoy were Zeppelins or aeroplanes the residents were unable to state stat as the weather was cloud cloudy I One bomb dropped near a ship on which were 1200 German civilians who had been I Interned n tern 1 A British aeroplane went wont In pursuit and drove dro the tho aircraft out to sea A report was 15 received d from Romford that a Zeppelin had been seen In that apparently in Ira difficulties ties |