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Show Influenza Delays Football Schedules on the Coast SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. M. Precautionary Precau-tionary measures to prevent the spread of Influenaa have delayed the football schedule of ths husky football teams of half a dosen military and naval camps In central California, but the season, when It really starts. Is expected to develop de-velop more high class football than has sver bene seen in theae parte. The United States marina corps team of thm Mare Island barracks, although under un-der quarantine. Is practicing dally and ths early sesson showing-, according; to aporta wrttera here. Indicate It la the equal of the undefeated 1917 eleven. William Wil-liam Plata, Carlisle Indian coach, la whipping whip-ping the man Into shape. Moat of the players sre former atara of the Universities Universi-ties of California and Washington. Mather field, ttecramento. Is putting-out putting-out a crack aggregation and the filers expect to give the "devil dogs" a close contest for the coast championship. Thia eleven recently defeated the Ft. Baker soldiers who are being; coached by lieutenant lieu-tenant Dornuu, The Ft. Baker team Is said to he the heaviest tn the West. The "yoba"' of the Yerha Bu-ni "Post Island") naval training; station ara strengthening their weak buck field to balance bal-ance against their defensive line, which, though strong, recently failed to avert . defeat at the hands of ths Mare .aland marines. The Ft. Bake eTeven defeated the student stu-dent srmy training corps team of the nlverstty of California early In ths season, sea-son, hut the collece lads ara reported to be making real progress under Andy Smith, their coach. A San Francisco ports editor suggested this week that tha Ka stent plan of playing a series of football foot-ball games fo the benefit of war funds might be adopted by the University of California and Stanford university, thui ending; the prolonged dispute which has severed athletic relations between the two Institutions. St. Mary's col lees at Oakland also haa a team In ths field. Its first gams having been played with ths heavy artillery Saturday. Sat-urday. St. Mary's will meet the University Univer-sity of California November . Another team is being: organised at the Preaidlo here, and each of the oar-on-menta on the coast Is expected ta put a repreeentfttU gnn jheWield |